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Created October 8, 2021 20:51
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A small Text formated Single Table Database
TextDB db = new TextDB();
private void NewDatabase()
List<string> values = new List<string>();
TextDB.FieldDef fd;
List<TextDB.FieldDef> elms = new List<TextDB.FieldDef>();
fd.Name = "Name";
fd.Length = 10;
fd.Name = "Age";
fd.Length = 10;
fd.Name = "Sex";
fd.Length = 1;
fd.Name = "Working";
fd.Length = 10;
//Add table
//Record 1
values = new List<string>();
//Record 2
//Save db
//Clear up
elms = new List<TextDB.FieldDef>();
private void ShowNamesInDb()
//Load db
//Display person Name
for (int r = 0; r < db.RecordCount; r++)
MessageBox.Show(db.GetFeildValue(r, "Name"));
// DreamVB.TextDB Beta 1
// This is a small single table database that allows you to add fields and set there widths
// This is a project I been working on while trying to learn about databases
// Next version I hope to allow the working with more than one table here are some of the things you can do
// Features
// All the database data resides in memory so it faster
// Add records
// Edit and read record values by using a index or a field name
// Delete records
// Remove all records
// Delete fields by using a index or a field name
// Append new fields all all records data aligns with new appends
// Sort the database by a field only works in ascending order for now
// Locate a record by searching by a field once found the record index is returned.
// Can read and write felid value of Integer, Double, String
// Update allows you to update the current file you opened with OpenDb
// SaveDb allows you to save to a different filename
// Any comments and suggestions are welcome please email me at
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.IO;
namespace DreamVB.TextDB
public class TextDB
public struct FieldDef
public string Name;
public int Length;
private List<FieldDef> Fields;
private List<List<string>> _Records;
private string dbFilename { get; set; }
private const string IndexRangeError = "Index Out Of Range";
private int FieldIndex(string fldName)
int idx = -1;
for (int x = 0; x < FieldCount; x++)
if (Fields[x].Name.Equals(fldName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
idx = x;
return idx;
private string _FixValueSize(string data, int RealLength, int ExpectedLength)
//Check of string length of greater then the expected length
if (RealLength > ExpectedLength)
//Just extract the string to the expected length
return data.Substring(0, ExpectedLength);
//Return data
return data;
private string StringPadRight(string S, int padsize)
//Get the amount we need to pad
int max = (padsize - S.Length);
//Return the S with padded to right with spaces
return S + new String(' ', max);
private List<string> Get_FieldValues(string sLine)
List<string> val = new List<string>();
int pos = 0;
string sVal = string.Empty;
for (int x = 0; x < FieldCount; x++)
//Get value
sVal = sLine.Substring(pos, Fields[x].Length);
//Add to value list and trim the padding spaces
//Get next value position
pos = (pos + Fields[x].Length);
sVal = string.Empty;
return val;
public TextDB()
Fields = new List<FieldDef>();
_Records = new List<List<string>>();
public int RecordCount
return _Records.Count();
public int FieldCount
return Fields.Count();
public void NewTable(List<FieldDef>FieldStruct)
bool found = false;
Fields = new List<FieldDef>();
_Records = new List<List<string>>();
foreach (FieldDef fi in FieldStruct)
found = FieldIndex(fi.Name) != -1;
//Check if field is in the Fields list
if (found)
//Found exit with error
throw new Exception("Field Already Exists:\n'" + fi.Name + "'");
//Add field info
public void AppendField(FieldDef FieldInfo, string vDefaultValue = "")
List<string> vals;
//Check if the field name is found in the Fields list
bool found = FieldIndex(FieldInfo.Name) != -1;
if (found)
throw new Exception("Field Already Exists:\n'" + FieldInfo.Name + "'");
for (int x = 0; x < RecordCount; x++)
vals = _Records[x];
//Check length
if (vDefaultValue.Length > FieldInfo.Length)
throw new Exception("Value Exceeds Field Length.");
_Records[x] = vals;
//Add the new field.
public void AddRecord(List<string> values)
if (values.Count() != FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
//Add new record.
