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Created January 30, 2018 05:09
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Fulgur Workstation basic rundown

Fulgur Workstation

Maintainer: Brian Wilson

GIT: ssh://



Fulgur Workstation is a light-weight highly configurable workstation platform for software and networking development.

Top Level Features:

Tiling window manager:

Fulgur's user interface is based on i3-gaps. Fulgure has it's own templated configuration system. <see doc/>


Fulgur is designed to be primary operated via command line. Neovim was chosen to be the primary editor due to it's built in terminal buffer support. <see doc/>

- Tight integration with shell
- Tight integration with ranger file manager

Bottom Level Features:

Networking: <see doc/networking/*>

Intended features: - NetworkManager as backbone - Bluetooth support - Samba support


- ZSH with oh-my-zsh support as default shell
- Prepackaged default system configuration
- XDG environment integration

File System:


/dev/loop0                          LOOP    8G      /var/swap
/dev/sda                            DISK    250G
    /dev/sda1                       EXT2    128M    /boot
    /dev/sda2                       LVM
        /dev/mapper/fulgur-root     EXT4    40G     /
        /dev/mapper/fulgur-home     EXT4    200G    /home


- Bios-Boot should be it's own ext2 partition of 128MB
- EFI-Boot should be a 512MB fat32 partition at beginning of disk
- EFI directory should be mounted at /boot/EFI
- Default bootloader is grub2


- The root FS should be located on it's own logical volume with ext4 format
- The user home (/home/) should also be it's own logical volume with ext4 format
- Swap space should NOT be a partition, however a file located at /swap.img
- Swap file should be loaded as a loop device
- Encryption support via LVM on LUKS

Package Management:

For now the Fulgur will use the mirrors provided by Arch Linux. A custom repository for Fulgur-specific packages can be found at


Fulgur is meant to be highly network-friendly. SSH is a big part of this. - SSHFS support - SSH disabled by default (security)


- Automatically reconfigure mirrorlist
- Package database synchronization
- Update notifications for *users*


- KVM support
- Based on LTS Arch Linux LTS
- LVM and LUKS support
- ZFS (further reading into linux zfs project licensing needed)
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