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Fabio Dragod

Ma le spegnene?
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Dragod / dark-theme.css
Last active June 21, 2024 10:00
Jenkins dark theme
[data-theme=dark], .app-theme-picker__picker[data-theme=dark] {
--dark-theme-bg-black: hsl(240, 6%, 10%);
--dark-theme-bg-dark: #222;
--dark-theme-bg-medium: #2d2b2b;
--dark-theme-bg-dark-grey: #333;
--dark-theme-bg-medium-grey: #444;
--dark-theme-bg-light-grey: #555;
--dark-theme-bg-very-light-grey: #444;
--background: hsl(240, 6%, 13%);
--very-light-grey: var(--dark-theme-bg-very-light-grey);
Dragod /
Created October 27, 2022 17:28 — forked from justlaputa/
Jenkins Json API


jenkins_url + /api/json?tree=jobs[name,color]


jenkins_url + /job/${job_name}/api/json?tree=builds[number,status,timestamp,id,result]

last build

Dragod /
Created October 20, 2022 08:21 — forked from thereverand/
Install PowerShell Universal as a service on Linux
# ----
# This script will install PowerShell Universal on Linux as a service
# This has been tested on Ubuntu 20.04 (ARM64) on a Raspberry Pi 4
# ----
# Dependencies:
# wget
# unzip
# Make sure they are installed
# ----
Dragod / addClass.js
Created July 14, 2022 08:00
Vanilla js add class
let addClass = (el = [], className= 'disnone') => {el.forEach(el => { return document.querySelector(el).classList.add(className) })}
addClass(['.login .homepageLogo','.cs-login-Instruct', '.sd-login', '.loginDisclaimer', '.login'])
Dragod /
Last active May 6, 2022 11:03
Reverting The Working Copy to an Older Commit
# Reverting The Working Copy to an Older Commit
# To revert to a commit that's older than the most recent commit:
# Resets index to former commit; replace '56e05fced' with your commit code
git reset 56e05fced
# Moves pointer back to previous HEAD
git reset --soft HEAD@{1}
Dragod /
Created April 24, 2022 12:31
Run searx with a cronjob using a sh script
sudo -H -u searx -i sh -c "cd /usr/local/searx/searx-src; python searx/"
Dragod / interfaces
Last active May 6, 2022 11:05
Proxmox network config
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback
auto enp4s0
iface enp4s0 inet manual
auto vmbr0
Dragod / Fix.json
Created November 8, 2021 15:06
Solve package-lock.json problems
"scripts": {
"clean": "rm -Rf node_modules/ && rm -f ./package-lock.json && npm cache clean -f",
"clean_windows": "IF EXIST node_modules rd /s /q node_modules && IF EXIST package-lock.json DEL package-lock.json && npm cache clean -f",
"rebuild": "npm run clean && npm i",
"rebuild_windows": "npm run clean_windows && npm i"
Dragod / design-machine-installer.ps1
Created October 29, 2021 18:09
# Description: Screendragon Design install for new machine or new VM boot
# Author: Paniconi Fabio
# Last update: 29/10/2021
# Install Chocolatey, required to run the rest of the scripts
Write-Output "`r"
Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Dragod / DevMachineSetup.ps1
Last active October 29, 2021 18:02
#Install WinGet
#Based on this gist:
$hasPackageManager = Get-AppPackage -name 'Microsoft.DesktopAppInstaller'
if (!$hasPackageManager -or [version]$hasPackageManager.Version -lt [version]"") {
"Installing winget Dependencies"
Write-host "`r"
Add-AppxPackage -Path ''
$releases_url = ''