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Created April 1, 2023 22:17
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Quick example to show how to activate and deactivate mcdropout
import numpy as np
import torch
from torchvision.models import vgg16
from baal.bayesian.dropout import MCDropoutModule
from baal.modelwrapper import ModelWrapper
model = vgg16()
wrapper = ModelWrapper(model, None)
input = torch.randn([2, 3, 64, 64])
def is_deterministic(preds):
return all([np.allclose(preds[..., i], preds[..., 0], rtol=1e-3) for i in range(1, preds.shape[-1])])
with MCDropoutModule(model):
# The model will not be deterministic
assert not is_deterministic(wrapper.predict_on_batch(input, iterations=10))
# Is deterministic again.
assert is_deterministic(wrapper.predict_on_batch(input, iterations=10))
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