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Forked from keybounce/MinecraftOres.xml
Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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<!--************************ CustomOreGen Minecraft Ores Module ****************
:set ai et ts=4 sw=4
* This file contains Presets, Options, and Distributions for the 7
* vanilla minecraft ores:
* Coal, Iron, Gold, Redstone, Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, and Emerald.
<!--*************************** Options + Symbols ***********************
* Below are options and symbols for Coal, Iron, Gold, Redstone,
* Diamond, Lapis Lazuli, and Emerald.
* Each ore has a "type" option corresponding to select which distribution
* is used for that ore in the overworld.
* Each ore also has its own overall "frequency" and "size" multipliers.
* These are provided so people can tweak the rarity of each ore
* from the options file rather than having to edit the config directly.
<OptionDisplayGroup name='groupHarderOres' displayName='Harder Ores' displayState='shown'>
Distribution options for the vanilla Minecraft ores in the harder variety.
<!--******************* Coal ***********************-->
<OptionChoice name='hardcoalDist' default='layeredVeins' displayState='shown' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Controls how Coal is generated </Description>
<DisplayName>Hard Coal Type</DisplayName>
<Choice value='layeredVeins' displayValue='Veins'>
Single short, wide veins found near ground level and only sparsely filled with ore. Most common in swamps.
<Choice value='strategicClouds' displayValue='Clouds'>
Rare, sparsely populated clouds of ore extending over several chunks. Found only in swamps.
<Choice value='vanillaStdGen' displayValue='Clusters'>
Small evenly scattered clusters of ore. This is the vanilla coal generation.
<Choice value='none' displayValue='None' description='No coal is generated at all.'/>
<OptionNumeric name='hardcoalFreq' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Frequency multiplier for Coal distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Coal Freq.</DisplayName>
<OptionNumeric name='hardcoalSize' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Size multiplier for Coal distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Coal Size</DisplayName>
<!--******************* Iron ***********************-->
<OptionChoice name='hardironDist' default='layeredVeins' displayState='shown' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Controls how Iron is generated </Description>
<DisplayName>Hard Iron Type</DisplayName>
<Choice value='layeredVeins' displayValue='Veins'>
Groups of long narrow veins found about one third of the way down to bedrock. Especially common in snowy or icy areas.
<Choice value='strategicClouds' displayValue='Clouds'>
Rare, sparsely populated clouds of ore extending over several chunks. Found only in snowy or icy areas.
<Choice value='vanillaStdGen' displayValue='Clusters'>
Small evenly scattered clusters of ore. This is the vanilla iron generation.
<Choice value='none' displayValue='None' description='No iron is generated at all.'/>
<OptionNumeric name='hardironFreq' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Frequency multiplier for Iron distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Iron Freq.</DisplayName>
<OptionNumeric name='hardironSize' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Size multiplier for Iron distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Iron Size</DisplayName>
<!--******************* Gold ***********************-->
<OptionChoice name='hardgoldDist' default='layeredVeins' displayState='shown' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Controls how Gold is generated </Description>
<DisplayName>Hard Gold Type</DisplayName>
<Choice value='layeredVeins' displayValue='Veins'>
Groups of long narrow veins found about two thirds of the way down to bedrock. Most common in temperate hardwood forests, but still very rare.
<Choice value='strategicClouds' displayValue='Clouds'>
Rare, sparsely populated clouds of ore extending over several chunks. Found only in temperate hardwood forests.
<Choice value='vanillaStdGen' displayValue='Clusters'>
Small clusters of ore scattered evenly from bedrock about halfway to the surface. This is the vanilla gold generation.
<Choice value='none' displayValue='None' description='No gold is generated at all.'/>
<OptionNumeric name='hardgoldFreq' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Frequency multiplier for Gold distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Gold Freq.</DisplayName>
<OptionNumeric name='hardgoldSize' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Size multiplier for Gold distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Gold Size</DisplayName>
<!--***************** Redstone *********************-->
<OptionChoice name='hardredstoneDist' default='layeredVeins' displayState='shown' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Controls how Redstone is generated </Description>
<DisplayName>Hard Redstone Type</DisplayName>
<Choice value='layeredVeins' displayValue='Veins'>
Single vertical veins starting near the surface and extending down about halfway to bedrock. Most common in desert climates.
