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Created September 1, 2023 14:26
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Query and download data from Google Firestore using Python and firebase_admin
import pandas as pd
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore
# set the root folder path
base_url = '<BASE URL HERE>'
# used for paging when downloading data e.g. only 1000 documents downloaded per call
limit = 1000
# create the connection
if not firebase_admin._apps:
print('Setting connection')
# use the service key to authorise the login
cred = credentials.Certificate('ServiceAccountKey.json')
# ensure we have the storage bucket permission.
# for some reason Firebase wants this even if you don't want to pull the data
default_app = firebase_admin.initialize_app(cred, {
'storageBucket': '<STORAGE BUCKET'
# start the firestore client
store = firestore.client()
# declare a function to stream the documents to download
def stream_collection_loop(collection, count, cursor=None):
dict_array = []
id_array = []
while True:
docs = [] # Very important. This frees the memory incurred in the recursion algorithm.
if cursor:
docs = [snapshot for snapshot in
docs = [snapshot for snapshot in collection.limit(limit).order_by('__name__').stream()]
for doc in docs:
if len(docs) == limit:
cursor = docs[limit-1]
return dict_array, id_array
# example data downloading and streaming
# use the defined function and query the 'users' table with all its data, starting from index 0
dict_array, id_array = stream_collection_loop(store.collection(u'users'), 0)
# once the query has finished we now have the dict_array and id_array
# dict_array is the data stored within the firesotre array
# id_array is the document ids often known as doc_id
# now this is where we can start to manage and process the data using pandas
# we create a panda view with the data, and document ids
df = pd.DataFrame(data=dict_array, index=id_array)
# to make sure we have the right format and references I always rename the axis to ensure doc_id is referenced
df.rename_axis("doc_id", inplace=True)
# the data has now been downloaded and can be viewed, saved and processed as needed
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