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Created February 11, 2015 22:12
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drew [2:01 PM]
Who's here for dev chat?
sam [2:01 PM]
helen [2:01 PM]
tellyworth [2:01 PM]
ocean90 [2:01 PM]
jbrinley [2:01 PM]
is here for the first half
pento [2:01 PM]
afragen [2:01 PM]
hi, <lurking>
obenland [2:01 PM]
boone [2:01 PM]
stephdau [2:01 PM]
kraft [2:02 PM]
marcelomazza [2:02 PM]
michaelarestad [2:02 PM]
adamsilverstein [2:02 PM]
jeremyfelt [2:02 PM]
afercia [2:02 PM]
atimmer [2:02 PM]
Good evening :wave:
iseulde [2:02 PM]
netweb [2:02 PM]
synaptic [2:02 PM]
mikehansenme [2:03 PM]
johnbillion [2:03 PM]
drew [2:03 PM]
I posted an agenda for today's dev chat on make/core. You can find that here:
Make WordPress Core
Dev Chat Agenda, February 11, 2015
Here's the agenda for Wednesday's Dev Chat in the #core channel on Slack. Time/Date: : Housekeeping – Schedule updates, merge window status, maintenance release – @drewapicture Term Splitting – @bo...
Today at 3:15 AM
drew [2:04 PM]
So let's get started.
drew [2:04 PM]
*0. Housekeeping*
drew [2:05 PM]
I have just a couple of announcements to start us off this week:
drew [2:05 PM]
*— Schedule updates*
drew [2:06 PM]
We have added two weeks onto the release schedule. One week will push back the merge window opening to next week, the other will be an additional beta during the testing stages.
drew [2:06 PM]
The flexibility to add these two additional weeks was worked into the original schedule plan @sam and I devised at the beginning of the cycle.
drew [2:07 PM]
So just to reiterate: *The merge window will now open a week from now, on Feb. 18th and close a week later*.
drew [2:07 PM]
The updated release schedule can be found here:
Make WordPress Core
Version 4.2 Project Schedule
The plan: December 19, 2014 Trunk is open for business. (Post 4.1) January 21, 2015 Initial 4.2 meeting. February 18, 2015 (+3w) Decision time for features being developed as a plugin. Merge window...
Jan 21st at 2:05 PM
simonurb [2:07 PM]
joined #core
drew [2:08 PM]
This would put us at a tentative release date of *April 22nd*
drew [2:09 PM]
*— Merge Window*
See above about changes to the schedule pushing this back a week to the 18th.
sam [2:09 PM]
(Beta 4 is intentionally on April 2 instead of April 1. No joke.)
drew [2:09 PM]
yep :simple_smile:
rachelbaker [2:10 PM]
will it be at 4pm GMT?
drew [2:10 PM]
*— Maintenance Release*
According to @nacin, we'll be kicking out 4.1.1 fairly soon. To my knowledge that will only contain bug fixes.
drew [2:11 PM]
That's it for housekeeping this week.
boone [2:12 PM]
:heart: [31418] :heart:
drew [2:14 PM]
boone [2:15 PM]
drew [2:15 PM]
johnbillion [2:15 PM]
Is there a plan to prod any plugins that don't update nearer the 4.2 release date?
johnbillion [2:15 PM]
Because we probably should
cweiske [2:15 PM]
joined #core
boone [2:15 PM]
Yes, with popular ones, I'm happy to take the lead on that.
boone [2:16 PM]
It's not really possible to detect in an automated way whether a plugin is affected.
boone [2:16 PM]
But an email blast to plugin authors may not be out of line in this case.
johnbillion [2:16 PM]
Yeah, I just meant the popular plugins on your list
boone [2:16 PM]
Yes, definitely.
drew [2:18 PM]
@boone: Could you include that list of plugins in your make/core post? (edited)
boone [2:18 PM]
Yes, that was my plan.
drew [2:18 PM]
Great, thanks for the update.
drew [2:18 PM]
Let's do some feature updates.
