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Last active December 10, 2015 04:48
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// Requires
var mouseX = 0;
var mouseY = 0;
function trackMouse(ev)
mouseX = ev.pageX;
mouseY = ev.pageY;
var Map = function(containerElem, mapParts) {
this.$viewport = null;
this.$container = null;
// Initialize the map
Map.prototype.init = function(containerElem) {
var $elem = $(containerElem);
this.$viewport = $('<div></div>');
this.$container = $('<div></div>');
var $testLink = $('<a></a>');
$testLink.attr({'href': 'javascript:void(0);'});
var self = this;
this.$viewport.on('mousewheel', function(ev, delta, deltaX, deltaY) {
if (deltaY > 0)
self.zoom(mouseX, mouseY, 1.5);
self.zoom(mouseX, mouseY, 0.5);
// Build the map elements inside the map container
Map.prototype.buildMap = function(parts) {
var $mapPart = $('<img>');
'src': parts[0]
'width': '100%'
// Zooming
Map.prototype.zoom = function(x, y, factor) {
// Position on the viewport
var posViewport = {'x': x, 'y': y};
// Position in the map container
var containerPosition = this.$container.position();
var posContainer = {
'x': posViewport.x - containerPosition.left,
'y': posViewport.y -
// Positions in percents
posViewport.xP = (posViewport.x/this.$viewport.width()); // X % in viewport
posViewport.yP = (posViewport.y/this.$viewport.height()); // Y % in viewport
posContainer.xP = (posContainer.x/this.$container.width()); // X % in the container
posContainer.yP = (posContainer.y/this.$container.height()); // Y % in the container
// Zooming.
// Go through each element in the map container
// and size them accordingly (directly or via an animation).
var newContainerSize = {
'x': this.$container.width() * factor,
'y': this.$container.height() * factor
// Now move the map to the correct position
// First according to the mouse's position in the container
// Calculate the "distance" to the mouse's position (using the percentage) and invert
// that to move the map so, that the viewport's left top corner is where the mouse
// was before zooming.
var newContainerOffset = {
'x': -1 * (posContainer.xP * newContainerSize.x),
'y': -1 * (posContainer.yP * newContainerSize.y)
// Then according to the mouse's position in the viewport so,
// that the area of the map we were hovering over is still
// under the mouse after zooming.
// Same logic with the calculations here as above.
newContainerOffset.x += (posViewport.xP * this.$viewport.width());
newContainerOffset.y += (posViewport.yP * this.$viewport.height());
// Now move and resize the map (directly or via an animation).
this.$container.stop(true, true).animate({
'width': newContainerSize.x,
'height': newContainerSize.y,
'left': newContainerOffset.x,
'top': newContainerOffset.y
}, 100);
$(document).ready(function() {
var map = new Map($('#map'),
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