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Created January 16, 2023 16:43
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Create and enable a Customer Managed Key for Azure Storage Account encryption
#! /bin/bash
# Echo usage if something isn't right.
usage() {
echo "Usage: $0"
echo " [-r <resource-group>] Name of the Azure Resource Group"
echo " [-v <keyvault>] Name of the Key Vault that will hold the Customer Managed Key"
echo " [-s <storage-account>] Name of the target Storage Account that needs to have CMK Encryption enabled"
echo " [-k <key-name>] Name of the new CMK"
echo " [-e <email>] Email address of the user-managed identity that can access the Key Vault" 1>&2; exit 1;
while getopts ":r:v:s:k:e:" o; do
case "${o}" in
echo "ERROR: Option -$OPTARG requires an argument"
echo "ERROR: Invalid option -$OPTARG"
shift $((OPTIND-1))
# Check required switches exist
if [ -z "${rgName}" ] || [ -z "${kvName}" ] || [ -z "${saName}" ] || [ -z "${userEmail}" ] || [ -z "${keyName}" ]; then
echo ">>>>>"
echo "Resource Group: ${rgName}"
echo "Key Vault: ${kvName}"
echo "Storage Account: ${saName}"
echo "User Identity: ${userEmail}"
echo "Key Name: ${keyName}"
echo ">>>>>"
read -p "Are you sure? (y/n)" -n 1 -r
if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]
# 1. Assign the Key Vault Crypto Officer role to yourself.
# This role enables you to create a key in the key vault.
# The following example assigns this role to a user, scoped to the key vault:
kvResourceId=$(az keyvault show --resource-group $rgName \
--name $kvName \
--query id \
--output tsv)
az role assignment create --assignee "$userEmail" \
--role "Key Vault Crypto Officer" \
--scope $kvResourceId
# 2. Create a CMK
az keyvault key create \
--name $keyName \
--vault-name $kvName
# 3. Grant Key Vault Crypto Service Encryption User role to user
# The user-assigned managed identity must have permissions to access the key in the key vault.
# The following example shows how to retrieve the user-assigned managed identity and assign to it the
# required RBAC role, scoped to the key vault.
identityResourceId=$(az identity show --name <user-assigned-identity> \
--resource-group $rgName \
--query id \
--output tsv)
principalId=$(az identity show --name <user-assigned-identity> \
--resource-group $rgName \
--query principalId \
--output tsv)
az role assignment create --assignee-object-id $principalId \
--role " Key Vault Crypto Service Encryption User" \
--scope $kvResourceId
# 4. Configure customer-managed keys for an existing storage account
# Next, call az storage account update to update the storage account's encryption settings. Include the
# --encryption-key-source parameter and set it to Microsoft.Keyvault to enable customer-managed keys for the account,
# and set encryption-key-version to an empty string to enable automatic updating of the key version.
# If the storage account was previously configured for customer-managed keys with a specific key version,
# then setting the key version to an empty string will enable automatic updating of the key version going forward.
keyVaultUri=$(az keyvault show \
--name $kvName \
--resource-group $rgName \
--query properties.vaultUri \
--output tsv)
az storage account update \
--name "$saName" \
--resource-group $rgName \
--encryption-key-name $keyName \
--encryption-key-version "" \
--encryption-key-source Microsoft.Keyvault \
--encryption-key-vault $keyVaultUri
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