*Just as a quick reminder:* Since we've pushed back the opening of the merge window, we won't be taking time today to talk about viability of merging those features until next week.
drew [2:19 PM]
*— Customizer Theme Switcher* – @celloexpressions / @mark
drew [2:20 PM]
Neither Nick or Mark seem to be here today, but I've been in touch with both of them and they're shaped up pretty well to meet the merge window for consideration next Wednesday.
drew [2:21 PM]
*— Press This revamp*
@michaelarestad: Would you like to recap what your team has on tap for the next few days?
michaelarestad [2:21 PM]
Sure. Disclaimer: I'm on my phone because every version of slack is going haywire on my other devices. Expect slow responses laden with autocorrections.
michaelarestad [2:22 PM]
Press This refresh update:
We've got a list of things in the above link to tackle this week.
We've added post formats and, in just the last day, tags thanks to @stephdau.
Make WordPress Core
Press This update 2/10
The merge window is supposed to open tomorrow for feature plugins. That means it's crunch time. Here's where the new Press This is. Feature Parity one of the requirements of core is general feature...
Yesterday at 5:02 PM
michaelarestad [2:23 PM]
We're working on adding categories as soon as possible.
michaelarestad [2:23 PM]
Then, we will be focusing on testing.
michaelarestad [2:24 PM]
Another round of a11y testing is planned once feature complete.
drew [2:24 PM]
@michaelarestad: Great, thanks for the update.
drew [2:24 PM]
Are there any areas where contributors could help you out, or do you feel like you're pretty well covered leading up to merge consideration? (edited)
michaelarestad [2:25 PM]
Could use some help with keyboard navigation on the side nav.
johnbillion [2:26 PM]
Testing or dev?
michaelarestad [2:26 PM]
The latter.
stephdau [2:26 PM]
Having achieved the list for today, I'm going to tackle categories next, and might call in for help with coding that too.
stephdau [2:27 PM]
Depending on the chosen design
drew [2:27 PM]
And those discussions happen in *#feature-pressthis* (edited)
stephdau [2:27 PM]
very much so
michaelarestad [2:27 PM]
Oh yeah. Please take a look at the categories design and give feedback. Link incoming...
marcelomazza [2:28 PM]
Tags, categories, post formats · Issue #45 · MichaelArestad/Press-This · GitHub
The mockup says it all! Let me know what you think.
michaelarestad [2:28 PM]
drew [2:30 PM]
Alright, anything else for Press This before we move on?
michaelarestad [2:30 PM]
Don't think so.
stephdau [2:31 PM]
Not from I.
drew [2:31 PM]
Awesome, thanks for the effort.
drew [2:31 PM]
Let's keep moving.
drew [2:31 PM]
*— Shiny Updates* – @pento
pento [2:32 PM]
For Shiny Updates, the base was committed late last week! Hooray! There’s a todo list posted on #29820, which anyone is welcome to grab a part of if they’re up for it - just post in the ticket. I’ll be giving it some attention over the next couple of days.
pento [2:32 PM]
I was looking at the `update-core.php` screen yesterday, and it’s ugly, the Shiny Updates UI feels hacked on. If a designer would like to take a stab at making it look better, I’ll be available for discussing things here, immediately after the dev chat. For the moment, I think it needs to maintain the same functionality, with the addition of some sort of “Update Everything” button.
marcelomazza [2:34 PM]
+1 for the update everything :simple_smile: I can give a design hand if needed
drew [2:34 PM]
@pento: Would "Update Everything" cover, well, everything (+core +themes)? Seems kind of like a scary option to introduce.
pento [2:34 PM]
wonderboymusic [2:34 PM]
will the label be __( 'YOLO' )?
pento [2:35 PM]
In en_AU, definitely.
obenland [2:35 PM]
pento [2:35 PM]
It's just going to do the same thing as if you clicked the "Update Core", "Update Plugins" and "Update Themes" buttons sequentially. (edited)
johnbillion [2:35 PM]
It's not too scary. Current workflow is update core, go back, update plugins, go back, update themes, go back.
