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Created July 1, 2015 18:38
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  • Save DrewMcArthur/4bfc5538eb97543749f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save DrewMcArthur/4bfc5538eb97543749f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script allows a simulation of a 2D grid of workspaces for i3wm
#This script simulates a 2D grid of workspaces with i3.
#all you have to do is add the next line to your i3/config
#bindsym <keys> exec <path>/i3/ <direction> [move win]
#for example,
#bindsym Control+Mod1+Right exec ~/.config/i3/ right
#if you want to move the window with you when you switch workspaces,
#add another argument to the command
#./ right move
#(it doesn't have to be move, any argument at all will work)
#Here's the configuration of columns and rows
#how to get workspaces
#workspaces="$(i3-msg -t get_workspaces)"
#to learn more about using bash to interact with i3, 'man i3-msg'
#Step 1: get current workspace
#get array of workspaces thing. messy array but idk what i'm doing
d=($(i3-msg -t get_workspaces|grep -oP '[,\s"]+\K.*?(?=")'))
#loop through that array
for i in `seq 0 ${#d[@]}`; do
if [ "${d[$i]}" = ":true," ]; then
if [ "${d[$i - 4]}" = "name" ]; then
cur=${d[$i - 2]}; #number of current workspace
echo CUR $cur #for the sake of debugging
#Step 2: turn workspace number into vertical and horizontal coordinates
curv=$((($cur - 1) / $MAX_cols + 1));
curh=$(($cur % $MAX_cols));
if [ $curh -eq 0 ]; then
echo CURRCORDS $curh, $curv #for the sake of debugging
#Step 3: Determine direction moving, and create new coordinates
case "$1" in #$1 is the direction we're moving. change the x|y coord accordingly
"right" ) toh=$(($curh + 1));;
"left" ) toh=$(($curh - 1));;
"up" ) tov=$(($curv - 1));;
"down" ) tov=$(($curv + 1));;
#these IFs give boundaries.
#if x|y is past boundary,
#then value is set to that boundary.
if [ $tov -lt 1 ]; then #x must be >= 1
if [ $toh -lt 1 ]; then #y must be >= 1
if [ $toh -gt $MAX_cols ]; then #y must be <= $MAX_cols
if [ $tov -gt $MAX_rows ]; then #x must be <= $MAX_rows
echo TOCOORDS $toh, $tov; #for the sake of debugging
#Step 4: convert x,y coordinate to workspace number
to=$(($toh + ( $tov - 1 ) * $MAX_cols));
echo TO $to #which workspace to switch to
#Step 5: switch to that workspace
if [ $# -gt 1 ];then #if there's a second argument (i.e. 'move') then take window with you
i3-msg -t command move container to workspace $to;
i3-msg -t command workspace $to;
else #else just move the workspace
i3-msg -t command workspace $to;
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This is the beginning of something great. I really want to have 2d workspaces that are infinitely expandable and actually update the i3bar correctly, with labels something like 1:1 1:2 1:3 and 2:1 2:2 2:3 for workspace numbers. I have been looking at the i3 source to see how difficult it would be to implement unfortunately it's a little over my head. Anyway thank you for the code, definitely gives me a better idea, thanks.

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