<Choice value='strategicClouds' displayValue='Clouds'>
Rare, sparsely populated clouds of ore extending over several chunks. Found only in desert climates.
<Choice value='vanillaStdGen' displayValue='Clusters'>
Small clusters of ore scattered evenly from bedrock about one quarter of the way to the surface. This is the vanilla redstone generation.
<Choice value='none' displayValue='None' description='No redstone is generated at all.'/>
<OptionNumeric name='hardredstoneFreq' default='0.75' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Frequency multiplier for Redstone distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Redstone Freq.</DisplayName>
<OptionNumeric name='hardredstoneSize' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Size multiplier for Redstone distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Redstone Size</DisplayName>
<!--***************** Diamond **********************-->
<OptionChoice name='harddiamondDist' default='layeredVeins' displayState='shown' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Controls how Diamonds are generated </Description>
<DisplayName>Hard Diamond Type</DisplayName>
<Choice value='layeredVeins' displayValue='Veins'>
Short lava-filled tubes extending upward from bedrock with diamonds around the edges.
<Choice value='strategicClouds' displayValue='Clouds'>
Uncommon, sparsely populated clouds of ore covering roughly one chunk.
<Choice value='vanillaStdGen' displayValue='Clusters'>
Small clusters of ore scattered evenly from bedrock about one quarter of the way to the surface. This is the vanilla diamond generation.
<Choice value='none' displayValue='None' description='No diamonds are generated at all.'/>
<OptionNumeric name='harddiamondFreq' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Frequency multiplier for Diamond distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Diamond Freq.</DisplayName>
<OptionNumeric name='harddiamondSize' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Size multiplier for Diamond distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Diamond Size</DisplayName>
<!--*************** Lapis Lazuli *******************-->
<OptionChoice name='lapisDist' default='layeredVeins' displayState='shown' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Controls how Lapis Lazuli is generated </Description>
<DisplayName>Lapis Lazuli Type</DisplayName>
<Choice value='layeredVeins' displayValue='Veins'>
Single vertical veins starting near bedrock and extending about halfway to the surface. Most common under ocean floors.
<Choice value='strategicClouds' displayValue='Clouds'>
Rare, sparsely populated clouds of ore extending over several chunks. Found only under oceans.
<Choice value='vanillaStdGen' displayValue='Clusters'>
Small clusters of ore scattered evenly from bedrock about halfway to the surface. This is the vanilla lapis lazuli generation.
<Choice value='none' displayValue='None' description='No lapis lazuli is generated at all.'/>
<OptionNumeric name='lapisFreq' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Frequency multiplier for Lapis Lazuli distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Lapis Lazuli Freq.</DisplayName>
<OptionNumeric name='lapisSize' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Size multiplier for Lapis Lazuli distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Lapis Lazuli Size</DisplayName>
<!--***************** Emerald **********************-->
<OptionChoice name='emeraldDist' default='layeredVeins' displayState='shown' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Controls how Emeralds are generated </Description>
<DisplayName>Hard Emerald Type</DisplayName>
<Choice value='layeredVeins' displayValue='Veins'>
Short sloping tubes filled sparsely with emeralds and a few ... surprises. Vastly more common under open grassy hills.
<Choice value='strategicClouds' displayValue='Clouds'>
Uncommon, sparsely populated clouds of ore covering roughly one chunk. Found only under open grassy hills.
<Choice value='vanillaStdGen' displayValue='Clusters'>
Single blocks scattered near bedrock under open grassy highlands. This is the vanilla emerald generation.
<Choice value='none' displayValue='None' description='No emeralds are generated at all.'/>
<OptionNumeric name='emeraldFreq' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Frequency multiplier for Emerald distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Emerald Freq.</DisplayName>
<OptionNumeric name='emeraldSize' default='1' min='0' max='5' displayState=':= if(?advOptions,"shown","hidden")' displayGroup='groupHarderOres'>
<Description> Size multiplier for Emerald distributions </Description>
<DisplayName>Emerald Size</DisplayName>
<!--***************************** Distributions *************************
* Below are the actual distributions for the vanilla ores in the
* overworld and mystcraft ages. There are currently 3 types of
* distribution for each ore:
* Layered Veins:
* Some form of veins or clusters arranged loosely by height and
* more common in affiliated biomes.
