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Last active August 14, 2023 07:05
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  • Save DrSharky/f35ebbe39f31bc842c98bd09da01d45d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DrSharky/f35ebbe39f31bc842c98bd09da01d45d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A script for Unity3D to customize the caret of a Text Mesh Pro Input Field game object.
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
using System;
/// <summary>
/// This class is for creating a custom caret for TextMeshPro InputField GameObjects in Unity.
/// </summary>
public class Caret : MonoBehaviour
#region Variables
///<summary> The text object for the caret. </summary>
public TMP_Text caret;
///<summary> The transform, for changing the position. </summary>
public RectTransform rect;
///Number (in seconds) to wait before switching the
///blink state of the caret.
public float blinkRate = 0.5f;
/// <summary> The original position of the caret. </summary>
public Vector2 originPos;
/// <summary> The last character input in the command input string. </summary>
private char lastChar;
/// <summary> Bool used to check if the string is empty. </summary>
private bool empty;
/// <summary>Boolean to determine whether or not to use the CheckForReset Coroutine.</summary>
private bool debugCheck = true;
/// <summary>
/// An approximate value to convert spacing from TMPro values to default font space values.
/// This value may not work for all fonts, change as needed.
/// Default: 5.3f
/// </summary>
private float fontSpacing = 5.3f;
/// <summary> The font object, used for getting the advance distance of each character. </summary>
private TMP_FontAsset tmpFont;
/// <summary> The text object of the input field, for getting the text inside the input box. </summary>
private TMP_Text inputText;
/// <summary> The input field, needed for getting the char limit and total text input. </summary>
private TMP_InputField inputField;
private WaitForSeconds blinkDelay = new WaitForSeconds(0.5f);
private WaitForSeconds debugDelay = new WaitForSeconds(1.0f);
private IEnumerator blinkRoutine;
private IEnumerator debugRoutine;
/// <summary>
/// The string that should replace the vertical line as the caret in the TMPro InputField.
/// Default: "_" (underscore)
/// </summary>
public string replaceCaret = "_";
private string emptyString = "";
private string bkspace = "\b";
private string bkspaceDbl = "\b\b";
/// <summary>
/// Boolean to determine whether the caret has been enabled at least once.
/// This is used to catch errors in case the Reset() method is ever called before the caret is enabled.
/// </summary>
private bool initialized = false;
#region Methods
/// <summary>
/// Assign the coroutines in Awake so that
/// StopRoutine actually does something.
/// </summary>
void Awake()
blinkRoutine = Blink();
debugRoutine = CheckForReset();
/// <summary> Run when the command input panel is activated. </summary>
void OnEnable()
originPos = rect.anchoredPosition;
initialized = true;
/// <summary> Run when the command input panel is deactivated. </summary>
private void OnDisable()
/// <summary> Reset the caret to its original position. </summary>
public void Reset()
rect.anchoredPosition = originPos;
/// <summary> Change location based on input. Called by ipFld onValueChanged method. </summary>
public void ChangeLocation()
//If the user has pressed a key.
if (Input.anyKey)
//Distance to move the caret in the x direction.
float xAdv = 0f;
//If the character count is greater than the max & input is not backspace, then return.
if (inputText.textInfo.characterCount >= inputField.characterLimit + 1 &&
!Input.inputString.Equals(bkspace, StringComparison.Ordinal))
//Using double backspace because sometimes it inputs 2 if you hold backspace.
//Possible problem: What if it inputs more than 2 in a certain instance? (i.e. frame lag)
//Suggested fix if this is an issue, use regex to account for any number of backspace characters.
else if (Input.inputString.Equals(bkspace, StringComparison.Ordinal) ||
Input.inputString.Equals(bkspaceDbl, StringComparison.Ordinal))
//If the user has pressed backspace, check if the input field
//has any text in it.
if (inputField.text.Length >= 0 && !empty)
//Set xAdv to the distance specified by the font, according to the last character entered.
#if UNITY_2018
xAdv = tmpFont.characterDictionary[lastChar].xAdvance / fontSpacing;
xAdv = tmpFont.characterLookupTable[lastChar].glyph.metrics.horizontalAdvance / fontSpacing;
//Move the caret's position to the left xAdv distance.
rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(rect.anchoredPosition.x - xAdv, rect.anchoredPosition.y);
//If the text input is empty, set empty bool to true.
if (inputField.text.Length == 0)
empty = true;
//If the user presses a key that inputs a character, and the limit has not been reached,
//then attempt to move the caret to the right.
else if (Input.inputString.Length > 0 && !(inputText.textInfo.characterCount >=
inputField.characterLimit + 1))
//Try to move it to the right, using this in case of weird behaviour.
//Set xAdv to the distance specified by the font, according to the new character entered.
//fontSpacing is an approximation to the distance difference between TMPro fonts and regular fonts.
//The 5.3 value may not work for all fonts, and should be tweaked accordingly.
#if UNITY_2018
xAdv = tmpFont.characterDictionary[Input.inputString[0]].xAdvance / fontSpacing;
xAdv = tmpFont.characterLookupTable[Input.inputString[0]].glyph.metrics.horizontalAdvance / fontSpacing;
//Move the caret's position to the right xAdv distance.
rect.anchoredPosition = new Vector2(rect.anchoredPosition.x + xAdv, rect.anchoredPosition.y);
//Set empty to false, because a new character has been entered & entry hasn't failed thus far.
empty = false;
//Just in case anything weird happens.
catch (Exception ex)
//Output the message and stack trace of the exception.
Debug.Log(ex.Message + "Stack Trace: " + ex.StackTrace);
//If the user presses the Enter/Return key, keypad enter, or Escape,
//then reset the location and stop blink if needed.
else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Return) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.KeypadEnter) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape))
//If the Escape key is pressed, then stop the coroutines.
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape))
//Reset the location of the caret.
//If the user presses any other key that doesn't
//input a character (i.e. Shift/Alt/Ctrl etc.),
//then just return.
else if (Input.inputString.Equals(emptyString, StringComparison.Ordinal))
//After input checks, check to see if the input text is empty.
//If it isn't empty, then set lastChar to the last character in the string.
if (inputField.text.Length > 0)
lastChar = inputField.text.Substring(inputField.text.Length - 1)[0];
/// <summary>
/// Coroutine that handles the caret blinking behaviour.
/// </summary>
IEnumerator Blink()
while (true)
if (caret.text.Equals(emptyString, StringComparison.Ordinal))
caret.text = replaceCaret;
caret.text = emptyString;
yield return blinkDelay;
///Coroutine that checks if string is empty every
///interval of debugDelay (Default 3 seconds).
///If so, reset to originPos.
IEnumerator CheckForReset()
while (true)
if (inputText.text.Length == 1)
rect.anchoredPosition = originPos;
yield return null;
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DrSharky commented Jun 2, 2022

Assets\Caret.cs(133,36): error CS1061: 'TMP_FontAsset' does not contain a definition for 'characterDictionary' and no accessible extension method 'characterDictionary' accepting a first argument of type 'TMP_FontAsset' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Managed to make it work with TMPro 3.0.6 with next line: xAdv = tmpFont.characterLookupTable[lastChar].glyph.metrics.horizontalAdvance / fontSpacing;

I used this fix and it actually works pretty well, thanks.
The caret still moved a bit more than in some small cases. For example if the users spams the capital letter W. For the most part, it works great. Now I'm able to update from Unity 2018! I updated the gist to reflect the fix, and included preprocessors for anyone still using 2018 and the original version, I suppose.

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