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Created September 22, 2011 16:10
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EzPlug tutorial
package plugins.adufour.tutorial;
import icy.gui.frame.progress.AnnounceFrame;
import plugins.adufour.ezplug.*;
* Tutorial on how to use the EzPlug library to write plugins fast and efficiently
* @author Alexandre Dufour
public class EzPlugTutorial extends EzPlug implements EzStoppable
private enum SomeEnumeration
// declare here the variables you wish to use
// in this tutorial I will use one of each
EzVarBoolean varBoolean;
EzVarDouble varDouble;
EzVarDoubleArray varDoubleA;
EzVarEnum<SomeEnumeration> varEnum;
EzVarFile varFile;
EzVarFileArray varFileA;
EzVarFolder varFolder;
EzVarInteger varInt;
EzVarIntegerArray varIntA;
EzVarSequence varSequence;
EzVarText varText;
// some other data
boolean stopFlag;
protected void initialize()
// 1) variables must be initialized
varBoolean = new EzVarBoolean("boolean var.", false);
varDouble = new EzVarDouble("double with free input");
varDoubleA = new EzVarDoubleArray("double array without input", new Double[][] { new Double[] { 2.2, 4.4, 6.6 }, new Double[] { 1.1, 3.3, 5.5 } }, false);
varEnum = new EzVarEnum<SomeEnumeration>("enumeration", SomeEnumeration.values(), SomeEnumeration.SOME_other_CHOICE);
varFile = new EzVarFile("some file", null);
varFileA = new EzVarFileArray("some files", null);
varFolder = new EzVarFolder("a folder", null);
varInt = new EzVarInteger("bounded integer", 4, -34, 28, 2);
varIntA = new EzVarIntegerArray("int array with input", new Integer[0][0], true);
varSequence = new EzVarSequence("Input sequence");
varText = new EzVarText("Some text", new String[] { "yes", "no", "maybe?" }, 2, true);
// 2) and added to the interface in the desired order
// let's group other variables per type
EzGroup groupNumeric = new EzGroup("Numeric variables", varDouble, varInt, varDoubleA, varIntA);
EzGroup groupFiles = new EzGroup("File choosers", varFile, varFileA, varFolder);
// let's add a description label
EzLabel label = new EzLabel("Check above to show/hide a variable");
EzGroup groupSequence = new EzGroup("Sequence group", varBoolean, label, varSequence);
// now let's add a trigger that shows varSequence when varBoolean is checked...
varBoolean.addVisibilityTriggerTo(varSequence, true);
// or when varEnum is on "CHOICE_2" or "CHOICE_3"
varEnum.addVisibilityTriggerTo(varSequence, SomeEnumeration.CHOICE_2, SomeEnumeration.CHOICE_3);
protected void execute()
// main plugin code goes here, and runs in a separate thread
System.out.println( + " = " + varBoolean.getValue());
System.out.println( + " = " + varDouble.getValue());
System.out.println( + " = " + varDoubleA.getValue());
System.out.println( + " = " + varEnum.getValue().name());
System.out.println( + " = " + varFile.getValue());
System.out.println( + " = " + varSequence.getValue());
new AnnounceFrame(varText.getValue());
stopFlag = false;
int cpt = 0;
while (!stopFlag)
if (cpt % 10 == 0) super.getUI().setProgressBarValue((cpt % 5000000) / 5000000.0);
public void clean()
// use this method to clean local variables or input streams (if any) to avoid memory leaks
public void stopExecution()
// this method is from the EzStoppable interface
// if this interface is implemented, a "stop" button is displayed
// and this method is called when the user hits the "stop" button
stopFlag = true;
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