* Strategic Clouds:
* Huge, rare, low-density clouds. Size and frequency are
* fairly consistent; density is varied to reflect ore rarity.
* May be surrounded by a scattering of single blocks as
* hints to help guide players in.
* Vanilla Clusters:
* A re-creation of the vanilla ore generation using the
* StandardGen algorithm.
<IfCondition condition=':= ?COGActive'>
<!--********** Vanilla Deposit Removal *************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= vanillaOreGen'>
<Substitute name='StandardOreSubstitute' block='minecraft:stone'>
Replace vanilla-generated ore clusters with stone.
The global option harddeferredPopulationRange must be large enough to catch all ore clusters (>= 32).
<Replaces block='minecraft:coal_ore'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:iron_ore'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:gold_ore'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:redstone_ore'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:diamond_ore'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:lapis_ore'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:emerald_ore'/>
<!--******************* Coal ***********************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= hardcoalDist = "vanillaStdGen"'>
<StandardGen name='CoalStandard' block='minecraft:coal_ore' inherits='PresetStandardGen'>
<Description> Equivalent to vanilla minecraft coal distribution </Description>
<Setting name='hardSize' avg=':= 2 * hardcoalSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Frequency' avg=':= hardcoalFreq * _default_'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= hardcoalDist = "layeredVeins"'>
<Veins name='CoalVeins' block='minecraft:coal_ore' inherits='PresetSparseVeins'>
Coal spawns just near the surface, and up into hills and mountains. The veins are
long and thick, but sparsely filled with ore and often broken up by caves or depressions
in the terrain.
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency'
avg=':= 10.7 * hardcoalFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= hardcoalSize * _default_' range=':= hardcoalSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg='60'
range='10' scaleTo='sealevel'/>
<Setting name='BranchLength' avg=':= 0.45 * _default_' range=':= 0.45 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='BranchInclination' avg='0' range='0.35'/>
<Setting name='BranchHeightLimit' avg='10'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= hardcoalSize * _default_' range=':= hardcoalSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg=':= 1.75 * _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Veins name='CoalVeinsSwamp' inherits='CoalVeins'>
<Description> This roughly triples the chance of finding coal in a swamp. </Description>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':= _default_' range=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='BranchHeightLimit' avg=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Swamp'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= hardcoalDist = "strategicClouds"'>
<Cloud name='CoalCloud' block='minecraft:coal_ore' inherits='PresetStrategicCloud'>
Diffuse coal cloud surrounded by single-block "hint" veins, found in swamps.
<Setting name='DistributionFrequency' avg=':= 5 * hardcoalFreq *_default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudRadius' avg=':= 1.2 * hardcoalSize * _default_' range=':= 1.2 * hardcoalSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudThickness' avg=':= hardcoalSize * _default_' range=':= hardcoalSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg=':= 0.75 * _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Swamp'/>
<Veins name='CoalHintVeins' block='minecraft:coal_ore' inherits='PresetHintVeins'>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 1.2 * _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeRangeLimit' avg=':= hardcoalSize * _default_' range=':= hardcoalSize * _default_'/>
<!--******************* Iron ***********************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= hardironDist = "vanillaStdGen"'>
<StandardGen name='IronStandard' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:9' inherits='PresetStandardGen'>
<Description> Equivalent to vanilla minecraft iron distribution </Description>
<Setting name='hardSize' avg=':= hardironSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Frequency' avg=':= hardironFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Height' avg='32' range='32' scaleTo='sealevel'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= hardironDist = "layeredVeins"'>
<VeinsPreset name='CustomizedBigIron' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:15' inherits='PresetHugeVeins'>
Iron spawns in the height 30-50 range. The veins are average in length and size.
1. This is a preset. This is for defining some stuff and changing some defaults.
2. Motherlode is created, along with "Extra thin" veins at 15.
3. Then "normal" veins at 11
4. Then "thicker" veins at 6.
5. Finally, "thickest" (fixed radius of 1.8)
.. Radius of 1.74-ish should be sufficient to guarantee no gaps even on diagonals.
going to use a slightly larger amount just in case there is a turn at
a diagonal gap. The "thickest" veins at 1 are supposed to be followable.