public string GetFeildValue(int record, int index)
if (record < 0 || record > RecordCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
else if (index < 0 || index > FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
return _Records[record][index];
public string GetFeildValue(int record, string fldName)
//Get field index
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
//Return field value
return GetFeildValue(record, idx);
public int GetFieldInteger(int record, int index)
string tmp = GetFeildValue(record, index);
return int.Parse(tmp);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
public int GetFieldInteger(int record, string fldName)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
return GetFieldInteger(record, idx);
public void SetFieldIntegter(int record, int index, int value)
SetFieldValue(record, index, value.ToString());
public void SetFieldIntegter(int record, string fldName, int value)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
SetFieldValue(record, idx, value.ToString());
public double GetFieldDouble(int record, int index)
string tmp = GetFeildValue(record, index);
return double.Parse(tmp);
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
public double GetFieldDouble(int record, string fldName)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
return GetFieldDouble(record, idx);
public void SetFieldDouble(int record, int index, double value)
SetFieldValue(record, index, value.ToString());
public void SetFieldDouble(int record, string fldName, double value)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
SetFieldValue(record, idx, value.ToString());
public void SetFieldValue(int record, int index, string value)
if (record < 0 || record > RecordCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
else if (index < 0 || index > FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
else if (value.Length > Fields[index].Length)
throw new Exception("Value Exceeds Field Length");
_Records[record][index] = value;
public void SetFieldValue(int record, string fldName, string value)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
SetFieldValue(record, idx, value);
public string GetFieldName(int index)
if (index < 0 || index > FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
return Fields[index].Name;
public int GetFieldLength(int index)
if (index < 0 || index > FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
return Fields[index].Length;
public int GetFieldLength(string fldName)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
return GetFieldLength(idx);
public int FindRecord(int index, string Term)
int r_idx = (-1);
if (index < 0 || index > FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
//Loop though the records
for (int x = 0; x < RecordCount; x++)
//Check the record field value is the same as Term
if (_Records[x][index].Equals(Term, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
r_idx = x;
return r_idx;
public int FindRecord(string fldName, string Term)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
return FindRecord(idx, Term);
public void SortRecords(int index)
if (index < 0 || index > FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
//Loop though all the records
for (int i = 0; i < RecordCount; i++)
for (int j = i + 1; j < RecordCount; j++)
if (string.Compare(_Records[i][index], _Records[j][index], true) > 0)
var k = _Records[i];
_Records[i] = _Records[j];
_Records[j] = k;
public void SortRecords(string SortField)
int idx = FieldIndex(SortField);
public void DeleteRecord(int index)
if (index < 0 || index > RecordCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
//Delete the record
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
public void DeleteAllRecords()
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
public void DeleteField(int index)
List<string> vals;
//Check for index out of range
if (index < 0 || index > FieldCount)
throw new Exception(IndexRangeError);
//Sort the records
for (int x = 0; x < RecordCount; x++)
//Get record.
vals = _Records[x];
//Delete the value at the index level
//Set the record
_Records[x] = vals;
//Delete the field name
public void DeleteField(string fldName)
int idx = FieldIndex(fldName);
//Delete the field.
public void LoadDb(string Filename)
string[] Lines;
int ln = 0;
string[] fldLine;
List<string> values;
List<FieldDef> elms = new List<FieldDef>();
FieldDef fi;
bool IsFirstLine = true;
string sLine = string.Empty;
//Load the whole file.
_Records = new List<List<string>>();
Fields = new List<FieldDef>();
//Set db filename
dbFilename = Filename;
if (!File.Exists(dbFilename))
throw new FileNotFoundException("File Was Not Found:\n" +
Lines = File.ReadAllLines(dbFilename);
while (ln < Lines.Length)
sLine = Lines[ln];
if (sLine.Trim().Length == 0)
//Get very first line this is the fields description
if (IsFirstLine)
fldLine = sLine.Split('|');
//Get the field name and field length
foreach (string fld in fldLine)
string[] fInfo = fld.Split(':');
fi.Name = fInfo[0];
fi.Length = Convert.ToInt32(fInfo[1]);
//Add the field description
//Add the fields.
//Clear array
elms = new List<FieldDef>();
Array.Clear(fldLine, 0, fldLine.Length);
//Set first line to false.
IsFirstLine = false;
//Get values
values = Get_FieldValues(sLine);
//Add records
//INC line counter
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
//Clear lines
Array.Clear(Lines, 0, Lines.Length);
public void UpdateDb()
if (dbFilename.Length.Equals(0))
if (File.Exists(dbFilename))
public void SaveDb(string Filename)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
string sLine = string.Empty;
string fldValue = string.Empty;
//Add fields
foreach (FieldDef fi in Fields)
sLine += fi.Name + ":" + fi.Length.ToString() + "|";
//Add to string builder
//Trim last |
sLine = sLine.TrimEnd('|');
//Clear string
sLine = string.Empty;
//Append records.
for (int x = 0; x < RecordCount; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < FieldCount; y++)
//Get field value
fldValue = _Records[x][y];
fldValue = _FixValueSize(fldValue, fldValue.Length, Fields[y].Length);
fldValue = StringPadRight(fldValue, Fields[y].Length);
//Set the line to be added to the string collection.
sLine += fldValue;
//Append to string builder
//Clear string
sLine = string.Empty;
//Write string builder to file.
File.WriteAllText(Filename, sb.ToString());
//Clear the string builder object
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
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