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Last active May 19, 2023 13:09
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V-pipe ninjaturtles HOWTO

Notes for the Wastewater experimental branch


  • 2023-05-19 - fixed an error in command for generating report (TSV => CSV).

General notes

  • Currently still experimental/work-in-progress
    • Evolution of the prototype from Elixir BioHackathon Europe
  • Relies on a separate branch ninjaturtles. Current branch schema:
    • branch ninjaturtles: Wastewater feature is developed there
    • branch rubicon: Staging branch where new features are brought in, used in production for surveillance
    • branch master: Official release branch, features successfully deploy in Rubicon are then brought here and new versions tagged.
  • Currently no tutorial yet, some manual steps involved
  • Bioconda only supports Linux and Mac OS X
    • For Windows users we recommend WSL2
  • Nanopore is also recent and less tested
    • Our project mainly uses Illumina in production, but we are running side experiments with ONT.


Upstream of analyzing:

  • getting variants definitions
  • (obviously) getting raw fastq.gz files (or alignments .bam)


  • installing and configuring V-pipe
  • running COJAC with V-pipe
    • answers: Which variants are present?
  • providing addition information for LolliPop
  • running LolliPop with V-pipe
    • answers: How much of the variants are in the mix over time?

Signatures for variants

Different possibilities.

Alternative A: share ours

For now, I'll provide ours. They are hosted in the repository COWWID in the subdirectory voc/. Get in touch with us if you have questions, would like to generate new version, etc. We have access to the GISAID version of (consensus sequences are released there earlier, and there can be earlier enough sequences to generate a list for a new variant).

Alternative B:

This is the canonical way for us to generate new signatures.

COJAC has quick explanations in its README, you can use similar commands to generate full lists of mutations per variants:

cojac sig-generate --url --variant B.1.617.2 | tee delta_mutations_full.yaml
cojac sig-generate --url --variant BA.1 | tee omicron_ba1_mutations_full.yaml
cojac sig-generate --url --variant BA.2 | tee omicron_ba2_mutations_full.yaml

Note the above example uses the free and open ENA database. Access to the GISAID database isn't open and requires a token.

*[ENA]: European Nucleotide Archive

Then add headers:

  voc: 'VOC-21APR-02'
  who: 'delta'
  short: 'de'
  pangolin: 'B.1.617.2'
  nextstrain: '21A'
  …list goes here…

Note Important:

  • short name in short (used for column names internally, etc.)
  • Pangolineage in pangolin
  • mut contains the list above
  • (the other fields -- Nextstrain, WHO, voc, … -- are optional)

Alternative C:

Emma Hodcroft publishes curated lists of mutation in this directory on Github:

As she works using phylogenetic tree, she also flags the reversions. We usually collaborate with her and check each other's mutations lists.

COJAC can then extract a mutation list with:

curl -O ''
cojac sig-generate --covariants 23B.Omicron.tsv | tee xbb_1_19_mutations_full.yaml

Finally, add a header to the YAML, with at least a short name, a Pangolineage, a mut: section with the mutation list moved there, and a revert: section with the reversions.

Alternative D: UKHSA

UK HSA publishes their own variant definitions in this repo:

*[HSA]: Health Security Agency *[UKHSA]: United Kingdom's Health Security Agency

Note: these definitions are geared toward the typing of consensus sequences and aren't exhaustive. In our experience, due to the dispersion nature of wastewater sequencing, exhaustive list usually perform better, as a smaller curated subset like UKHSA's might all fall on a drop outs.

It's possible to convert their YAML format into COJAC's by using:

phe2cojac --shortname 'om2' --yaml voc/omicron_ba2_mutations.yaml variant_definitions/variant_yaml/imagines-viewable.ym

Note: a short name needs to be passed on the command line, the rest of the header is generated out of information available in the converted YAML.

Checking background levels of mutations

Once you have a YAML, check the mutation list with cojac cooc-curate


We need to request a specific branch:

curl -O ''
bash -b ninjaturtles -p vp-analysis -w work
  • use -b option for branch

will produce:

├───📁V-pipe      # V-pipe checked out from Github
├───📁mambaforge  # bioconda + conda-forge + mamba + Snakemake
└───📁work        # work directory

Getting data into V-pipe

What we need is a samples.tsv and the specific 2-level hierarchy that V-pipe uses (1-level should also be okay):

│   └───📁sequencingdate1
│       └───📁raw_data
│           └───🧬reads.fastq
    │   └───📁raw_data
    │       └───🧬reads.fastq

Alternative A: Getting .fastq.gz files

There are also tools useful for automatically importing files:

../V-pipe/utils/sort_samples_dumb -h
../V-pipe/utils/sort_samples_dumb -b 20230331_HN3YHDRX2 -f ww_benchmark/samples/ -t samples.imported.tsv -o samples/

Important for now, add column 4 with proto:

gawk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"};{print $0, "v41"}' samples.imported.tsv |tee samples.tsv

That's how the automation of the current clinical+wastewater surveillance gets the data into V-pipe

Alternative B: Getting already aligned .bam files

e.g. importing output generated by Artic's own workflow. (No tool available yet)

│  ├──📁20100113
│  │  └──📁alignments
│  │     └──REF_aln.bam
│  └──📁20110202
│     └──📁alignments
│        └──REF_aln.bam
  • if they are already trimmed, name them REF_aln_trim.bam instead.

