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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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  • Save DracoBlue/9468262 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DracoBlue/9468262 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Very simple but fast (file based) mail queue
class MailQueueService()
public function getMailsFolder()
return '/tmp/mails/';
public function popSpooledMail()
foreach (new DirectoryIterator($this->getMailsFolder()) as $file_info) {
if($file_info->isDot()) continue;
if ($file_info->getExtension() == 'json')
$file_path = $file_info->getPathname();
$content = @file_get_contents($file_path);
if ($content)
if (@unlink($file_path))
return json_decode($content, true);
throw new \Exception('No mail in the queue!');
public function pushMail($values)
file_put_contents($this->generateUniqueFileNameForSpooledMail(), json_encode($values));
protected function generateUniqueFileNameForSpooledMail()
$uuid = substr(sha1(uniqid('', true) . microtime(true)), 0, 32);
$file_name = $this->getMailsFolder() . $uuid . '.json';
while (file_exists($file_name))
$uuid = substr(sha1(uniqid('', true) . microtime(true)), 0, 32);
$file_name = $this->getMailsFolder() . $uuid . '.json';
return $file_name;
$queue = new \MailQueueService();
$queue->pushMail(array('subject' => 'hai', 'body' => 'hai body', 'email' => ''));
$queue->pushMail(array('subject' => 'hai2', 'body' => 'hai body', 'email' => ''));
$queue->pushMail(array('subject' => 'hai3', 'body' => 'hai body', 'email' => ''));
$count = 5;
while ($count > 0)
$mail_values = $queue->popSpooledMail();
/* FIXME: code to send the mail values */
} catch (\Exception $exception)
/* done! */
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