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Created December 23, 2015 19:55
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Save DrBoolean/dbdeec22580cf95b1527 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Comonads are objects js style.
const daggy = require('daggy');
const {toUpper, prop, identity, range, curry, compose} = require('ramda');
const Config = daggy.tagged("opts")
Config.prototype.inspect = function() {
return `Config(${this.opts})`
const Builder = daggy.tagged("f") = function(f) {
return Builder(compose(f, this.f));
Builder.prototype.duplicate = function() {
return Builder(curry((opts2, opts1) => this.f(opts1.concat(opts2))))
Builder.prototype.extend = function(f) {
return Builder((opts2) => f((opts1) => this.f(opts1.concat(opts2))))
Builder.prototype.extract = function() {
return this.f([])
// defaultConfig :: [Option] -> Config
const defaultConfig = (opts) => Config(["-Wall"].concat(opts))
// profile :: ([Option] -> Config) -> Config
const profile = (f) => f(["-prof", "-auto-all"])
// goFaster :: ([Option] -> Config) -> Config
const goFaster = (f) => f(['-O2'])
//=> Config(-Wall,-prof,-auto-all)
// We can't compose profile with goFaster because we're stuck with a final Config result so comonad to the rescue:
//=> Config('-Wall', '-prof', '-auto-all', '-O2')
const Iterator = daggy.tagged('head', 'tail')
Iterator.prototype.extract = function() {
return this.head
Iterator.prototype.extend = function(f) {
return this.tail ? Iterator(f(this), this.tail.extend(f)) : this;
const next = ({head: h, tail: t}) => t.head
// just building up a history
const exampleHistory = ['exit', 'bye', 'hello?', 'eat flaming death', '^C', '^D'].reduce((acc, s) => Iterator(s, acc), Iterator('', null));
// since next "drops out" of the context, we extend it to keep chaining.
//=> eat flaming death
const Thermostat = daggy.tagged('t', 'f') = function(f) {
return Thermostat(this.t, compose(f, this.f))
Thermostat.prototype.extract = function() {
return this.f(this.t)
Thermostat.prototype.duplicate = function() {
return Thermostat(this.t, (t) => Thermostat(t, this.f))
Thermostat.prototype.extend = function(f) {
return this.duplicate().map(f)
const kelvinToCelsius = (t) => t - 273.15
const initialThermostat = Thermostat(298.15, kelvinToCelsius)
const up = ({f: f, t: t}) => f(t + 1)
const down = ({f: f, t: t}) => f(t - 1)
const toString = ({f: f, t: t}) => f(t) + " celsius"
//=> 26 celsius
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