drew [2:35 PM]
I think I'd be more interested in getting the UI in update-core.php nailed down first before you start adding new features.
pento [2:36 PM]
pento [2:36 PM]
If we're going to rearrange it, then I wanted to flag that as a likely feature to allow space for.
drew [2:37 PM]
OK. And you're having a short feature chat in #core following dev chat?
felynx [2:37 PM]
joined #core
pento [2:37 PM]
drew [2:37 PM]
@pento: Great, thanks for the update. But stick around, because Emoji is next.
drew [2:37 PM]
*— Emoji* – @pento
pento [2:38 PM]
:thumbsup: :dancer:
pento [2:38 PM]
The state of emoji is that it’s pretty close to ready - I have one bug and some code cleanup left on my todo list. Barring any show stoppers coming up in the plugin in the next two days, I’ll be transforming it into a patch and committing it tomorrow.
pento [2:38 PM]
There was a bit of discussion on the announcement post about some of the implementation details. In particular, enabling it for all browsers, versus only enabling it in browsers that don’t support emoji. @chrisvanpatten made some convincing arguments, especially around mobile devices (connection speed and render speed), so we’re going with enabling it only for browsers that don’t support emoji. In the future, it should be relatively easy to enable it to support the new emoji in Unicode 8, if Twemoji updates before browsers do.
drew [2:39 PM]
@pento: Are you also planning to have a separate chat to discuss all things Emoji? I have a feeling there might be more people who'd like to weigh in.
pento [2:39 PM]
People have very strong opinions on emoji. :wink:
tellyworth [2:39 PM]
"enabling it only for browsers that don’t support emoji" - eh?
pento [2:40 PM]
x1f4a9 - Twitter Emoji for WordPress
michaelarestad [2:40 PM]
I still feel like that is messing with user content.
drew [2:40 PM]
I'd like to see you coordinate a chat on the subject sometime before the end of the week. An accompanying post on make/core would be helpful.
pento [2:40 PM]
@tellyworth: Detecting if the browser can render an emoji.
tellyworth [2:41 PM]
Oh this is the js thing. Right.
pento [2:41 PM]
@drew: Sure, I'll do one tomorrow.
afercia [2:41 PM]
are they rendered as images on all browsers? I've seen something to improve about alt attributes
pento [2:42 PM]
No, only in browsers that don't have native support for emoji.
drew [2:43 PM]
@pento: OK great. Let's get a post up on make/core announcing the channel and time as soon as you can figure out those details. Thanks :simple_smile:
afercia [2:43 PM]
got it, still, having the emoji character in the alt attribute it's not very useful :simple_smile: feel free to ask me later
pento [2:43 PM]
Okie dokie. :simple_smile:
drew [2:43 PM]
*— Customizer Transactions* – @westonruter
westonruter [2:44 PM]
Big thanks to @ocean90 for merging #30936 which cleans up some ugliness that was introduced to hack Core to work with dynamically-created widget settings.
westonruter [2:44 PM]
This was a big part of my patch for adding transactions
WordPress Trac [2:45 PM]
#29820: Smooth installation and updating of plugins and themes
task (blessed)
Component (Focuses)
Upgrade/Install (ui, javascript, administration)
Severity / Priority
westonruter [2:45 PM]
this is not the ticket I was looking for :wink:
drew [2:45 PM]
Talk about delayed on the Trac bot. That was from 5 minutes ago.
westonruter [2:46 PM]
Given that there isn't a lot of interest in transactions outside of myself, I think I'll pull back from pushing to get transactions ready for 4.2
westonruter [2:47 PM]
I'll instead focus on the other cleanup/improvements related to the transactions patch
drew [2:47 PM]
OK. Is there some type of tracking ticket or make/core post people can visit to get more information about ongoing efforts?
westonruter [2:48 PM]
There's #30937, the main transactions ticket. And then there is this make/core post:
Make WordPress Core
Proposal: Customizer Transactions
You may be familiar with transactions in a database context. The idea is simple: once you start a transaction, any change made to the database in the current session will not be applied to other da...
