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Created January 26, 2017 16:08
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VI and VIM shortcuts


motion description
h Count characters left
l Count characters right
^ To the first character of the line
$ To the last character of the line
f<char> To the counth character occurrence to the right. F<char> to the counth character occurrence to the left
t<char> To 1 character just before the counth character occurrence to the right
T<char> To 1 character just before the counth character occurrence to the left
w Count words forward
W Count words forward (different definition for what a word is, includes special characters and such)
e Count forward to the end of word
b Count words backward
i<{<"'> Inside something like inside brackets or parenthesis for example
trigger effect
c{motion} Change
d{motion} Delete
y{motion} Yank into register
g~{motion} Toggle case
gu{motion} Make lowercase
gU{motion} Make uppercase
>{motion} Shift right
<{motion} Shift left
={motion} Auto-indent

##buffer management

command description
<C-^> or <C-6> Switch to the buffer you just left

##split windows

command description
<C-w>s or :sp[lit] <file> Split file horizontally.
<C-w>v or :vsp[lit] <file> Split file vertically
<C-w>w cycle between open windows
<C-w>h focus the window to the left
<C-w>j focus the window below
<C-w>k focus the window above
<C-w>l focus the window to the right
:cl[ose] <C-w>c close the active window
:on[ly] <C-w>o keep only the active window, closing all others


command description
]s Jump to next spelling error
[s Jump to previous spelling error
z= Suggest corrections for current word
zg Add the current word to spell file
zw Remove the current word from spell file

##code folding

command description
zf{motion} folds code when "foldmethod" set to manual or "marker"
za toggle fold at cursor
zo opens fold at cursor
zc close fold at cursor
zR open all
zM close all

##search and replace

command description
:args **/*.txt Multi-file Step 1) populate the argument list with the files you want to search
:argdo %s/search/replace/gc Mult-file Step 2) replace all occurrences of search with replace but prompt before doing so
  • |search for the word under the cursor


command description
:jumps display the jump list
<C-o> jump backwards through the jump list
<C-i> jump forwards through the jump list
:changes display the change list
g; jump backwards through the changes list
g, jump forwards through the changes list
gf jump to the file name under the cursor


command description
:changes display the change list
g; jump backwards through the changes list
g, jump forwards through the changes list
gf jump to the file name under the cursor


command description
:marks display the marks list
m<upper case> set a file bookmark
m<lower case> set a buffer bookmark
'<character> jump to the mark
'' jump to the line in the current buffer where jumped from
:delmarks <character> delete specified mark
:delmarks a-d delete marks a through d
:delmarks a,b,x,y delete only marks a,b,x and y
:delmarks! delete all lower case marks


command description
:registers display the register list
"<lower case register>{motion} overwrite or use contents of register
"<upper case register>{motion} append or use contents of register
0 populated with last yanked text


command description
q{register} start recording and store it in the specified register
q stop recording
{count}@{register} execute specified macro count times


command description
:tags display the tags stack
<C-]> goto definition
<C-t> goto previous
:ta<method> takes you to the method definition where method definition could be a regex that produces a list
:tn: goes to next in list
:tp goes to previous in list
:tf goes to first in list
:tl goes to last in list

##quickfix window

command description
:copen Open the quickfix window
:ccl Close it
:cw Open it if there are "errors", close it otherwise (some people prefer this)
:cn Go to the next error in the window
:cnf Go to the first error in the next file
:cc{num} Go to the error by number


key move to
% End of construct
[[ Backwards to the beginning of the current function.
][ Forwards to the beginning of the current function.
]} Beginning of the current block.
[{ End of the current block.
}[ Beginning of the current comment block.
}] End of the current comment block.
gd First usage of the current variable name. (Mnemonic: go to definition).
gD Go to the first global usage of the current variable name.
gg beginning of file
G end of file

##Addon References


command effect
:!ctags -R jump to first tag that matches word under the cursor
<C-]> Prompt user to select from multiple matches for the word under the cursor.
g<C-]> present a list of choices if there is more than a single tag to jump to
<C-t> like the back button for tag history
:tag <keyword> jump to first tag that matches word under the cursor
:tjump <keyword> Prompt user to select from multiple matches for the word under the cursor.
:pop or <C-t> Prompt user to select from multiple matches for the word under the cursor.
:tselect Prompt user to choose an item from the tag matchlist


command description
gc{motion} Toggle comments (for small comments within one line the &filetype_inline style will be used, if defined)
gcc Toggle comment for the current line
gC{motion} Comment region
gCc Comment the current line
<C- _ ><C- _ > :TComment
<C- _ >b :TCommentBlock


command description
:A Alternate
:R Related
:Rmodel Model
:Rview View
:Rcontroller Controller
:help rails-navigation Help on this plugin.


command description
cs<current><new> change old delimeter to new
ds remove delimeters
ysiw<delimiter> wrap current word
S<delimiter> while in visual mode
S= in visual mode, rails ERB tag (requires vim-rails)
S- in visual mode, rails ERB tag (requires vim-rails)
S# in visual mode, rails ERB tag (requires vim-rails)
<C-s>= rails ERB tag (requires vim-rails)
<C-s>- rails ERB tag (requires vim-rails)
<C-s># rails ERB tag (requires vim-rails)


command description
v enable characterwise Visual mode
V enable linewise Visual mode
<C-v> enable blockwise Visual mode
gv reselect the last visual selection
o go to other end of highlighted text
"+p paste from system clipboard
:0,$d delete every line in a file
<C-a> increment number
<C-x> decrement number
vit select contents inside of an HTML tag
:map List all currently define mappings
:verbose map Display where mapping was defined
g/{pattern}/d Delete every line matching pattern.
v/{pattern}/d Delete every line not matching pattern.
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