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Last active December 6, 2017 18:59
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#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#ifndef LIST_H_
#define LIST_H_
#include <iterator>
#include <stdexcept>
template<typename Elem>
class Link
Link *prev;
Link *succ;
Elem val;
template<typename Elem>
class list
// representation and implementation details
using size_type = std::size_t;
using value_type = Elem;
using iterator_category = std::bidirectional_iterator_tag;
using pointer = Elem*;
using const_pointer = const Elem*;
using reference = Elem&;
using const_reference = const Elem&;
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
class iterator : public std::iterator<iterator_category, value_type, difference_type, pointer, reference>
Link<Elem> *curr; // current link
iterator(Link<Elem> *p)
: curr{ p } { }
: curr{ nullptr } {}
auto &operator++(); // forward
auto &operator--(); // backword
auto operator++(int);
auto operator--(int);
Elem &operator*()
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr->val;
bool operator==(const iterator &b) { return curr == b.curr; }
bool operator!=(const iterator &b) { return curr != b.curr; }
Link<Elem> *current_link()
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr;
class const_iterator : public std::iterator<iterator_category, value_type, difference_type, const_pointer, const_reference>
Link<Elem> *curr; // current link
const_iterator(Link<Elem> *p)
: curr{ p } { }
: curr{ nullptr } {}
auto &operator++(); // forward
auto &operator--(); // backword
auto operator++(const int);
auto operator--(const int);
const Elem &operator*() const
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr->val;
bool operator==(const const_iterator &b) { return curr == b.curr; }
bool operator!=(const const_iterator &b) { return curr != b.curr; }
const Link<Elem> *current_link() const
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr;
class reverse_iterator : public std::reverse_iterator<iterator>
Link<Elem> *curr; // current link
iterator iter;
reverse_iterator(Link<Elem> *p)
: curr{ p }, iter { curr } { }
auto &operator++(); // forward
auto &operator--(); // backword
auto operator++(int);
auto operator--(int);
iterator base() const { return iter; }
Elem &operator*()
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr->val;
bool operator==(const reverse_iterator &b) { return curr == b.curr; }
bool operator!=(const reverse_iterator &b) { return curr != b.curr; }
Link<Elem> *current_link()
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr;
class const_reverse_iterator : public std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator>
Link<Elem> *curr; // current link
const_iterator iter;
const_reverse_iterator(Link<Elem> *p)
: curr{ p }, iter{ curr } { }
auto &operator++(); // forward
auto &operator--(); // backword
auto operator++(int);
auto operator--(int);
const_iterator base() const { return iter; }
const Elem &operator*() const
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr->val;
bool operator==(const const_reverse_iterator &b) { return curr == b.curr; }
bool operator!=(const const_reverse_iterator &b) { return curr != b.curr; }
const Link<Elem> *current_link() const
if (!curr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "current link is nullptr" };
return curr;
list(const Elem &v);
: first{ nullptr }, last{ nullptr }, num_nodes{ 0 } { }
list(std::initializer_list<Elem> lst);
list(const list<Elem> &other);
explicit list(size_type count);
while (last)
auto temp = last->prev;
delete last;
last = temp;
first = nullptr;
last = first;
iterator begin() noexcept { return iterator(first); }
iterator end() noexcept { return iterator(last->succ); }
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept { return const_iterator(first); }
const_iterator cend() const noexcept { return const_iterator(last->succ); }
reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept { return reverse_iterator(last); }
reverse_iterator rend() noexcept { return reverse_iterator(first->prev); }
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept { return const_reverse_iterator(last); }
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept { return const_reverse_iterator(first->prev); }
size_type size() const { return num_nodes; }
auto insert(iterator p, const Elem &v); // insert v into list before p
auto erase(iterator p); // remove v at p from list
const_iterator erase(const_iterator p);
void push_back(const Elem &v); // insert v at end
void push_front(const Elem &v); // insert v at front
void pop_front(); // remove the first element
void pop_back(); // remove the last element
bool empty();
Elem &front() { return first->val; } // the first element
Elem &back() { return last->val; } // the last element
list &operator=(const list &other);
Link<Elem> *first;
Link<Elem> *last;
size_type num_nodes;
template<typename Elem>
list<Elem>::list(const Elem &v)
: first{ nullptr }, last{ nullptr }, num_nodes{ 0 }
Link<Elem> *new_node = new Link<Elem>;
new_node->prev = nullptr;
new_node->succ = last;
new_node->val = v;
first = new_node;
last = first;
template<typename Elem>
list<Elem>::list(typename list<Elem>::size_type count)
: first{ nullptr }, last{ nullptr }, num_nodes{ 0 }
for (size_type i = 0; i < count; ++i)
Link<Elem> *new_node = new Link<Elem>;
new_node->prev = nullptr;
new_node->succ = nullptr;
new_node->val = Elem{};
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::iterator::operator++()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::iterator::operator--()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::const_iterator::operator++()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::reverse_iterator::operator++()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::reverse_iterator::operator--()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::const_reverse_iterator::operator++()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::const_reverse_iterator::operator--()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto &list<Elem>::const_iterator::operator--()