Jan 26th at 4:04 AM
drew [2:49 PM]
@westonruter: Awesome. Thanks for the update.
wonderboymusic [2:49 PM]
that post was epic
wonderboymusic [2:49 PM]
I think a few of us need to go to Customizer camp and learn this code
netweb [2:50 PM]
Slack are aware of the slow Trac notifications showing and are actively working on it, see #slackhelp for further details/updates
westonruter [2:50 PM]
wonderboymusic [2:51 PM]
I wish our db schema wasn't frozen in time for eternity
drew [2:51 PM]
Alright, let's keep going.
drew [2:51 PM]
*3. Component Updates*
drew [2:52 PM]
*— Accessibility* – @afercia
afercia [2:52 PM]
thanks very much Drew. Hello everyone. So last week: mostly focused on organizing and managing testing sessions, thanks to @rianrietveld awesome work we have now a list of 50 testers.
WordPress Trac [2:52 PM]
#30936: Dynamically create WP_Customize_Settings for settings created on JS client
drew [2:52 PM]
50! That's awesome.
afercia [2:52 PM]
the plan is involving them not just in testing tickets but in testing feature plugins too
afercia [2:52 PM]
50! :simple_smile:
drew [2:53 PM]
Please increase @rianrietveld's allotment of imaginary internet points by 100.
afercia [2:54 PM]
ehehe :simple_smile:
afercia [2:54 PM]
feature plugins: still have to go in depth on Shiny Updates and Press This
WordPress Trac [2:54 PM]
#30937: Add Customizer transactions
task (blessed)
Component (Focuses)
Customize (javascript)
afercia [2:55 PM]
can give details later, feel free to ask
afercia [2:55 PM]
tickets: last week we asked feedback on #28599 and #26504 (which is closed but still used for discussion) and I kindly ask again: we need Ui feedback
afercia [2:55 PM]
thats' it
drew [2:56 PM]
28599 was the "better focus indications in the admin menu" ticket, correct?
johnbillion [2:56 PM]
Seeing as tracbot is asleep, that's and
afercia [2:56 PM]
afercia [2:57 PM]
the latter is about non-link links
drew [2:57 PM]
It seems like it might be a good move to pair that with the admin colors ticket, the number for which is escaping me currently.
drew [2:57 PM]
johnbillion [2:57 PM]
drew [2:58 PM]
And when I say pair, I mostly mean along the lines of getting a consultation if possible from @hugobaeta about the color treatment for those focus styles.
johnbillion [2:58 PM]
I'm not sure that they really go together
johnbillion [2:58 PM]
Ah, yes
johnbillion [2:59 PM]
Yes Hugo might have some good feedback
hugobaeta [2:59 PM]
someone called?
hugobaeta [2:59 PM]
afercia [2:59 PM]
well the admin menu proposed patch uses `currentColor` so whatever the color scheme, it will work
drew [2:59 PM]
@hugobaeta: @afercia I'll get with both of you after the dev chat about finding a solution there.
afercia [2:59 PM]
drew [3:00 PM]
Almost done.
hugobaeta [3:00 PM]
WordPress Trac [3:00 PM]
#28599: Better Visual Focus Indication in Admin Menu
defect (bug)
Component (Focuses)
Administration (ui, accessibility)
ui-feedback has-patch
#26504: Semantic elements for non-link links
defect (bug)
Component (Focuses)
Administration (ui, accessibility)
drew [3:00 PM]
*— Multisite* – @jeremyfelt
hugobaeta [3:00 PM]
I think @helen was working on merging my ticket in trunk
helen [3:00 PM]
yeah i am mostly just waiting for the meeting to be over to avoid noise. :simple_smile:
jeremyfelt [3:00 PM]
We've been making some good progress on determining focus. Our near term objective is to solidify support for mixed domain/path in multisite. @eric has worked on so that `site-info.php` can be used to assign an arbitrary domain/path to a site. There are some related tickets that could find themselves as enhancements to also wrap in. It would be nice to allow a network admin to edit a site's scheme/domain/path all in one go. Once that is complete, we'll be able to bring similar logic to `site-new.php` via Another part of this effort is establishing the workflow for mixed domain/path support and ensuring that all things work as advertised.