6. Base motherlode frequency is raised by a factor of 3. Seriously, before they
were 1/100th as common as normal veins; that's kinda crazy. To put it in
perspective: a given biome blob (256 blocks by 256 blocks, or 16 chunks
by 16 chunks, or 256 chunks on average) would expect less than one normal
vein (every 400 chunks); the base for this is every 40,000 chunks or about
every 125 biomes. This should be about every 40 biomes. Still crazy rare,
but no longer insane.
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.9 * hardironFreq * _default_ * 3.0'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= hardironSize * _default_' range=':= hardironSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':= 45/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 10/64 * dimension.groundLevel' type='normal'/>
<Setting name='BranchHeightLimit' avg='30'/>
<Setting name='BranchInclination' avg='0.25' range='0.4' />
<Setting name='SegmentAngle' avg='0' range='0.2' />
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= hardironSize * _default_' range=':= hardironSize * _default_'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:gravel'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:dirt'/>
<Veins name='IronVeins1' inherits='CustomizedBigIron' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:15' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Remember, these segments are thin! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= 1.0 * _default_' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 0.85 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='IronVeins2' inherits='CustomizedBigIron' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:9' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Start forcing these veins to be wider! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.2, 2.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 1.25 * _default_)' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='IronVeins3' inherits='CustomizedBigIron' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:6' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Now the segments are noticeable -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.4, 4.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 2.0 * _default_)' />
<Veins name='IronVeins4' inherits='CustomizedBigIron' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:1' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- And the segments are now "fully" joined with the "junk" level ore -->
<!-- This is a big enough radius to be "likely" to be joined most of the time -->
<!-- NB: It is possible for a diagonal 3d line to skip a few. -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg='0.8 ' range='0' />
<!-- Add some extra length, to make them even more noticeable -->
<Setting name='BranchLength' avg=':= 1.5 * _default_ ' />
<Veins name='IronHintVeins' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:1' inherits='PresetHintVeins'>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.1 * _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeRangeLimit' avg=':= hardironSize * _default_' range=':= hardironSize * _default_'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:dirt'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:gravel'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:clay'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:sandstone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:grass' />
<Replaces block='minecraft:mycelium' />
<Replaces block='minecraft:sand' />
<VeinsPreset name='CustomizedBigIronCold' inherits='CustomizedBigIron'>
<Description> A climate zone is about 16 biomes. 5 times as common should have 1-2
of these per climate zone. Ideally, I'd make it one per, but the
rarity of cold zones, and the likely chance of hitting the zero's ...
EDIT: Or not; this is "cold", not "snowy", so the taiga forests
are included. 5x may be too common then.
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 4 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':=_default_' range=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='BranchHeightLimit' avg=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Cold'/>
<BiomeType name='Ocean' weight='-1'/>
<!-- This is the first really good case for the "Preset groups" / "distribution group"
idea that I never fully fleshed out before. I want to apply these new alterations
to 4 other alterations. I cannot change their inherits, so I have to duplicate stuff. -->
<Veins name='IronVeins1Cold' inherits='CustomizedBigIronCold' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:15' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Remember, these segments are thin! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= 1.0 * _default_' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 0.85 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='IronVeins2Cold' inherits='CustomizedBigIronCold' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:9' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Start forcing these veins to be wider! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.2, 2.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 1.25 * _default_)' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='IronVeins3Cold' inherits='CustomizedBigIronCold' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:6' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Now the segments are noticeable -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.4, 4.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 2.0 * _default_)' />
<Veins name='IronVeins4Cold' inherits='CustomizedBigIronCold' block='HarderOres:ore_iron:1' >
<seed> 72369 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- And the segments are now "fully" joined with the "junk" level ore -->
<!-- This is a big enough radius to be "likely" to be joined most of the time -->
<!-- NB: It is possible for a diagonal 3d line to skip a few. -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg='0.8 ' range='0' />
<!-- Add some extra length, to make them even more noticeable -->
<Setting name='BranchLength' avg=':= 1.5 * _default_ ' />
<IfCondition condition=':= hardironDist = "strategicClouds"'>
<Cloud name='IronCloud' block='minecraft:iron_ore' inherits='PresetStrategicCloud'>
Diffuse iron cloud surrounded by single-block "hint" veins, found in cold biomes.
