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Created September 2, 2016 19:38
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// IGNNetworking.swift
// Unofficial Metacritic
// Created by Jordan Morgan on 8/22/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Dreaming In Binary, LLC. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
class IGNNetworking : Networking
private static let apiKey = "redacted"
private static let apiURLTop = "" + IGNNetworking.apiKey
private static let apiURLLatest = "" + IGNNetworking.apiKey
private static let topArticlesURL = NSURL(string: IGNNetworking.apiURLTop)!
private static let latestArticlesURL = NSURL(string: IGNNetworking.apiURLLatest)!
//MARK: Networking Calls
func getTopArticles(completion:([IGNArticleStub]?, NetworkError?) -> ())
GET(with: IGNNetworking.topArticlesURL) { info, error in
self.handleArticleResponse(info, error: error, completion: completion)
func getLatestArticles(completion:([IGNArticleStub]?, NetworkError?) -> ())
GET(with: IGNNetworking.latestArticlesURL) { info, error in
self.handleArticleResponse(info, error: error, completion: completion)
//MARK: Helpers
private func handleArticleResponse(info:NSDictionary?, error:NetworkError?, completion:([IGNArticleStub]?, NetworkError?) -> ())
guard error == nil else
return completion(nil, error)
guard let data = info, articleData = data["articles"] as? NSArray else
return completion(nil, error)
let articles = articleData.flatMap { IGNArticleStub(dictionary: $0 as! JSONDictionary)}
completion(articles, nil)
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