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Created January 30, 2023 19:26
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First Attempt at Nova Recursive Proving API
// Cargo.toml
// nova-snark = { version = "0.10.0", default-features = false }
use ff::{Field, PrimeField};
use halo2_proofs::pasta::{Ep, Eq, Fp, Fq};
use nova_snark::{
circuit::{StepCircuit, TrivialTestCircuit},
PublicParams, RecursiveSNARK,
// Prover [primiary] circuit's scalar field.
// Used to express a cycle of two elliptic curves (i.e. Pallas and Vesta).
pub trait NovaField: PrimeField {
// Elliptic curve group for which `Self` is the scalar field (and `Self::F2` is the base field).
type C: Group<Base = Self::F2, Scalar = Self>;
// Scalar field of other elliptic curve in cycle.
type F2: PrimeField;
// Other elliptic curve group in cycle; `Self` is the base field and `Self::F2` is the scalar field.
type C2: Group<Base = Self, Scalar = Self::F2>;
// Implement curves cycles:
// - `Fp` is the scalar field of `Eq`
// - `Fq` is the scalar fuield of `Ep`.
impl NovaField for Fp {
type C = Eq;
type F2 = Fq;
type C2 = Ep;
impl NovaField for Fq {
type C = Ep;
type F2 = Fp;
type C2 = Eq;
// Nova recursive proving/verifying API.
pub struct Nova;
impl Nova {
// Generate polynomial commitment scheme params for Nova given a [primary] circuit `Circ`
// over the field `F`; defaults the secondary circuit to `TrivialTestCircuit`.
pub fn pub_params<F, Circ>(circ: Circ) ->
PublicParams<F::C, F::C2, Circ, TrivialTestCircuit<F::F2>>
F: NovaField,
Circ: StepCircuit<F>,
PublicParams::setup(circ, TrivialTestCircuit::default())
// Generates a recursive proof for circuits `circs` and initial public inputs `z_0`.
pub fn gen_recursive_proof<F, Circ>(
params: &PublicParams<F::C, F::C2, Circ, TrivialTestCircuit<F::F2>>,
circs: &[Circ],
z_0: &[F],
) -> Result<
RecursiveSNARK<F::C, F::C2, Circ, TrivialTestCircuit<F::F2>>,
F: NovaField,
Circ: StepCircuit<F>,
// Secondary (i.e. "sec") circuit does not change
let circ_sec = TrivialTestCircuit::default();
let z_sec = vec![F::F2::zero()];
// Generate proof for first circuit.
let circ_0 = &circs[0];
let proof_0 = RecursiveSNARK::prove_step(
let mut proof_i = Some(proof_0);
// Outputs of the first circuit are public inputs to the next circuit.
let mut z_i = circ_0.output(z_0);
// Add remaining circuit proofs to recursive proof.
for circ_i in &circs[1..] {
let proof = RecursiveSNARK::prove_step(
proof_i = Some(proof);
z_i = circ_i.output(&z_i);
// Verify a recursive proof `proof_i` that was generated from `num_steps` recursive proving steps.
// `z_0` are the public inputs to the first proof in the recursive chain; `z_i` are the outputs of
// the last circuit in the recursive chain.
pub fn verify_recursive_proof<F, Circ>(
params: &PublicParams<F::C, F::C2, Circ, TrivialTestCircuit<F::F2>>,
proof_i: &RecursiveSNARK<F::C, F::C2, Circ, TrivialTestCircuit<F::F2>>,
num_steps: usize,
z_0: Vec<F>,
z_i: &[F],
) -> Result<bool, NovaError>
F: NovaField,
Circ: StepCircuit<F>,
let z_sec = vec![F::F2::zero()];
let (z_i_calc, z_sec_calc) = proof_i.verify(params, num_steps, z_0, z_sec.clone())?;
Ok(z_i == z_i_calc && z_sec == z_sec_calc)
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