<Setting name='DistributionFrequency' avg=':= 2.5 * hardironFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudRadius' avg=':= hardironSize * _default_' range=':= hardironSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudThickness' avg=':= hardironSize * _default_' range=':= hardironSize * _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Cold'/>
<BiomeType name='Ocean' weight='-1'/>
<Veins name='IronHintVeins' block='minecraft:iron_ore' inherits='PresetHintVeins'>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeRangeLimit' avg=':= hardironSize * _default_' range=':= hardironSize * _default_'/>
<!--******************* Gold ***********************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= hardgoldDist = "vanillaStdGen"'>
<StandardGen name='GoldStandard' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:9' inherits='PresetStandardGen'>
<Description> Equivalent to vanilla minecraft gold distribution </Description>
<Setting name='hardSize' avg=':= hardgoldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Frequency' avg=':= 0.1 * hardgoldFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Height' avg=':= 16/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 16/64 * dimension.groundLevel'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= hardgoldDist = "layeredVeins"'>
<VeinsPreset name='CustomizedBigGold' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:15' inherits='PresetHugeVeins'>
Gold spawns in the height 30-50 range. The veins are average in length and size.
1. This is a preset. This is for defining some stuff and changing some defaults.
2. Motherlode is created, along with "Extra thin" veins at 15.
3. Then "normal" veins at 11
4. Then "thicker" veins at 6.
5. Finally, "thickest" (fixed radius of 1.8)
.. Radius of 1.74-ish should be sufficient to guarantee no gaps even on diagonals.
going to use a slightly larger amount just in case there is a turn at
a diagonal gap. The "thickest" veins at 1 are supposed to be followable.
6. Base motherlode frequency is raised by a factor of 3. Seriously, before they
were 1/100th as common as normal veins; that's kinda crazy. To put it in
perspective: a given biome blob (256 blocks by 256 blocks, or 16 chunks
by 16 chunks, or 256 chunks on average) would expect less than one normal
vein (every 400 chunks); the base for this is every 40,000 chunks or about
every 125 biomes. This should be about every 40 biomes. Still crazy rare,
but no longer insane.
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.9 * hardgoldFreq * _default_ * 3.0'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= hardgoldSize * _default_' range=':= hardgoldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':= 20/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 10/64 * dimension.groundLevel' type='normal'/>
<!-- <Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg='43'
range='10.5' type='normal' scaleTo='sealevel'/> -->
<Setting name='BranchInclination' avg='0.15' range='0.3' />
<Setting name='SegmentAngle' avg='0' range='0.15' />
<Setting name='BranchHeightLimit' avg='20'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= hardgoldSize * _default_' range=':= hardgoldSize * _default_'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:gravel'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:dirt'/>
<Veins name='GoldVeins1' inherits='CustomizedBigGold' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:15' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Remember, these segments are thin! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= 1.0 * _default_' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 0.85 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='GoldVeins2' inherits='CustomizedBigGold' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:9' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Start forcing these veins to be wider! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.2, 2.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 1.25 * _default_)' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='GoldVeins3' inherits='CustomizedBigGold' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:6' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Now the segments are noticeable -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.4, 4.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 2.0 * _default_)' />
<Veins name='GoldVeins4' inherits='CustomizedBigGold' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:1' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- And the segments are now "fully" joined with the "junk" level ore -->
<!-- This is a big enough radius to be "likely" to be joined most of the time -->
<!-- NB: It is possible for a diagonal 3d line to skip a few. -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg='0.8 ' range='0' />
<!-- Add some extra length, to make them even more noticeable -->
<Setting name='BranchLength' avg=':= 1.5 * _default_ ' />
<Veins name='GoldHintVeins' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:1' inherits='PresetHintVeins'>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.05 * _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeRangeLimit' avg=':= hardgoldSize * _default_' range=':= hardgoldSize * _default_'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:dirt'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:gravel'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:clay'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:sandstone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:grass' />
<Replaces block='minecraft:mycelium' />
<Replaces block='minecraft:sand' />
<VeinsPreset name='CustomizedBigGoldForest' inherits='CustomizedBigGold'>
<Description> A climate zone is about 16 biomes. 5 times as common should have 1-2
of these per climate zone.
