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Created January 25, 2015 07:10
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Create XML from Evernote Notes
on run argv
set query to argv as text
set final_list to {}
tell application id "com.evernote.Evernote"
set notebook_list to every notebook
set compiled_list to {}
repeat with book_ in notebook_list
set book_name to {its name}
set note_list to every note of book_
repeat with note_ in note_list
set _title to title of note_
set _uid to my get_uid(local id of note_, _title)
set end of compiled_list to my xmlItem({uid:_uid, arg:_title, |title|:_title, subtitle:"", valid:"yes", autocomplete:_title, icon:"en_book.png", iconAttribute:""})
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
return giveFeedback(compiled_list as text)
end run
on get_uid(coredata, title)
set _cmd to "echo " & quoted form of coredata & quoted form of title & " | awk -F/ '{print $5}' | awk '{gsub(\" \",\"\",$0);print $0}'"
do shell script _cmd
end get_uid
on giveFeedback(xmlList)
set xmlHead to "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>" & return & "<items>" & return
set xmlTail to "</items>"
return xmlHead & (xmlList as text) & xmlTail
end giveFeedback
on xmlItem(itemR)
set initial to {uid:"", arg:"", itemTypeAttribute:"file", valid:"yes", autocomplete:"", title:"", subtitle:"", icon:"", iconAttribute:""}
set itemR to itemR & initial
set myItem to tab & "<item uid=\"" & itemR's uid & "\" arg=\"" & itemR's arg & "\" type=\"" & itemR's itemTypeAttribute & "\" valid=\"" & itemR's valid & "\""
if itemR's autocomplete ≠ "" then set myItem to myItem & " autocomplete=\"" & itemR's autocomplete & "\""
set myItem to myItem & ">" & return
set myItem to myItem & tab & tab & "<title>" & itemR's title & "</title>" & return & tab & tab & "<subtitle>" & itemR's subtitle & "</subtitle>" & return
if itemR's iconAttribute ≠ "" then set itemR's iconAttribute to " type=\"" & itemR's iconAttribute & "\""
if itemR's icon ≠ "" then set myItem to myItem & tab & tab & "<icon" & itemR's iconAttribute & ">" & itemR's icon & "</icon>" & return
set myItem to myItem & tab & "</item>" & return
return myItem as text
end xmlItem
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