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Last active May 21, 2020 15:17
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mikintcpio-scboot: unlock a LUKS volume using a key stored on a smart card


Inspect the PKGBUILD for dependencies and where to place the install/hooks scripts. After that's done, add the scboot hook to your mkinitcpio.conf BEFORE the encrypt hook. (sd-encrypt is not supported.) Then regenerate your image with # mkinitcpio -P.

The smart card should contain a data object with the luks label which is a key file to open the LUKS root volume. You can generate a new key file like this: dd if=/dev/urandom of=key.bin bs=1 count=256, then cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/sda1 key.bin to add it to the volume.

The key can be placed on your card using the manufacturer's software or: pkcs11-tool --login --write-object key.bin --type data --label luks.

(CardOS 5.3 cards require the official software for provisioning.)

pkgdesc="Boot from an encrypted partition using a key stored on a smart card."
author=('Dragoon Aethis <>')
source=('' 'scboot-install')
sha256sums=('SKIP' 'SKIP')
depends=('opensc' 'libusb' 'libusb-compat' 'pcsclite' 'ccid' 'acsccid' 'mkinitcpio')
package() {
install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/initcpio/hooks/scboot"
install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/initcpio/install/scboot"
run_hook() {
# PCSC must go up first as it runs the card readers.
echo "Waiting for pcscd to settle..."
sleep 3
echo "Probing readers..."
opensc-tool --list-readers
# Check if there's any reader available, and if not...
opensc-tool --list-readers | grep "No smart card readers found."
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "No card reader available, skipping smart card boot."
return 0
# Probe for the card
opensc-tool --name --wait
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "No card available, skipping smart card boot."
return 0
pkcs11-tool --login --read-object --label luks --type data --output-file /crypto_keyfile.bin
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Cannot read the key file, skipping smart card boot."
return 0
echo "Key file read, will be used in the encrypt hook in a moment..."
return 0
build() {
local mod
# OpenSC tools and libs
add_binary "pkcs11-tool"
add_binary "opensc-tool"
add_binary "opensc-asn1"
add_binary "opensc-explorer"
add_file "/etc/opensc.conf"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/pkcs11/"
add_file "/usr/lib/pkcs11/"
add_file "/usr/lib/pkcs11/"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/asepcos.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/authentic.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/cardos.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/cyberflex.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/entersafe.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/epass2003.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/flex.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/gids.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/gpk.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/ias_adele_admin1.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/ias_adele_admin2.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/ias_adele_common.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/iasecc.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/iasecc_admin_eid.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/iasecc_generic_oberthur.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/iasecc_generic_pki.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/incrypto34.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/isoApplet.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/jcop.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/miocos.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/muscle.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/myeid.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/oberthur.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/openpgp.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/pkcs15.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/rutoken.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/rutoken_ecp.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/rutoken_lite.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/sc-hsm.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/setcos.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/starcos.profile"
add_file "/usr/share/opensc/westcos.profile"
# PCSC card reader daemon
add_binary "pcscd"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
# Needed to handle common card readers
add_file "/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/serial/"
add_file "/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist"
add_file "/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-ccid.bundle/Contents/Linux/"
# ...and ACS card readers.
add_file "/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-acsccid.bundle/Contents/Info.plist"
add_file "/usr/lib/pcsc/drivers/ifd-acsccid.bundle/Contents/Linux/"
# libusb-compat (for ACS)
add_binary "libusb-config"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
add_file "/usr/lib/"
help() {
This hook allows unlocking an encrypted root device using a LUKS key stored on
a smart card. OpenSC and related tools are added to the initrd so that they're
available for card manipulation during early boot.
The way this works is that we run pcscd and wait for reader availability before
the encrypt hook. If a reader is not detected, the hook continues regular boot.
With a reader, the user is prompted to insert a card. If a card is still not
available, continue regular boot. Then prompt to log into the card.
A data object called "luks" is fetched via the pkcs11-tool. If the object does
not exist or the user couldn't authenticate, we also continue regular boot.
The key file is placed in the location expected by the encrypt hook to be used
a moment later in the boot process.
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