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Created October 29, 2020 16:29
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  • Save DragoniteSpam/0ded0efd1cfa984335167f8985eceeae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DragoniteSpam/0ded0efd1cfa984335167f8985eceeae to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
They're kinda like garbage collected ds_lists
function ds_collection_create() {
return [[undefined], 0, 0];
function ds_collection_add(collection, value) {
collection[@ 2]++;
var arr = collection[@ 0];
if (array_length(arr) <= collection[@ 1]) {
var new_arr = array_create(array_length(arr) * 2, undefined);
array_copy(new_arr, 0, arr, 0, array_length(arr));
arr = new_arr;
collection[@ 0] = new_arr;
arr[@ collection[@ 1]] = value;
var index = collection[@ 1];
var i = index;
repeat (array_length(arr) - i) {
if (arr[@ i] == undefined) {
collection[@ 1] = i;
return index;
collection[@ 1] = array_length(arr);
return index;
function ds_collection_clear(collection) {
array_clear(collection[@ 0], undefined);
collection[@ 1] = 0;
collection[@ 2] = 0;
function ds_collection_get(collection, index) {
return collection[@ 0][@ index];
function ds_collection_as_array(collection) {
return collection[@ 0];
function ds_collection_delete(collection, index) {
collection[@ 0][@ index] = undefined;
collection[@ 1] = min(collection[@ 1], index);
collection[@ 2]--;
function ds_collection_remove_value(collection, value) {
var i = 0;
repeat (array_length(collection[@ 0])) {
if (collection[@ 0][@ i] == value) {
ds_collection_delete(collection, i);
function ds_collection_size(collection) {
return collection[@ 2];
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