That's how currently we pass data for the wastewater surveillance between the production V-pipe (which runs most of the surveillance) and the special branch that runs COJAC and LolliPop.



  • the quick introduction in the file config/
  • the full manual in config/config.html (doesn't work online, only locally from your disk).
    virus_base_config: 'sars-cov-2'
    primers_trimmer: samtools
    # for Oxford nanopore
    aligner: minimap
    reprocessor: skip

    datadir: samples/
    samples_file: samples.tsv
    # for Oxford nanopore
    paired: false
    # generated with COJAC (or obtained from us)
    variants_def_directory: references/voc/

    datadir: results/

    trim_primers: true
    snv: false
    local: false
    global: false
    visualization: false
    diversity: false
    QA: false
    upload: false
    dehumanized_raw_reads: false
    # note no wastewater output flag for now, rules called explicitly

# for Oxford nanopore
    preset: 'map-ont'

# if dates and location are extracted from sample names:
    regex_yaml: regex.yaml
    locations_table: wastewater_plants.tsv

    threads: 8
    # this file corresponds to the parameters used now on our curves:
    # (provided by us)
    deconvolution_config: deconv_bootstrap_cowwid.yaml
    # file that specifies which variant are present at which time point, as determined by looking at COJAC's results
    # done manually by user
    variants_dates: var_dates.yaml
    # automatically generated
    variants_config: results/variants_pangolin.yaml
  • The deconvolution_config parameters points to presets for the algorithm generating the curves.
  • The above example also demonstrates a few options for running on Oxford Nanopore data (Setting the aligned to minimap instead of SARS-CoV-2's default bwa, single reads, etc.)


COJAC helps answer the question:

  • is a given variant present in the water?


This command will run all the COJAC processing, and generate a report-like CSV for protocol Artic V4.1:

./vpipe --cores 8 allCooc results/cohort_cooc_report.v41.csv

(And this command will generate just the amplicons list for Artic V4.1, to checks them before running the rest:)

./vpipe --cores 8 results/amplicons.v41.yaml

Interpreting results

Check the amplicons against background on Cov-Spectrum:

cojac cooc-curate --amplicons results/amplicons.v41.yaml

search amplicon which are mostly prevalent in the family searched.

e.g.: for XBB*

cojac cooc-curate --amplicons amplicons.v41.yaml references/voc/xbb_mutations_full.yaml | tee xbb_amplicon_curate.ansi

Despite 19326G being exclusive to XBB, it's not close to any other mutation so it's not possible to look for it as a combination of multiple cooccurrences (otherwise, see ["Other situations" below](other situations)), BUT that part is interesting:

75_omxbb[22577CA,22599C,22664A,22674T,22679C,22686T,22688G,22775A]: XBB=0.85, BJ.1=0.49, BA.2.10.1=0.00 *76_omxbb[22775A,22786C,22813T,22882G,22895CC,22898A,22942G,22992A,22995A,23013C,23019C]: XBB=0.85, BJ.1=0.01 77_omxbb[22992A,22995A,23013C,23019C,23031C,23055G,23063T,23075C]: XBB=0.94, BM.1.1.1=0.75, BM.4.1=0.02

Note The emphasis is on the variant family considered.

On the ARTIC v4.1 amplicon number 76, despite none of the mutations being exclusive to XBB, this peculiar combination is exclusive to XBB according to Cov-Spectrum. Thanks to 22664A and 22895CC being somewhat more frequent in XBB (but also BJ.1), and the other mutation being most frequent in different variants (e.g.: 22942G and 23019C are never found in BJ.1)

Then one can look at content of results/cohort_cooc_report.v41.tsv, or use cojac cooc-colormut with results/cohort_cooc.v41.yaml.

Tip You can also edit a subset of amplicon.yaml and use that when running cojac display tools.

Other situations

Sometimes there are no clear amplicons for detecting a variant. Other strategies including tracking multiple single mutations.

The option mincooc in the section amplicon: of the configuration controls how many mutation cooccurrences at minimum are considered per amplicon. By default it is 2 (consider amplicons carrying a duplet of mutations), but by lowering to 1 it is also possible to search for singleton mutations. Remember that single mutations aren't very informative, so try to combine information from several to increase confidence.



LolliPop helps answer the question:

  • In which relative proportions are the variants in the water?

