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Last active July 11, 2017 18:47
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  • Save DracoBlue/9870435 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DracoBlue/9870435 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Small snippet to define a bash-exec type for puppet, which launches the exec with `--login` to provide a login shell (full PATH and sourced bash files).
define bash_exec (
$command = $name,
$creates = undef,
$cwd = undef,
$environment = undef,
$group = undef,
$logoutput = undef,
$onlyif = undef,
$path = undef,
$provider = "posix",
$refresh = undef,
$refreshonly = undef,
$returns = undef,
$timeout = undef,
$tries = undef,
$try_sleep = undef,
$umask = undef,
$unless = undef
) {
$escaped_command = regsubst($command, "\"", "\\\"", 'G')
if $unless == undef {
$escaped_unless = undef
} else {
$unless_with_escaped_quotes = regsubst($unless, "\"", "\\\"", 'G')
$escaped_unless = "/bin/su -l ${user} -c \"/bin/bash --login -c \\\"${unless_with_escaped_quotes}\\\"\""
if $onlyif == undef {
$escaped_onlyif = undef
} else {
$onlyif_with_escaped_quotes = regsubst($onlyif, "\"", "\\\"", 'G')
$escaped_onlyif = "/bin/su -l ${user} -c \"/bin/bash --login -c \\\"${onlyif_with_escaped_quotes}\\\"\""
exec { $name:
command => "/bin/su -l ${user} -c \"/bin/bash --login -c \\\"${escaped_command}\\\"\"",
creates => $creates,
cwd => $cwd,
environment => $environment,
group => $group,
logoutput => $logoutput,
onlyif => $escaped_onlyif,
path => $path,
provider => $provider,
refresh => $refresh,
refreshonly => $refreshonly,
returns => $returns,
timeout => $timeout,
tries => $tries,
try_sleep => $try_sleep,
umask => $umask,
unless => $escaped_unless
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