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':=_default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='BranchHeightLimit' avg=':= _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Forest'/>
<!-- This is the first really good case for the "Preset groups" / "distribution group"
idea that I never fully fleshed out before. I want to apply these new alterations
to 4 other alterations. I cannot change their inherits, so I have to duplicate stuff. -->
<Veins name='GoldVeins1Forest' inherits='CustomizedBigGoldForest' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:15' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Remember, these segments are thin! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= 1.0 * _default_' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 0.85 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='GoldVeins2Forest' inherits='CustomizedBigGoldForest' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:9' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Start forcing these veins to be wider! -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.2, 2.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 1.25 * _default_)' />
<!-- Center of the motherlode is the big stuff, edge is one notch less -->
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_' range=':= _default_' />
<Veins name='GoldVeins3Forest' inherits='CustomizedBigGoldForest' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:6' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- Now the segments are noticeable -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= min(0.4, 4.0 * _default_)' range=':= min(0, 2.0 * _default_)' />
<Veins name='GoldVeins4Forest' inherits='CustomizedBigGoldForest' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:1' >
<seed> 23891 </seed> <!-- Arbitrary; keep consistent -->
<!-- And the segments are now "fully" joined with the "junk" level ore -->
<!-- This is a big enough radius to be "likely" to be joined most of the time -->
<!-- NB: It is possible for a diagonal 3d line to skip a few. -->
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg='0.8 ' range='0' />
<!-- Add some extra length, to make them even more noticeable -->
<Setting name='BranchLength' avg=':= 1.5 * _default_ ' />
<IfCondition condition=':= hardgoldDist = "strategicClouds"'>
<Cloud name='GoldCloud' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:15' inherits='PresetStrategicCloud'>
Diffuse gold cloud surrounded by single-block "hint" veins, found in forest biomes.
<Setting name='DistributionFrequency' avg=':= 4.5 * hardgoldFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudRadius' avg=':= 0.8 * hardgoldSize * _default_' range=':= 0.8 * hardgoldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudThickness' avg=':= 0.8 * hardgoldSize * _default_' range=':= hardgoldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg=':= 0.3 * _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Forest'/>
<Veins name='GoldHintVeins' block='HarderOres:ore_gold:3' inherits='PresetHintVeins'>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.3 * _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeRangeLimit' avg=':= 0.75 * hardgoldSize * _default_' range=':= 0.65 * hardgoldSize * _default_'/>
<!--***************** Redstone *********************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= hardredstoneDist = "vanillaStdGen"'>
<StandardGen name='RedstoneStandard' block='minecraft:redstone_ore' inherits='PresetStandardGen'>
<Description> Equivalent to vanilla minecraft redstone distribution </Description>
<Setting name='hardSize' avg=':= 7/8 * hardredstoneSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Frequency' avg=':= 0.4 * hardredstoneFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Height' avg=':= 8/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 8/64 * dimension.groundLevel'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= hardredstoneDist = "layeredVeins"'>
<Veins name='RedstoneVeins' block='HarderOres:ore_redstone' inherits='PresetVerticalVeins'>
Isolated veins (no motherlodes) that run vertically. These veins are fairly common, but a challenge to mine because you have to tunnel straight down.
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 1.3 * hardredstoneFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= hardredstoneSize * _default_' range=':= hardredstoneSize * _default_'/>
<Veins name='RedstoneVeinsDesert' inherits='RedstoneVeins'>
<Description> This roughly triples the chance of finding redstone in deserts. </Description>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:sandstone'/>
<BiomeType name='Sandy'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= hardredstoneDist = "strategicClouds"'>
<Cloud name='RedstoneCloud' block='HarderOres:ore_redstone' inherits='PresetStrategicCloud'>
Diffuse redstone cloud surrounded by single-block "hint" veins, found in deserts.
