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Created November 12, 2012 04:00
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Graphic showing how many months old you are compared to median and long lifespans
import java.util.*;
int boxSize = 5; // pixel size of month representation
int boxSpacing = 4; // vertical and horizontal spacing
int decadeSpacing = 2*boxSpacing; // extra space between decades
int markerOverhang = 18;
int margin = 150;
int w;
// Ages
int age = 0;
int maxYears = 95;
int medianAge = 78;
String yourBirthday = "1950-01-01";
// Colors
int backShade = 65;
int fillShade = 240;
int strokeShade = 240;
int medianAgeShade = #70A070;
public static final int getMonthDiff(Date d1, Date d2) {
int m1 = d1.getYear() * 12 + d1.getMonth();
int m2 = d2.getYear() * 12 + d2.getMonth();
return m2 - m1;
public void setup() {
w = int(2 * margin + maxYears * (boxSize + boxSpacing) - boxSpacing + (maxYears/10. - 1) * decadeSpacing);
int h = int(2 * margin + 12 * (boxSize + boxSpacing) - boxSpacing);
Date bday = new Date();
try {
bday = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").parse(yourBirthday);
catch (ParseException e) {
Date today = new Date();
age = getMonthDiff(bday, today);
//size(w, h);
size(h, w);
public void draw() {
int jump = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < maxYears; i++) {
if (i%10 == 0) {
jump += decadeSpacing;
int x = jump + margin + i * (boxSize + boxSpacing);
if (i == medianAge) {
// line(x - boxSpacing/2, margin - markerOverhang, x - boxSpacing/2, margin + 12 * (boxSize + boxSpacing) - boxSpacing + markerOverhang);
line(margin - markerOverhang, w - x - boxSpacing/2, margin + 12 * (boxSize + boxSpacing) - boxSpacing + markerOverhang, w - x - boxSpacing/2);
for (int j = 0; j < 12; j ++ ) {
int y = margin + j * (boxSize + boxSpacing);
if (i*12 + j < age) {
} else {
//rect(x, y, boxSize, boxSize);
rect(y, w-x, boxSize, boxSize);
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