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::iterator::operator++(int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::iterator::operator--(int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::reverse_iterator::operator++(int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::const_reverse_iterator::operator++(int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::const_reverse_iterator::operator--(int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::reverse_iterator::operator--(int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::const_iterator::operator++(const int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->succ;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::const_iterator::operator--(const int)
auto ret = *this;
if (curr == nullptr)
throw std::out_of_range{ "list iterator out of range" };
curr = curr->prev;
return ret;
template<typename Elem>
list<Elem>::list(const list<Elem> &other)
: first{ nullptr }, last{ nullptr }, num_nodes{ 0 }
Link<Elem> *temp = other.first;
num_nodes = 0;
for (auto iter = other.cbegin(); iter != other.cend(); ++iter)
temp = temp->succ;
template<typename Elem>
list<Elem>::list(std::initializer_list<Elem> lst)
: first{ nullptr }, last{ nullptr }, num_nodes{ 0 }
std::copy(lst.begin(), lst.end(), std::back_inserter(*this));
template<typename Elem>
list<Elem> &list<Elem>::operator=(const list<Elem> &other)
list<Elem> temp{ other };
std::swap(temp.first, first);
return *this;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::insert(iterator p, const Elem &v)
Link<Elem> *new_node = new Link<Elem>;
new_node->val = v;
new_node->prev = nullptr;
new_node->succ = nullptr;
if (first == nullptr)
first = new_node;
last = first;
return iterator(new_node);
else if (p.current_link())
new_node->succ = p.current_link();
if (p.current_link()->prev)
p.current_link()->prev->succ = new_node;
new_node->prev = p.current_link()->prev;
p.current_link()->prev = new_node;
if (!new_node->prev)
first = new_node;
return iterator(new_node);
return p;
template<typename Elem>
auto list<Elem>::erase(iterator p)
if (p.current_link())
if (p.current_link()->succ)
p.current_link()->succ->prev = p.current_link()->prev;
if (p.current_link()->prev)
p.current_link()->prev->succ = p.current_link()->succ;
if (p.current_link()->succ == nullptr)
last = p.current_link()->prev;
if (!p.current_link()->prev)
first = p.current_link()->succ;
Link<Elem> *next = p.current_link()->succ;
delete p.current_link();
return iterator(next);
return p;
template<typename Elem>
typename list<Elem>::const_iterator list<Elem>::erase(const_iterator p)
if (p.current_link())
if (p.current_link()->succ)
p.current_link()->succ->prev = p.current_link()->prev;
if (p.current_link()->prev)
p.current_link()->prev->succ = p.current_link()->succ;
if (p.current_link()->succ == nullptr)
last = p.current_link()->prev;
if (!p.current_link()->prev)
first = p.current_link()->succ;
Link<Elem> *next = p.current_link()->succ;
delete p.current_link();
return const_iterator(next);
return p;
template<typename Elem>
void list<Elem>::push_back(const Elem &v)
Link<Elem> *new_node = new Link<Elem>;
new_node->val = v;
new_node->prev = nullptr;
new_node->succ = nullptr;
if (first == nullptr)
last = new_node;
first = last;
last->succ = new_node;
new_node->prev = last;
last = new_node;
template<typename Elem>
void list<Elem>::push_front(const Elem &v)
Link<Elem> *new_node = new Link<Elem>;
new_node->val = v;
new_node->prev = nullptr;
new_node->succ = nullptr;
if (first == nullptr)
first = new_node;
last = first;
first->prev = new_node;
new_node->succ = first;
first = new_node;
template<typename Elem>
void list<Elem>::pop_back()
iterator iter = iterator{ last };
iter.current_link()->prev->succ = iter.current_link()->succ;
last = iter.current_link()->prev;
Link<Elem> *temp = iter.current_link()->prev;
delete iter.current_link();
temp->succ = nullptr;
template<typename Elem>
void list<Elem>::pop_front()
iterator iter = begin();
iter.current_link()->succ->prev = iter.current_link()->prev;
first = iter.current_link()->succ;
Link<Elem> *temp = iter.current_link()->succ;
delete iter.current_link();
temp->prev = nullptr;
template<typename Elem>
bool list<Elem>::empty()
if (first != nullptr)
return false;
return true;
template<typename Iter>
void advance(Iter &p, int n)
if (n > 0)
while (n > 0)
else if (n < 0)
while (n < 0)
// Osman Zakir
// 11 / 11 / 2017
// Bjarne Stroustrup: Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ 2nd Edition
// Chapter 20 Section 20.4: Linked Lists
#include "../../cust_std_lib_facilities.h"
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
#include "list.h"
#include <vld.h>
template<typename Iter>
Iter high(Iter first, Iter last);
void f();
int main()
std::cin.ignore(32767, '\n');
template<typename Iter>
Iter high(Iter first, Iter last)
// return an iterator to the element in [first,last) that has the highest value
Iter high = first;
for (Iter p = first; p != last; ++p)
if (*high < *p)
high = p;
return high;
void f()
list<int> lst;
for (int x; std::cin >> x;)
std::cin.ignore(32767, '\n');
list<int>::iterator iter = lst.begin();
iter = lst.insert(iter, 0);
std::cout << "lst:\n";
for (auto it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it)
std::cout << *it << '\n';
std::cout << "lst in reverse:\n";
for (auto it = lst.crbegin(); it != lst.crend(); ++it)
std::cout << *it << '\n';
catch (const std::out_of_range &oor)
std::cerr << "Exception caught: " << oor.what() << '\n';
catch (...)
std::cerr << "Structural exception caught\n";
list<int>::iterator p2 = high(lst.begin(), lst.end());
std::cout << "The highest value was " << *p2 << '\n';
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