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Last active December 16, 2015 12:09
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Save DrDub/5432860 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The one-file-wonder behind
// this file assumes the augmented and interesting files are in ~/augmented, ~/interesting, respectively and a cloe of Elastica is available in ~/Elastica where ~ is /home/tikiqa
function __autoload ($class) {
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $class);
if (file_exists('/home/tikiqa/Elastica/lib/' . $path . '.php')) {
require_once('/home/tikiqa/Elastica/lib/' . $path . '.php');
$has_query = array_key_exists('query',$_GET);
$has_thread = array_key_exists('thread',$_GET);
$raw = 0;
if(!$has_query) {
die("must specify a query.");
$raw = 1;
$elasticaClient = new \Elastica\Client();
$elasticaQueryString = new Elastica\Query\QueryString();
$elasticaQuery = new Elastica\Query();
$elasticaIndex = $elasticaClient->getIndex('tiki');
$elasticaResultSet = $elasticaIndex->search($elasticaQuery);
if($raw) {
print json_encode($elasticaResultSet->getResponse()->getData());
<title>Tiki IRC QA Mining Demo</title>
<h1>Mining Question/Answer pairs from #tikiwiki history</h1>
See <a href=""></a> for details.
<form method="GET">
Query for questions mined from <a href="">#tikiwiki IRC logs</a>: <br/>
<textarea name="query" rows=10 cols=80>
if($has_query) {
echo $_GET['query'];
<input type="submit">
// sanitize
preg_match('/([0-9]+)/', $_GET['thread'], $matches);
$unknown = 1;
$thread = $matches[0];
$file = "/home/tikiqa/augmented/$thread.txt";
if(file_exists($file)) {
$unknown = 0;
$lines = file($file);
foreach($lines as $line) {
echo $line . '<br/>';
if($unknown) {
die("Unknown thread.");
} elseif($has_query) {
echo '<hr>';
echo '<ol>';
foreach ($elasticaResultSet as $elasticaResult) {
echo '<li>';
$data = $elasticaResult->getData();
$date = date('Y-m-d,D', $data['postDateEpoch']);
echo '<a href="'.$date.'" style="text-decoration: none"><b>'.$date.'</b></a> &nbsp;';
echo '<a href="/?thread=' . $data['thread'] . '" style="text-decoration: none">';
foreach(file("/home/tikiqa/augmented/" . $data['thread'] . ".txt") as $line) {
$match = preg_match("/^([0-9]+) [^:]+\: (.*)$/", $line, $matches);
if($match && $matches[1] == $data['postDateEpoch']) {
echo $matches[2] . '<br/>';
echo '</a><br/>';
echo '<small>'.$data['question'].'</small>';
echo '</li>';
echo '<br/>';
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