Other things. We need to find the right medium and momentum for having a discussion with the purpose of defining open/closed networks (or what terms to even use). It would also be cool to start seeing some proposals for featured plugins that are multisite focused for 2015. A recap of yesterday's office hours is here: We'll be expanding office hours starting next week (20:00UTC Tuesdays) to include a multisite bug scrub at 21:00UTC. All of these topics are on the table at all times in #core-multisite
Make WordPress Core
Multisite Office Hours Recap (February 10, 2015)
We covered a handful of things in yesterday's meeting. Multisite office hours are held every Tuesday at 20:00UTC in #core-multisite. Work continues to clarify our primary objectives and the order i...
Today at 11:48 AM
hugobaeta [3:00 PM]
jeremyfelt [3:00 PM]
That seemed shorter in my text editor :simple_smile:
drew [3:01 PM]
@jeremyfelt: Awesome. Are there any particular areas you could use an extra push on for 4.2 inclusion that you haven't listed already?
jeremyfelt [3:02 PM]
The more the merrier - in general focused on the last few multisite make/core posts and workflow in general.
WordPress Trac [3:03 PM]
#31234: Update wp-admin default colors
task (blessed)
Component (Focuses)
General (ui, administration)
drew [3:03 PM]
Great, thanks for the update.
jeremyfelt [3:04 PM]
Also, feedback on from everyone would be excellent.
drew [3:04 PM]
Quick, everybody go give Jeremy awesome, constructive feedback on that ticket.
drew [3:04 PM]
But seriously though, crickets in here.
afercia [3:04 PM]
browser's freezing need to re-launch
drew [3:05 PM]
*4. Open Floor*
marjwyatt [3:05 PM]
Awesome, Jeremy!
drew [3:05 PM]
I don't think there was really anything for the open floor this week.
drew [3:05 PM]
@jbrinley is looking for core feedback on 17817:
atimmer [3:06 PM]
I have something, would love if more people gave feedback on #25698
WordPress Trac [3:06 PM]
#22383: Combine Domain and Path UI
Component (Focuses)
Networks and Sites (ui, multisite)
#31240: Combine domain and path UI in Add New Site flow
Component (Focuses)
Networks and Sites (ui, multisite)
Future Release
atimmer [3:07 PM]
rdall [3:08 PM]
Wow Tracbot your a little slow on the uptake today. then again so am I.
aaroncampbell [3:09 PM]
Anyone brave enough to look into wpautop and shortcode_unautp, I'd love some additional opinions on #14050
WordPress Trac [3:09 PM]
#22251: Helper function to simplify checking for constants
Future Release
drew [3:09 PM]
OK. I think @marcelomazza also had a ticket to throw out there.
marcelomazza [3:09 PM]
Yeap, "Hide Media Buttons on small screens"
WordPress Trac [3:10 PM]
#17817: do_action/apply_filters/etc. recursion on same filter kills underlying call
defect (bug)
dev-feedback has-unit-tests has-patch 4.2-early
WordPress Trac [3:10 PM]
New bug opened by valendesigns: *#31302: Tests_Dependencies_jQuery::test_wp_script_is_dep_enqueued Failed*
drew [3:10 PM]
I would invite those committers present to stick around after the chat for a couple of minutes and try to get some of these folks feedback. That's it for this week.
WordPress Trac [3:10 PM]
#25698: Speed up slow Menus Panel for menus with many items
Component (Focuses)
Menus (accessibility, javascript)
has-patch dev-feedback
Copy link

Super helpful. A+. Would read again.

Copy link

kiamoz commented Feb 20, 2015

Dear DrewAPicture , could you please write a simple tutorials about binary for installing tuntap via a package on Yosemite , I really need that , I don't know any way to connect you . sorry for my don't related comment here ,

I found you from here :

thanks in advance

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