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Last active September 5, 2023 01:05
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  • Save Drofseh/4b650d0c06f8034f2c8f69cedf5eb8f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Drofseh/4b650d0c06f8034f2c8f69cedf5eb8f6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Draw 250 mL of blood from a target and place a 250 mL bag of blood in the player's inventory.
//Put this code in the unit's init box in the editor, you will have to remove the comments
private _statementDrawBlood = {
if (!alive this) exitWith {
["You can't draw blood from a corpse."],
] call CBA_fnc_notify;
if (!([ace_player, "ACE_bloodIV_250", 1, true, true, true] call CBA_fnc_canAddItem)) exitWith {
["You don't have any room to carry a bag of blood."],
] call CBA_fnc_notify;
15, //Time it takes to complete the action
private _target = _this select 0 select 0;
//Reduce the blood volume of the target by 0.25 L
_target setVariable ["ace_medical_bloodVolume", ((_target getVariable ["ace_medical_bloodVolume", 6]) - 0.25)];
//Attempt to add a 250 ml blood bag to the player, warn if it will be placed on the ground instead.
if (!([ace_player, "ACE_bloodIV_250", 1, true, true, true] call CBA_fnc_canAddItem)) then {
["You don't have any room to carry a bag of blood so you've dropped it on the ground."],
] call CBA_fnc_notify;
[ace_player, "ACE_bloodIV_250", true] call CBA_fnc_addItem;
["You didn't spend enough time drawing blood to get a complete sample."],
] call CBA_fnc_notify;
"Drawing blood.",
["isNotInside", "isNotSitting"]
] call ace_common_fnc_progressBar;
private _actionDrawBlood = ["Draw Blood", "Draw Blood", "\z\ace\addons\medical_gui\ui\iv.paa", _statementDrawBlood, {true}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
[this, 0, [_x], _actionDrawBlood] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;
[this, 0, ["ACE_MainActions", "ACE_Medical_Radial",_x], _actionDrawBlood] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;
} forEach ["ACE_ArmLeft", "ACE_ArmRight"];
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