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import os
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
import time
import sys
def find_bb(volume):
img_shape = volume.shape
bb = np.zeros((6,), dtype=np.uint)
bb_extend = 3
# axis
for i in range(img_shape[0]):
img_slice_begin = volume[i, :, :]
if np.sum(img_slice_begin) > 0:
bb[0] = np.max([i - bb_extend, 0])
for i in range(img_shape[0]):
img_slice_end = volume[img_shape[0] - 1 - i, :, :]
if np.sum(img_slice_end) > 0:
bb[1] = np.min([img_shape[0] - 1 - i + bb_extend, img_shape[0] - 1])
# seg
for i in range(img_shape[1]):
img_slice_begin = volume[:, i, :]
if np.sum(img_slice_begin) > 0:
bb[2] = np.max([i - bb_extend, 0])
for i in range(img_shape[1]):
img_slice_end = volume[:, img_shape[1] - 1 - i, :]
if np.sum(img_slice_end) > 0:
bb[3] = np.min([img_shape[1] - 1 - i + bb_extend, img_shape[1] - 1])
# coronal
for i in range(img_shape[2]):
img_slice_begin = volume[:, :, i]
if np.sum(img_slice_begin) > 0:
bb[4] = np.max([i - bb_extend, 0])
for i in range(img_shape[2]):
img_slice_end = volume[:, :, img_shape[2] - 1 - i]
if np.sum(img_slice_end) > 0:
bb[5] = np.min([img_shape[2] - 1 - i + bb_extend, img_shape[2] - 1])
return bb
def normalize(slice, bottom=99.5, down=0.5):
normalize image with mean and std for regionnonzero,and clip the value into range
:param slice:
:param bottom:
:param down:
b = np.percentile(slice, bottom)
t = np.percentile(slice, down)
slice = np.clip(slice, t, b)
image_nonzero = slice[np.nonzero(slice)]
if np.std(slice) == 0 or np.std(image_nonzero) == 0:
return slice
tmp = (slice - np.mean(image_nonzero)) / np.std(image_nonzero)
# since the range of intensities is between 0 and 5000 ,
# the min in the normalized slice corresponds to 0 intensity in unnormalized slice
# the min is replaced with -9 just to keep track of 0 intensities
# so that we can discard those intensities afterwards when sampling random patches
tmp[tmp == tmp.min()] = -9
return tmp
def generate_subimage(ct_array, seg_array, numz, numx, numy, blockz, blockx, blocky,
idx, origin, direction, xyz_thickness, savedct_path, savedseg_path, ct_file):
num_z = (ct_array.shape[0] - blockz) // numz + 1 # math.floor()
num_x = (ct_array.shape[1] - blockx) // numx + 1
num_y = (ct_array.shape[2] - blocky) // numy + 1
for z in range(numz):
for x in range(numx):
for y in range(numy):
seg_block = seg_array[z * num_z:z * num_z + blockz, x * num_x:x * num_x + blockx,
y * num_y:y * num_y + blocky]
if seg_block.any():
ct_block = ct_array[z * num_z:z * num_z + blockz, x * num_x:x * num_x + blockx,
y * num_y:y * num_y + blocky]
saved_ctname = os.path.join(savedct_path, 'volume-' + str(idx) + '.npy')
saved_segname = os.path.join(savedseg_path, 'segmentation-' + str(idx) + '.npy'), ct_block), seg_block)
idx = idx + 1
return idx
def get_realfactor(spa, xyz, ct_array):
resize_factor = spa / xyz
print('resize', resize_factor)
new_real_shape = ct_array.shape * resize_factor[::-1]
print('new', new_real_shape)
new_shape = np.round(new_real_shape)
real_resize_factor = new_shape / ct_array.shape
return real_resize_factor
def preprocess():
start_time = time.time()
images_path = '/media/mip/EXTERNAL_USB/LITS17/LITS17/ct'
labels_path = '/media/mip/EXTERNAL_USB/LITS17/LITS17/seg'
if not os.path.exists(images_path):
print("images_path 不存在")
if not os.path.exists(labels_path):
print("labels_path 不存在")
savedct_path = '/media/mip/EXTERNAL_USB/LITS17/LiTS_pre/train_image'
savedseg_path = '/media/mip/EXTERNAL_USB/LITS17/LiTS_pre/train_mask'
trainImage = savedct_path
trainMask = savedseg_path
if not os.path.exists(trainImage):
print("trainImage 输出目录创建成功")
if not os.path.exists(trainMask):
print("trainMask 输出目录创建成功")
# 处理训练数据
saved_idx = 0
expand_slice = 10
new_spacing = [0.8, 0.8, 1.5]
blockz = 64;
blockx = 160;
blocky = 160 # 每个分块的大小
numz = 6;
numx = 5;
numy = 4
for ct_file in os.listdir(images_path): # num_file
ct = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(images_path, ct_file),
sitk.sitkInt16) # sitk.sitkInt16 Read one image using SimpleITK
origin = ct.GetOrigin()
direction = ct.GetDirection()
spacing = np.array(list(ct.GetSpacing()))
ct_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(ct)
seg = sitk.ReadImage(os.path.join(labels_path, ct_file.replace('volume', 'segmentation')), sitk.sitkUInt8)
seg_array = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(seg)
print('-------', ct_file, '-------')
print('original space', np.array(ct.GetSpacing()))
print('original shape and spacing:', ct_array.shape, spacing)
# step1: spacing interpolation
real_resize_factor = get_realfactor(spacing, new_spacing, ct_array)
# 根据输出out_spacing设置新的size
ct_array = ndimage.zoom(ct_array, real_resize_factor, order=3)
# 对金标准插值不应该使用高级插值方式,这样会破坏边界部分,检查数据输出很重要!!!
# 使用order=1可确保zoomed seg unique = [0,1,2]
seg_array = ndimage.zoom(seg_array, real_resize_factor, order=0)
print('new space', new_spacing)
print('zoomed shape:', ct_array.shape, ',', seg_array.shape)
# step2 :get mask effective range(startpostion:endpostion)
pred_liver = seg_array.copy()
pred_liver[pred_liver > 0] = 1
bb = find_bb(pred_liver)
ct_array = ct_array[bb[0]:bb[1], bb[2]:bb[3], bb[4]:bb[5]]
seg_array = seg_array[bb[0]:bb[1], bb[2]:bb[3], bb[4]:bb[5]]
print('effective shape:', ct_array.shape, ',', seg_array.shape)
# step3:标准化Normalization
ct_array_nor = normalize(ct_array)
if ct_array.shape[0] < blockz:
print('generate no subimage !')
saved_idx = generate_subimage(ct_array_nor, seg_array, numz, numx, numy, blockz, blockx, blocky,
saved_idx, origin, direction, new_spacing, savedct_path, savedseg_path,
print('Time {:.3f} min'.format((time.time() - start_time) / 60))
if __name__ == '__main__':
start_time = time.time()
# Decide preprocess of different stride and window
# Decide_preprocess(blockzxy,config)
print('Time {:.3f} min'.format((time.time() - start_time) / 60))
print(time.strftime('%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S', time.localtime()))
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