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Last active September 5, 2023 01:25
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Normalize Arma3 headless client position
* Author: Mark Ruffner (AACO)
* Shamelessly stolen from Bourbon Warfare
* Recursive function to normalize the position of the HC modules in a mission.
* This improved the performace of the AI, as the farther away the modules are from the players the fewer updates they get about the players.
* missionNamespace setVariable ["dro_updateHCPosition", true] to stop the function from continuing to run
* Arguments:
* none
* Return Value:
* none
* Example:
* [] call dro_FNC_updateHCPosition;
// normalize HCs positions
dro_FNC_updateHCPosition = {
if (!(missionNamespace getVariable ["dro_updateHCPosition", true])) exitWith {};
// setup player position tracker
private _playerPositions = [0, [0, 0, 0]]; // player count, sum of player positions
// get all active HCs
private _hcs = [[], [], []];
(_hcs select 0) pushBack owner _x;
(_hcs select 1) pushBack [0, [0, 0, 0]]; // group count, sum of group leader positions
(_hcs select 2) pushBack _x;
} forEach ((entities "HeadlessClient_F") select {isPlayer _x});
// look through all groups and assoicate them to the HCs, get player positions
if (!(_x in (_hcs select 2))) then {
private _index = (_hcs select 0) find groupOwner _x;
// ignore non land AI
if (_index > -1 && {(vehicle leader _x) isKindOf "Land"}) then {
private _groupPositions = ((_hcs select 1) select _index);
_groupPositions set [0, (_groupPositions select 0) + 1];
_groupPositions set [1, (_groupPositions select 1) vectorAdd (getPos leader _x)];
} else {
// make sure it's a player (not a spectator) on the ground
if (isPlayer _x && {(vehicle _x) isKindOf "Land"}) then {
_playerPositions set [0, (_playerPositions select 0) + 1];
_playerPositions set [1, (_playerPositions select 1) vectorAdd (getPos _x)];
} forEach (units _x);
} forEach allGroups;
private _playerAvgPos = [];
_playerPositions params ["_playerCount", "_playerPosSum"];
if (_playerCount > 0) then {
_playerAvgPos = _playerPosSum vectorMultiply (1 / _playerCount);
((_hcs select 1) select _forEachIndex) params ["_groupCount", "_position"];
if (_groupCount > 0) then {
private _groupAvgPos = _position vectorMultiply (1 / _groupCount);
if (!(_playerAvgPos isEqualTo [])) then {
_groupAvgPos = (_playerAvgPos vectorAdd _groupAvgPos) vectorMultiply 0.5;
_x setPos _groupAvgPos;
//INFO_2("Moving HC [%1] to pos %2",_x, _groupAvgPos);
} forEach (_hcs select 2);
[dro_FNC_updateHCPosition, [], missionNamespace getVariable ["dro_updateHCPositionDelay", 90]] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
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