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Created October 24, 2019 23:46
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bento.formatter.Stylish: {}
- B101
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- B603
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- B608
- array-bracket-newline
- array-bracket-spacing
- array-element-newline
- block-spacing
- brace-style
- camelcase
- capitalized-comments
- comma-dangle
- comma-spacing
- comma-style
- computed-property-spacing
- consistent-this
- curly
- eol-last
- func-call-spacing
- func-name-matching
- func-names
- func-style
- function-call-argument-newline
- function-paren-newline
- id-blacklist
- id-length
- id-match
- implicit-arrow-linebreak
- import/dynamic-import-chunkname
- import/exports-last
- import/extensions
- import/first
- import/group-exports
- import/max-dependencies
- import/newline-after-import
- import/no-anonymous-default-export
- import/no-default-export
- import/no-duplicates
- import/no-named-default
- import/no-named-export
- import/no-namespace
- import/no-unassigned-import
- import/order
- import/prefer-default-export
- indent
- jsx-a11y/alt-text
- jsx-a11y/anchor-has-content
- jsx-a11y/aria-activedescendant-has-tabindex
- jsx-a11y/click-events-have-key-events
- jsx-a11y/html-has-lang
- jsx-a11y/iframe-has-title
- jsx-a11y/img-redundant-alt
- jsx-a11y/interactive-supports-focus
- jsx-a11y/label-has-associated-control
- jsx-a11y/media-has-caption
- jsx-a11y/mouse-events-have-key-events
- jsx-a11y/no-access-key
- jsx-a11y/no-autofocus
- jsx-a11y/no-distracting-elements
- jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-element-interactions
- jsx-a11y/no-noninteractive-tabindex
- jsx-a11y/no-onchange
- jsx-a11y/no-redundant-roles
- jsx-a11y/no-static-element-interactions
- jsx-a11y/scope
- jsx-a11y/tabindex-no-positive
- jsx-quotes
- key-spacing
- keyword-spacing
- line-comment-position
- linebreak-style
- lines-around-comment
- lines-between-class-members
- max-depth
- max-len
- max-lines
- max-lines-per-function
- max-nested-callbacks
- max-params
- max-statements
- max-statements-per-line
- multiline-comment-style
- multiline-ternary
- new-cap
- new-parens
- newline-per-chained-call
- no-array-constructor
- no-bitwise
- no-case-declarations
- no-cond-assign
- no-console
- no-continue
- no-inline-comments
- no-lonely-if
- no-mixed-operators
- no-mixed-spaces-and-tabs
- no-multi-assign
- no-multiple-empty-lines
- no-negated-condition
- no-nested-ternary
- no-new-object
- no-plusplus
- no-restricted-syntax
- no-return-assign
- no-tabs
- no-ternary
- no-trailing-spaces
- no-underscore-dangle
- no-unneeded-ternary
- no-whitespace-before-property
- nonblock-statement-body-position
- object-curly-newline
- object-curly-spacing
- object-property-newline
- one-var
- one-var-declaration-per-line
- operator-assignment
- operator-linebreak
- padded-blocks
- padding-line-between-statements
- prefer-arrow-callback
- prefer-const
- prefer-destructuring
- prefer-named-capture-group
- prefer-numeric-literals
- prefer-object-spread
- prefer-promise-reject-errors
- prefer-reflect
- prefer-rest-params
- prefer-spread
- prefer-template
- quote-props
- quotes
- react/boolean-prop-naming
- react/button-has-type
- react/default-props-match-prop-types
- react/destructuring-assignment
- react/display-name
- react/forbid-component-props
- react/forbid-dom-props
- react/forbid-elements
- react/forbid-foreign-prop-types
- react/forbid-prop-types
- react/jsx-boolean-value
- react/jsx-closing-bracket-location
- react/jsx-closing-tag-location
- react/jsx-curly-brace-presence
- react/jsx-curly-newline
- react/jsx-curly-spacing
- react/jsx-equals-spacing
- react/jsx-filename-extension
- react/jsx-fragments
- react/jsx-handler-names
- react/jsx-indent
- react/jsx-indent-props
- react/jsx-key
- react/jsx-max-depth
- react/jsx-max-props-per-line
- react/jsx-no-literals
- react/jsx-one-expression-per-line
- react/jsx-pascal-case
- react/jsx-props-no-multi-spaces
- react/jsx-props-no-spreading
- react/jsx-sort-default-props
- react/jsx-sort-prop-types
- react/jsx-sort-props
- react/jsx-space-before-closing
- react/jsx-tag-spacing
- react/jsx-wrap-multilines
- react/no-children-prop
- react/no-find-dom-node
- react/no-multi-comp
- react/no-redundant-should-component-update
- react/no-set-state
- react/no-string-refs
- react/no-unknown-property
- react/prefer-es6-class
- react/prefer-read-only-props
- react/prefer-stateless-function
- react/prop-types
- react/react-in-jsx-scope
- react/require-default-props
- react/require-optimization
- react/self-closing-comp
- react/sort-comp
- react/sort-prop-types
- react/state-in-constructor
- react/static-property-placement
- react/style-prop-object
- semi
- semi-spacing
- semi-style
- sort-keys
- sort-vars
- space-before-blocks
- space-before-function-paren
- space-in-parens
- space-infix-ops
- space-unary-ops
- spaced-comment
- strict
- switch-colon-spacing
- template-tag-spacing
- unicode-bom
- wrap-regex
- accessor-pairs
- class-methods-use-this
- consistent-return
- dot-location
- dot-notation
- guard-for-in
- lines-around-directive
- max-classes-per-file
- no-div-regex
- no-else-return
- no-empty-function
- no-fallthrough
- no-floating-decimal
- no-implicit-globals
- no-invalid-this
- no-labels
- no-multi-spaces
- no-multi-str
- no-octal
- no-param-reassign
- no-redeclare
- no-script-url
- no-self-assign
- no-self-compare
- no-throw-literal
- no-void
- vars-on-top
- yoda
- E101
- E111
- E114
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- W191
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- F406
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