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Last active August 5, 2021 18:59
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  • Save DreamVB/ebd1f28af3b3ff99a37e895e0c14b64b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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RecBase A simple Database System Class For C#
[value]52478 985223[/value]
[value]78415 254778[/value]
* RecBase Beta 2.5
* RecBase is a small project I am working on to make my own DBMS the system is very basic
* it uses plain text files as the tables at the moment it only supports one table
* it can be used to store very simple data maybe for a simple address book
* What I hope to add next
* Work with multiple tables
* Add support for encrypted dbases
* Add support for sorting
* Add support for searching
* Clean up bugs and do some tweaking
* Add support to export to CSV
* Add support to inport CSV
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace RecBase
public class RBaseTable
private static List<List<string>> _records = new List<List<string>>();
private static List<string> _fields = new List<string>();
public int FieldCount()
//Return field count
return _fields.Count;
public int RecordCount()
//Return record count
return _records.Count;
private string get_tagVal(string Tag, string LineSource, bool TrimBlank = false)
string sStart = "[" + Tag + "]";
string sEnd = "[/" + Tag + "]";
string tmp = null;
//EXtract data from a tag eg [tag]data[/tag] return data
//Check if line starts with start tag
if (LineSource.StartsWith(sStart, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
//Copy eveything from the start tag to end of string
tmp = LineSource.Substring(sStart.Length);
//Set to null
tmp = null;
//Check if string ends with end tag
if (tmp.EndsWith(sEnd, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
//Start copying from start of string to end tag
tmp = tmp.Substring(0, (tmp.Length - sEnd.Length));
//Set string to null
tmp = null;
//Check if striping blanks from the new extracted value
if (TrimBlank)
//Trim any white space.
tmp = tmp.Trim();
//Set tmp to null
tmp = null;
//return tmp
return tmp;
private int field2index(string f)
//Locate the index of a field name by checking it's string value.
//Default field index value
int idx = -1;
for (int x = 0; x < FieldCount(); x++)
//Compare the field value with f
if (_fields[x].ToLower() == f.ToLower())
//Set the field index found
idx = x;
//Break here
//Return the value of the field index found
return idx;
public void Clean(){
_records = new List<List<string>>();
_fields = new List<string>();
public void ZapRecords()
public void AddRecord(List<string>values){
//Add new record
public void AddFields(List<string>fields){
//Clear records
//Add field names
_fields = fields;
public void DeleteField(int index)
List<string> rec = new List<string>();
//Check for vaild index
if (index >= 0 && index < FieldCount())
//Loop tho the records
for (int x = 0; x < RecordCount(); x++)
//Get record values
rec = _records[x];
//Remove index element from the list
//Set the current record with the updated rec list.
_records[x] = rec;
//Remove the field name from fields list
public void DeleteField(string f)
//Get field name index
int idx = field2index(f);
//Check for vaild index
if (idx != -1)
//Delete the field
public bool FieldExists(string f)
return field2index(f) != -1;
public string Field(int index)
if (index >= 0 && index < FieldCount())
return _fields[index];
return null;
public void Field(int index, string value){
if (index >= 0)
_fields[index] = value;
public void Field(string name, string value)
int idx = field2index(name);
if (idx != -1)
_fields[idx] = value;
public bool Save(string Filename)
bool is_good = true;
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(Filename))
//Save fields
foreach (string f in _fields)
sw.Write(" [field]" + f + "[/field]\n");
//Write records and field values
foreach (List<string> r in _records)
//Write record start
//Write field values
foreach (string f in r)
//Write record fieldvalue
sw.Write(" [value]" + f + "[/value]\n");
//Write record start
//Close file
is_good = false;
return is_good;
public List<string> GetRecord(int record)
//Returns a records values
List<string> rec = new List<string>();
//Check range
if (record >= 0 && record < RecordCount())
//Get record
rec = _records[record];
//Return record list
return rec;
public List<string> GetFields()
//Return field names.
return _fields;
public void DeleteRecord(int record)
//Delete a record
if (record >= 0 && record < RecordCount())
//Remove from records list
public string GetFieldValue(int record, int field)
//Return a record field value
if (RecordCount() >= 0)
//Make new list obj
List<string> items = new List<string>();
//Get the record
items = _records[record];
//Return the item from the field index
return items[field];
//Return null
return null;
public string GetFieldValue(int record, string field)
//Get field index
int idx = field2index(field);
//Check for vaild field
if (idx == -1)
//Return null
return null;
//Return records field value.
return GetFieldValue(record, idx);
public void SetFieldValue(int record, int field, string value){
//Set a records field value
if (record >= 0 && record < RecordCount())
//Get record
List<string> rec = _records[record];
//Update the record field value
rec[field] = value;
//Put the new record list back in the records list
_records[record] = rec;
catch { }
public void SetFieldValue(int record, string field, string value)
//Get the fields index
int idx = field2index(field);
//Check for vaild index
if (idx != -1)
//Set the records field value.
SetFieldValue(record, idx, value);
public bool Load(string Filename)
//Load a new database
int iTyoe = 0;
int ftype = 0;
bool is_good = true;
string sLine = string.Empty;
List<string> items = new List<string>();
//Check if file is found
if (!File.Exists(Filename))
is_good = false;
using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(Filename))
//Loop while not end of file.
while (!sr.EndOfStream)
//Read in single line
sLine = sr.ReadLine().Trim();
//Check line length
if (sLine.Length > 0)
if (sLine.Equals("[FIELDS]",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
_fields = new List<string>();
sLine = string.Empty;
ftype = 1;
if (sLine.Equals("[/FIELDS]",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
sLine = string.Empty;
ftype = 2;
//Test for fields open tag
if (ftype == 1)
if (sLine.Trim().Length > 0)
//Strip value from tag
string s_field = get_tagVal("field", sLine, true);
//If the string is not null add it to the fields list
if (s_field != null)
//Add to fields.
//Check for record start tag
if (sLine.Equals("[RECORD]",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
//Set tyoe to 1
iTyoe = 1;
//Read in the next line
sLine = string.Empty;
//sLine = sr.ReadLine();
//Set new list
items = new List<string>();
//Check for record end tag
if (sLine.Equals("[/RECORD]",StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
//set type to 2
iTyoe = 2;
//Read in the next line
sLine = string.Empty;
//Check for start tag
if (iTyoe == 1)
//Trim the string
sLine = sLine.Trim();
string s_rec = get_tagVal("value", sLine);
if (s_rec != null)
//Add to items list
//Check for end tag
if (iTyoe == 2)
//Add the new record with the items list
//Close file.
is_good = false;
//Return load result
return is_good;
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DreamVB commented Aug 5, 2021

Moved the prject to a new location.

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