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Last active August 15, 2016 18:12
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  • Save DrewAPicture/6005193 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DrewAPicture/6005193 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script to merge a Gist fork into your original. You'll need the id of your Gist and the id of the fork.
# usage: ORIG=###### NEW=###### ./
# $ORIG = The Gist ID of your Gist
# $NEW = The Gist ID of the fork
# Note: chmod u+x may be necessary
# if you're getting permissions errors
printf "\n\n... Cloning original Gist.\n\n"
git clone$ORIG.git
cd $ORIG
printf "\n\n... Resetting the origin remote.\n\n"
# This is necessary because I have two GitHub accounts
git remote rm origin
git remote add origin git@github-ww:$ORIG.git
printf "\n\n... Adding remote for $NEW\n\n"
git remote add new$NEW.git
printf "... Grabbing fork from $NEW\n\n"
git pull new master
printf "\n\n... Pushing changes to $ORIG\n\n"
git push
cd ..
printf "\n\n... Removing tmp folder\n\n"
rm -rf $ORIG
printf "..\n\n"
printf ".... Done\n\n"
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