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Created August 15, 2019 00:31
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# Core Language Imports
from PIL import Image
from pprint import pprint
# Third-Party Imports
import pg8000 as pg
asset_db = pg.connect(user='prismarine-core', database='assets')
ac = asset_db.cursor()
ab_query = "SELECT row_to_json(abilities) FROM abilities WHERE id = %s;"
unknown = {
"image": "../assets/img/skills/Unknown.png",
"name": "Unknown"
def get_subs(ab_list):
return [ ac.execute(ab_query, (i,)).fetchone() if i != 0 else [unknown] for i in ab_list ]
def compile_loadout_dict(loadout: dict):
weapon_set = ac.execute("""
SELECT row_to_json(main_weapons), row_to_json(sub_weapons), row_to_json(special_weapons) FROM main_weapons
JOIN special_weapons ON
JOIN sub_weapons ON
WHERE site_id = %s AND class = %s;
""", (loadout["id"], loadout["set"])).fetchone()
head = {
"gear": ac.execute("""
SELECT row_to_json(headgear) FROM headgear WHERE id = %s;
""", (loadout["head"]["gear_id"],)).fetchone()[0],
"main": ac.execute(ab_query, (loadout["head"]["main"],)).fetchone()[0] if loadout["head"]["main"] != 0 else unknown,
"subs": [ val for sublist in get_subs(loadout["head"]["subs"]) for val in sublist ]
clothes = {
"gear": ac.execute("""
SELECT row_to_json(clothing) FROM clothing WHERE id = %s;
""", (loadout["clothes"]["gear_id"],)).fetchone()[0],
"main": ac.execute(ab_query, (loadout["clothes"]["main"],)).fetchone()[0] if loadout["clothes"]["main"] != 0 else unknown,
"subs": [ val for sublist in get_subs(loadout["clothes"]["subs"]) for val in sublist ]
shoes = {
"gear": ac.execute("""
SELECT row_to_json(shoes) FROM shoes WHERE id = %s;
""", (loadout["shoes"]["gear_id"],)).fetchone()[0],
"main": ac.execute(ab_query, (loadout["shoes"]["main"],)).fetchone()[0] if loadout["shoes"]["main"] != 0 else unknown,
"subs": [ val for sublist in get_subs(loadout["shoes"]["subs"]) for val in sublist ]
return {
"main": weapon_set[0],
"sub": weapon_set[1],
"special": weapon_set[2],
"head": head,
"clothes": clothes,
"shoes": shoes
def generate_image(loadout: dict):
head_coords = {
"gear": (183, 24),
"main": (153, 118),
"subs": [
(189, 127),
(217, 127),
(246, 127)
clothes_coords = {
"gear": (183, 24),
"main": (298, 118),
"subs": [
(334, 127),
(363, 127),
(391, 127)
shoe_coords = {
"gear": (183, 24),
"main": (443, 118),
"subs": [
(479, 127),
(508, 127),
(536, 127)
coord_map = {
"head": head_coords,
"clothes": clothes_coords,
"shoes": shoe_coords
base ="../assets/img/loadout_base.png")
sub_wep =["sub"]["image"]).resize((32,32), Image.ANTIALIAS)
base.paste(sub_wep, (27, 116), sub_wep)
special_wep =["special"]["image"]).resize((32,32), Image.ANTIALIAS)
base.paste(special_wep, (78, 116), special_wep)
main_wep =["main"]["image"]).resize((96,96), Image.ANTIALIAS)
base.paste(main_wep, (24, 24), main_wep)
# Problematic section:
for gear in ["head", "clothes", "shoes"]:
gear =[gear]["gear"]["image"]).resize((32,32), Image.ANTIALIAS)
main =[gear]["main"]["image"]).resize((32,32), Image.ANTIALIAS) # main says it's unhashable??? Works if put first, but still breaks on line 104
base.paste(main, coord_map[gear]["main"], main)
for index, sub in enumerate(loadout[gear]["subs"]):
sub =["image"]).resize((24,24), Image.ANTIALIAS)
base.paste(sub, coord_map[gear]["subs"][index], sub)
return base
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