<Setting name='DistributionFrequency' avg=':= 4.5 * hardredstoneFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudRadius' avg=':= 0.65 * hardredstoneSize * _default_' range=':= 0.5 * hardredstoneSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudThickness' avg=':= 0.7 * hardredstoneSize * _default_' range=':= 0.7 * hardredstoneSize * _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Sandy'/>
<Veins name='RedstoneHintVeins' block='HarderOres:ore_redstone' inherits='PresetHintVeins'>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.7 * _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeRangeLimit' avg=':= 0.65 * hardredstoneSize * _default_' range=':= 0.65 * hardredstoneSize * _default_'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:sandstone'/>
<!--***************** Diamond **********************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= harddiamondDist = "vanillaStdGen"'>
<StandardGen name='DiamondStandard' block='HarderOres:ore_diamond:9' inherits='PresetStandardGen'>
<Description> Equivalent to vanilla minecraft diamond distribution </Description>
<Setting name='hardSize' avg=':= 7/8 * harddiamondSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Frequency' avg=':= 1/20 * harddiamondFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Height' avg=':= 8/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 8/64 * dimension.groundLevel'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= harddiamondDist = "layeredVeins"'>
<Veins name="DiamondVeins" block='HarderOres:ore_diamond:7' inherits='PresetPipeVeins' seed='0xF186'>
<Description> Short sparsely filled tubes starting at bedrock. </Description>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.8 * harddiamondFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':= 3/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range='0'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= harddiamondSize * _default_' range=':= harddiamondSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= harddiamondSize * _default_' range=':= harddiamondSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg=':= 1.0 * _default_'/>
<Veins name="DiamondVeinsLava" block='minecraft:lava' inherits='DiamondVeins' seed='0xF186'>
<Description> Fills center of each tube with lava, forming "kimberlite pipes" </Description>
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 0.3 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= 0.3 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg='1' range='0'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:dirt'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:gravel'/>
<Replaces block='HarderOres:ore_diamond:7'/>
<Veins name="DiamondVeinsSilverfish" block='minecraft:monster_egg' inherits='DiamondVeins' seed='0xF186'>
Surround the tubes with silverfish spawners.
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 1.5 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= 1.5 * harddiamondSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg='0.4' range='0'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:dirt'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:gravel'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= harddiamondDist = "strategicClouds"'>
<Cloud name='DiamondCloud' block='HarderOres:ore_diamond:7' inherits='PresetStrategicCloud'>
<Description> Diffuse diamond cloud with no internal density noise. </Description>
<Setting name='DistributionFrequency' avg=':= 10 * harddiamondFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudRadius' avg=':= 0.5 * harddiamondSize * _default_' range=':= 0.5 * harddiamondSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudThickness' avg=':= 0.2 * harddiamondSize * _default_' range=':= 0.17 * harddiamondSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudHeight' avg=':= 14/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 5/64 * dimension.groundLevel'/>
<Setting name='OreRadiusMult' avg='1' range='0.2'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg=':= 0.4 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreVolumeNoiseCutoff' avg='0'/>
<!--*************** Lapis Lazuli *******************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= lapisDist = "vanillaStdGen"'>
<StandardGen name='LapisLazuliStandard' block='minecraft:lapis_ore' inherits='PresetStandardGen'>
<Description> Equivalent to vanilla minecraft lapis lazuli distribution </Description>
<Setting name='hardSize' avg=':= 6/8 * lapisSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Frequency' avg=':= 0.05 * lapisFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Height' avg=':= 16/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 16/64 * dimension.groundLevel' type='normal'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= lapisDist = "layeredVeins"'>
<Veins name='LapisLazuliVeins' block='minecraft:lapis_ore' inherits='PresetVerticalVeins'>
Lapis Lazuli spawns in isolated veins that run vertically upward, much like redstone. However,
lapis veins are too deep to break the suface except occassionally under oceans.
