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Created March 30, 2018 00:33
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from discord import Client
from yaml import safe_load
import asyncio
from pathlib import Path
from hashlib import sha224
import requests
from base64 import b64decode
class CheckSite(Client):
def __init__(self):
self.template = b'U2l0ZXM6DQogIC0gI0xpc3Qgb2YgYWxsIHlvdXIgc2l0ZXMgKHBlciBwYWdlKQ0KDQpUb2tlbjogIyBZb3VyIEJvdCBUb2tlbg0KDQpUaW1lOiAjIFNldCB0aGUgdGltZSBiZXR3ZWVuIHNjYW5zIGluIG1pbnV0ZXMNCg0KTWVzc2FnZV9DaGFubmVsOg0KICAtICMgQ2hhbm5lbHMgd2hlcmUgdGhlIGJvdCB3aWxsIHNlbmQgbWVzc2FnZXMgKE1VU1QgQkUgSURzIGFuZCBpbiBzZXJ2ZXJzIHdoZXJlIHRoZSBib3QgaXMpDQo='
self.site_list = self.config.get('Sites')
self.time_to_take = self.config.get('Time') * 60 or 30 * 60
self.token = self.config.get('Token')
self.bg_task = self.loop.create_task(self.checksites())
def create_config(self):
config_file = Path(f'config.yml')
if not config_file.exists():
print("There is now a config.yml file, please place in your configuration details and restart the bot")
with open('config.yml', 'wb') as f:
self.config = safe_load("config.yml")
async def checksites(self):
await self.wait_until_ready()
for site in self.site_list:
resp = requests.get(self.site_list[site])
site_hash = {}
site_hash_og = {}
site_hash_og[self.site_list.get(site)] = sha224(resp.text()).hexdigest()
resp_new = requests.get(self.site_list[site])
if site_hash[self.site_list.get(site)] != sha224(resp_new.text()).hexdigest():
print(f"{self.site_list[site]} has updated!")
await client.send_message(f'The site {self.site_list[site]} has updated!', self.config.get('Message_Channel'))
await asyncio.sleep(self.time_to_take)
async def on_ready(self):
print(f"Time between scans is {self.time_to_take / 60} minutes long")
print(f'Loaded {len(self.site_list)}')
print(f'Signed in as {}')
print(f'Inv Link:{}&scope=bot')
if __name__ == '__main__':
cs = CheckSite()
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