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Robert Thomson DrBob5188

  • Brisbane, Australia
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# Split the records using a regex with lookahead. It's flexible, selective and doesn't consume the delimiter
$records = $SwitchInfo -split "(?m)(?=^.+-network)"
foreach ($record in $records){
#the match operator fills the matches collection and saves us splitting/parsing
if ($record -match '([^ ]+)\s+cluster-network\s+([^ ]+)\s+(.+)'){
$SwitchName = $matches[1]
$SwitchIP = $matches[2]
$SwitchModel = $matches[3]
Switch ($SwitchModel) {
'CN1610' {
function Get-StringLCP
Get the longest common string prefix from an array of strings.
Get the longest common string prefix from an array of strings.
Note that empty strings and null values are allowed in the array.
Nulls will be automatically type cast by PowerShell as an empty string.