Variants per dates

The file var_dates.yaml (specified in the section deconvolution: of the configuration) gives information to LolliPop which variants to run deconvolution on which time period. We use it to inform LolliPop which variants we know to be present:

  • based on COJAC output
  • based on other sources (e.g.: clinical case detection)
  • based on general information (NextStrain's Molecular clock, the date of discovery of a new variant)
  - BA.4
  - BA.5
  - BA.2.75
  #- BA.2.75.2
  - BQ.1.1
  - BA.4
  - BA.5
  - BA.2.75
  - BQ.1.1
  - XBB


Because it doesn't treat each sample separately, but considers them as a time series and leverages this to compensate for dispersion (it relies on a kernel-based deconvolution), LolliPop needs additional information (locations and sampling dates) which is not provided in the standard V-pipe samples.tsv yet.

The timeline file is a file in TSV format and adds extra columns:

sample	batch	reads	proto	location_code	date	location
A1_05_2023_04_12	20230428_HNG5MDRX2	250	v41	5	2023-04-12	Lugano (TI)
A2_10_2023_04_13	20230428_HNG5MDRX2	250	v41	10	2023-04-13	Zürich (ZH)
A3_16_2023_04_14	20230428_HNG5MDRX2	250	v41	16	2023-04-14	Genève (GE)
  • The extra columns location and data are the necessary one.
  • Columns sample, batch, reads and proto are simply the fist four columns of samples.tsv
    • V-pipe only uses column sample and batch for now.

Alternative A: regex.yaml

The way we do it is that we have a fixed naming scheme:

┌──────────────── Wastewater Treatment Plant:
│                  05 - CDA Lugano
│                  10 - ARA Werdhölzli in Zurich
│                  12 - STEP Vidy in Lausanne
│                  17 - ARA Chur
│                  19 - ARA Altenrhein
│                  25 - ARA Sensetal
│  ┌───────────── Date
│  │          ┌── Sample properties
┴─ ┴───────── ┴─

so the file regex.yaml (specified in section timeline:, property regex_yaml of the configuration) defines regular expressions that help parse the samples names specified in the above scheme:

sample: (?P<location>\d+)_(?P<year>20\d{2})_(?P<month>[01]?\d)_(?P<day>[0-3]?\d)
  • sample (and optionally batch) define regular expressions that are run against the first (and optionally second) column of V-pipe's samples.tsv. They define the following named-groups
    • location: this named-group gives the code for the location (e.g.: Ewag's number code in the schema above)
    • year: year (in YYYY or YY format. YY are automatically expanded to 20YY --- Yes, I am optimistic with the duration of this pandemic. Or pessimistic with long term use of V-pipe after the turn of century ;-) ).
    • month: month
    • day: day
    • date: an alternative to the year/month/day groups, if dates aren't in a standard format.
    • regex are parsed with the Python regex library, and multiple named groups can use the same name. You can thus have a construction where you use | to give multiple alternative as long as each provide named-groups location and either year, month, and day or date:
      (I swear I have personally typed the line above. It has nothing to do with cats walking on my keyboard ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ ).
  • datefmt: strftime/strptime format string to be used on regex named group date (e.g.: use "%Y%m%d" to parse YYYYMMDD).
    • This is most useful for date formats that don't split nicely into the year, month, and day regex named groups: e.g. if your date format uses week number, day of the week, or day of year. In that case, write a regular expression that provides a named-group date, and then use, e.g., %W%w or %j in your datefmt.

The short wastewater treatment plant's code (from regex named group location in the previous file) is then expanded in to the full location name using the file wastewater_plants.tsv (this one is specified in the property locations_table), e.g.:

code    location
10  Zürich (ZH)
16  Genève (GE)
Ba  Basel (BS)

You need to adapt this procedure to your needs. Do not hesitate to contact us and to check the Timeline section of the exhaustive configuration manual in your (locally on your hard-drive: config/config.html). It is also possible to use other schemes (e.g.: sequencing batch is the sampling date, using dates in different format -- e.g. week number -- etc.)

Alternative B: providing your own timeline.tsv

It is also possible to write and provide your own file.

This can either be done prior to starting V-pipe -- e.g. an external software could query your LIMS' database and add the necessary column to sample.tsv in order to generate the table -- specify the location of this output in section tallymut: property timeline_file.

Or by heavily customizing the timeline rule -- e.g. using the timeline: section, property script to run your own script instead of V-pipe's official regex-based extractor.


There two last files controlling LolliPop, but those usually won't require much attention:

  • deconvolution_config points to presets describing the algorithm generating the curves -- we simply use the presets/ available from LolliPop repository.
  • variants_config gives additional information about how to process the variants.
    • at minimum, it should contain a section variants_pangolin: mapping short names used in various files back to the full Pangolineages used in the results. V-pipe will automatically generate one (results/variants_pangolin.yaml) and use it.
    • otherwise, other sections can be added to specify only a subset of locations, start date, end date, etc.

See LolliPop's for more information about configuring the deconvolution.

Run LolliPop

This command will run the deconvolution:

./vpipe --cores 8 deconvolution

Interpret results

V-pipe will output two files using LolliPop:

  • results/deconvoluted.tsv.zst: a Zstandard-compressed table that can be directly reads into pandas for further processing.
  • results/deconvoluted_upload.json: curves in a JSON format that can be used to upload to dashboard.

For further examples, in repository COWWID, see files:

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