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Created July 24, 2019 14:38
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import os
from colorama import init
from colorama import Fore, Back, Style
from os import listdir
SUB_PRINT = " > "
jarsFile = listdir("Jars")
index = 0
print(Fore.GREEN + " [Maven Local Dependency Installer v1.0]")
print(Fore.WHITE + " Made with love by DrOreo002")
print(Fore.WHITE + "> Loading jars")
for file in jarsFile:
print(Fore.WHITE + " > Loaded: " + Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + file + Fore.BLUE + " [" + str(index) + "]")
index += 1
print(Fore.WHITE + "> Please select your dependency " + Fore.GREEN + "(Integer only)" + Fore.WHITE + ":")
selectedIndex = int(input(SUB_PRINT))
selectedFile = jarsFile[selectedIndex]
print("> Please type your dependency " + Fore.GREEN + "groupId" + Fore.WHITE + ":")
groupId = str(input(SUB_PRINT))
print("> Please type your dependency " + Fore.GREEN + "artifactId" + Fore.WHITE + ":")
artifactId = str(input(SUB_PRINT))
print("> Please type your dependency " + Fore.GREEN + "version" + Fore.WHITE + ":")
version = str(input(SUB_PRINT))
# Print verification
print(Fore.GREEN + " [Verification]")
print(Fore.WHITE + " Is this correct? " + Fore.BLUE + "[Y/N]")
print(Fore.WHITE + "> File name: " + Fore.GREEN + selectedFile)
print(Fore.WHITE + "> Group Id: " + Fore.GREEN + groupId)
print(Fore.WHITE + "> Artifact Id: " + Fore.GREEN + artifactId)
print(Fore.WHITE + "> Version: " + Fore.GREEN + version)
print(Fore.WHITE) # Clear the colors
typed = input()
if not typed.lower() == "y":
print("> Okay then.... " + Fore.RED + "[Closing Program]")
os.system("mvn install:install-file -Dfile=" + selectedFile + " -DgroupId=" + groupId + " -DartifactId=" + artifactId + " -Dversion=" + version + " -Dpackaging=jar")
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