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Created February 22, 2018 18:46
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Machine Leaning Blog Post: Snip 2
// Inceptionv3.h
// This file was automatically generated and should not be edited.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <CoreML/CoreML.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/// Model Prediction Input Type
API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.13), ios(11.0), watchos(4.0), tvos(11.0))
@interface Inceptionv3Input : NSObject<MLFeatureProvider>
/// Input image to be classified as color (kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA) image buffer, 299 pixels wide by 299 pixels high
@property (readwrite, nonatomic) CVPixelBufferRef image;
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithImage:(CVPixelBufferRef)image;
/// Model Prediction Output Type
// More code to initialize things, etc
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