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Created August 14, 2014 19:20
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Save DrkSephy/706ab7ec12b84e49eaf6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Completed pagination algorithm for Github API
* Precondition:
* ownerName (string): The owner username of the target repository
* repoName (string): The target repository name
* Postcondition:
* An array of objects, where each object contains the following properties:
* name (string): The contributor username
* issues_opened (string): The number of issues closed by the respective contributor
router.get('/issues_closed', function(req, res) {
url: '' + req.query.ownerName + '/' + req.query.repoName + '/contributors',
headers: { 'user-agent': 'git-technetium' },
json: true
}, function(error, response, body) {
if(!error && response.statusCode === 200) {
var contributors = [];
for(var contributorIndex = 0; contributorIndex < body.length; contributorIndex++){
var contributorIssuesClosed = [];
for(var contributorIndex = 0; contributorIndex < contributors.length; contributorIndex++) {
'name': contributors[contributorIndex],
'issues_closed': 0
// An array containing all issue numbers that we want to get events for.
// These issue numbers are only issues not generated by pull requests.
var issueNumbers = [ ];
Algorithm: getData is a function of pageCounter, which denotes the current url being processed.
It will loop through batches of 30 datasets, and if the issue was not generated by
a pull request, we store it inside of `issueNumbers` to be processed by async.each.
If the length of the body is === 30, there could be more data, so we call the getData
function repeatedly until body is < 30 (meaning we have no more URLs to process).
Lastly, the issueNumbers array is processed by async.each, which handles getting the
event data from each issue.
var getData = function(pageCounter) {
url: '' + req.query.ownerName + '/' + req.query.repoName + '/issues?state=closed&page=' + pageCounter,
headers: { 'user-agent': 'git-technetium' },
json: true
}, function(error, response, body){
if(!error && response.statusCode === 200){
// build array of issue numbers to get events for
for(var issueIndex = 0; issueIndex < body.length; issueIndex++){
// if the issue was not generated by a pull request, save this issue number for future processing
// If the length of the body is < 30, we know we are processing the last page of data.
// We pass the data to async.each for further processing and to send the client the data.
if(body.length < 30) {
// For each Issue Number inside of the issueNumbers array, we want to send a request to get that issue's events.
// async.each will apply the request function for each item inside the issueNumbers array.
async.each(issueNumbers, function(number, callback) {
url: '' + req.query.ownerName + '/' + req.query.repoName + '/issues/' + number + '/events',
headers: { 'user-agent' : 'git-technetium' },
json: true
}, function(error, response, body){
if(!error && response.statusCode === 200){
for(var eventData = 0; eventData < body.length; eventData++){
if(body[eventData].event === 'closed'){
for(contributorIndex = 0; contributorIndex < contributors.length; contributorIndex++){
if(body[eventData].actor.login === contributorIssuesClosed[contributorIndex].name){
}// end inner for loop
} // end if
} // end outer for loop
} // end if
// If we have processed all the requests, we send a callback with the data attached.
// According to the documentation, if you send callback() with anything inside,
// it gets reported as an error. Conveniently, we can use this to our advantage.
// When all requests are done, send the data through a callback to access it at
// the end, and send it up to the server.
if(issueNumbers.indexOf(number) === issueNumbers.length - 1){
callback({data: contributorIssuesClosed});
}) // end request
}, function(err){
// We can access the data processed by async.each through the error callback.
if( err ) {
} else {
} else {
// We are not done yet, there might be more data to grab. Call the function again with the next page.
getData(pageCounter + 1);
}); // end second request
// Call function to get all data.
} // end first request if statement
}); // end first request
}); // end router.get
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