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Created June 6, 2022 11:57
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function Get-StringLCP
Get the longest common string prefix from an array of strings.
Get the longest common string prefix from an array of strings.
Note that empty strings and null values are allowed in the array.
Nulls will be automatically type cast by PowerShell as an empty string.
Use the IgnoreEmptyStrings switch to stop processing empty strings.
.PARAMETER InputStrings
The array of strings from which the longest common prefix is sought.
.PARAMETER IgnoreEmptyStrings
Excludes empty strings from the processing. Use this option when the input
data may have nulls or empty strings. If a null or empty string is present
the return value will always be [string]::Empty
Performs case insensitive comparisons on the strings
Version: 1.0
Author: Robert Thomson
Creation Date: 2022-03-19
Purpose/Change: Initial rewrite of code at, as an advanced
function with options for case insensitive comparison and empty string
1) Longest common prefix - Rosetta Code. (2022).
Retrieved 19 March 2022, from
Get-StringLCP -InputStrings @('foo', 'foobar')
This example performs a case-sensitive comparison to return 'foo'.
Get-StringLCP -InputStrings @('foo', 'FOOBAR') -IgnoreCase
This example performs a case-insensitive comparison to return 'foo'.
Get-StringLCP -InputStrings @('foo', $null, 'foobar')
Get-StringLCP -InputStrings @('foo', '', 'foobar')
These examples are equivalent and perform a case-sensitive comparison to return ''.
Get-StringLCP -InputStrings @('foo', $null, 'foobar') -IgnoreEmptyStrings
Get-StringLCP -InputStrings @('foo', '', 'foobar') -IgnoreEmptyStrings
These examples are equivalent and perform a case-sensitive comparison to return 'foo'.
if ($IgnoreEmptyStrings.IsPresent) {
$arr = ($InputStrings | Where-Object {
} | Sort-Object -Property {$_.length} | Select-Object -unique) -as [String[]]
else {
$arr = ($InputStrings | Sort-Object -Property {$_.length} | Select-Object -unique) -as [String[]]
switch ($arr.count) {
# Array is null or empty
0 {[string]::Empty}
# Longest common prefix of a single string is the string
1 {$arr[0]}
# Process 2 or more strings.
default {
$Limit = $arr[0].length
$i = 0
$test = $true
# Configure the grouping property scriptblock for case insensitive if required
if ($IgnoreCase.IsPresent) {
$sb = {[char]::ToUpper($_[$i])}
else {
$sb = {$_[$i]}
while (($i -lt $Limit) -and $test) {
# Group by letter. If the letters are the same for all the strings there will be only one group
$test = ($arr | Group-Object -Property $sb ).Name.Count -eq 1
if ($test) {
# Main script part (untested)
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path .\ -File
$filenames = $files.Name
$Start = $End = 0
while ($start -lt $filenames.count -and $end -lt $filenames.count) {
do {
$lcp = Get-StringLCP -IgnoreCase -InputStrings $filenames[$start..$end++]
} while (-not [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($lcp))
if (($end - $start) -gt 1) {
$lcp = Get-StringLCP -IgnoreCase -InputStrings $filenames[$start..($end - 1)]
New-Item -Path ".\$lcp" -ItemType Directory
Move-Item -path $filenames[$start..($end - 1)] -Destination ".\$lcp"
$start = $End
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