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.4 * lapisFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':= 8/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range='4'/>
<Setting name='BranchLength' avg=':= 36/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range='12' type='normal'/>
<Setting name='BranchInclination' avg=':= -_default_' range=':=_default_'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= lapisSize * _default_' range=':= lapisSize * _default_'/>
<Veins name='LapisLazuliVeinsOcean' inherits='LapisLazuliVeins'>
<Description> This roughly triples the chance of finding lapis lazuli under oceans. </Description>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 2 * _default_'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:dirt'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:sand'/>
<BiomeType name='Ocean'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= lapisDist = "strategicClouds"'>
<Cloud name='LapisLazuliCloud' block='minecraft:lapis_ore' inherits='PresetStrategicCloud'>
<Description> Diffuse lapis lazuli cloud surrounded by single-block "hint" veins, found under oceans </Description>
<Setting name='DistributionFrequency' avg=':= 2.5 * lapisFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudRadius' avg=':= 0.65 * lapisSize * _default_' range=':= 0.5 * lapisSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudThickness' avg=':= 0.7 * lapisSize * _default_' range=':= 0.7 * lapisSize * _default_'/>
<BiomeType name='Ocean'/>
<Veins name='LapisLazuliHintVeins' block='minecraft:lapis_ore' inherits='PresetHintVeins'>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.7 * _default_' range=':= _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeRangeLimit' avg=':= 0.65 * lapisSize * _default_' range=':= 0.65 * lapisSize * _default_'/>
<!--***************** Emerald **********************-->
<IfCondition condition=':= emeraldDist = "vanillaStdGen"'>
<StandardGen name='EmeraldStandard' block='minecraft:emerald_ore' inherits='PresetStandardGen'>
<Description> Equivalent to vanilla minecraft diamond distribution </Description>
<Setting name='hardSize' avg=':= 2/8 * emeraldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='Frequency' avg=':= 6/20 * emeraldFreq * _default_'
range=':= 2 * emeraldFreq'/>
<Setting name='Height' avg=':= 18/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 14/64 * dimension.groundLevel'/>
<BiomeType name='Mountain'/>
<Biome name='Green\s*Hills'/> <Comment> ExtraBiomesXL </Comment>
<IfCondition condition=':= emeraldDist = "layeredVeins"'>
<Veins name="EmeraldVeins" block='minecraft:emerald_ore' inherits='PresetPipeVeins' seed='0x3966'>
<Description> Short sparsely filled tubes. 5x more common in Extreme Hills. </Description>
<Setting name='MotherlodeFrequency' avg=':= 0.9 * emeraldFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeHeight' avg=':= 10/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 4/64 * dimension.groundLevel'/>
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg=':= 0.85 * emeraldSize * _default_' range=':= 0.7 * emeraldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='BranchInclination' avg='0.55' range='0.7' type='normal'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg=':= 0.85 * emeraldSize * _default_' range=':= 0.7 * emeraldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg=':= 1.2 * _default_'/>
<Biome name='.*' weight='0.20'/>
<BiomeType name='Mountain'/>
<Biome name='Green\s*Hills'/> <Comment> ExtraBiomesXL </Comment>
<Veins name="EmeraldVeinsSilverfish" block='minecraft:monster_egg' inherits='EmeraldVeins' seed='0x3966'>
Fill center of tubes with silverfish spawners.
Credit: based on novel examples by AnonymousViking from the MC forums.
<Setting name='MotherlodeSize' avg='0.51' range='0.1'/>
<Setting name='SegmentRadius' avg='0.51' range='0.1'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg='1' range='0'/>
<ReplacesOre block='stone'/>
<Replaces block='minecraft:emerald_ore'/>
<IfCondition condition=':= emeraldDist = "strategicClouds"'>
<Cloud name='EmeraldCloud' block='minecraft:emerald_ore' inherits='PresetStrategicCloud'>
Diffuse emerald cloud with no internal density noise, found in extreme hills.
<Setting name='DistributionFrequency' avg=':= 45 * emeraldFreq * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudRadius' avg=':= 0.4 * emeraldSize * _default_' range=':= 0.4 * emeraldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudThickness' avg=':= 0.2 * emeraldSize * _default_' range=':= 0.17 * emeraldSize * _default_'/>
<Setting name='CloudHeight' avg=':= 10/64 * dimension.groundLevel' range=':= 5/64 * dimension.groundLevel'/>
<Setting name='OreRadiusMult' avg='1' range='0.2'/>
<Setting name='OreDensity' avg=':= 0.4 * _default_'/>
<Setting name='OreVolumeNoiseCutoff' avg='0'/>
<BiomeType name='Mountain'/>
<Biome name='Green\s*Hills'/> <Comment> ExtraBiomesXL </Comment>
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