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Created June 12, 2020 04:36
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envrc hack for asynchronous direnv call
;; -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
(with-eval-after-load 'envrc
(defun envrc--export-async (env-dir result-fn)
(unless (file-exists-p (expand-file-name ".envrc" env-dir))
(error "%s is not a directory with a .envrc" env-dir))
(message "Running direnv in %s..." env-dir)
(let ((default-directory env-dir)
(stdout (generate-new-buffer (concat " *direnv output at " env-dir "*")))
(stderr (generate-new-buffer (concat "*envrc at " env-dir "*"))))
(let ((process-environment (default-value 'process-environment))
(exec-path (default-value 'exec-path)))
:name "direnv"
:buffer stdout
:stderr stderr
:command '("direnv" "export" "json")
(lambda (process msg)
(unless (eq (process-status process) 'run)
(let ((exit-code (process-exit-status process))
(envrc--debug "Direnv exited with %s and output: %S" exit-code (buffer-string))
(if (zerop exit-code)
(message "Direnv succeeded in %s" env-dir)
(with-current-buffer stdout
(unless (zerop (buffer-size))
(goto-char (point-min))
(setq result (let ((json-key-type 'string)) (json-read-object))))))
(message "Direnv failed in %s" env-dir)
(setq result 'error))
(kill-buffer stdout)
(envrc--at-end-of-special-buffer "*envrc*"
(insert "==== " (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") " ==== " env-dir " ====\n\n")
(let ((initial-pos (point)))
(insert-buffer-substring stderr)
;; (insert-file-contents (let (ansi-color-context)
;; (ansi-color-apply stderr-file)))
(goto-char (point-max))
(add-face-text-property initial-pos (point) (if (zerop exit-code)
'success 'error)))
(insert "\n\n"))
(kill-buffer stderr)
(funcall result-fn result)))))))))
(defun envrc--update-env-async (env-dir)
(when (not (eq 'loading (gethash env-dir envrc--envs)))
(puthash env-dir 'loading envrc--envs)
(envrc--apply-all env-dir)
(envrc--export-async env-dir
(lambda (result)
(puthash env-dir result envrc--envs)
(envrc--apply-all env-dir)))))
(defun envrc--lighter ()
"Return a colourised version of `envrc--status' for use in the mode line."
`(" env["
(:propertize ,(symbol-name envrc--status)
,(pcase envrc--status
(`on 'envrc-mode-line-on-face)
(`error 'envrc-mode-line-error-face)
(`loading 'envrc-mode-line-none-face)
(`none 'envrc-mode-line-none-face)))
(defun envrc--apply (buf result)
"Update BUF with RESULT, which is a result of `envrc--export'."
(with-current-buffer buf
(pcase result
(`loading 'loading)
(`error 'error)
(`() 'none)
(_ 'on)))
(kill-local-variable 'exec-path)
(kill-local-variable 'process-environment)
(kill-local-variable 'eshell-path-env)
(let ((pairs (when (listp result) result)))
(if pairs
(envrc--debug "[%s] applied merged environment" buf)
(setq-local process-environment (envrc--merged-environment process-environment pairs))
(let ((path (getenv "PATH"))) ;; Get PATH from the merged environment: direnv may not have changed it
(setq-local exec-path (parse-colon-path path))
(when (derived-mode-p 'eshell-mode)
(setq-local eshell-path-env path))))
(envrc--debug "[%s] reset environment to default" buf)))))
(setf (symbol-function 'envrc--update-env) #'envrc--update-env-async))
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