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Last active September 5, 2023 01:32
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Vehicle Respawn function to replace BI Vehicle Respawn Module
* Author: Drofseh & Karel Moricky
* Description:
* Set vehicle respawn, compatible both with SP and MP.
* Rewrite of buggy BI Vehicle Respawn Module
* Parameter(s):
* 0: OBJECT - vehicle
* 1: NUMBER - respawn delay in seconds (default is 0)
* 2: ARRAY - position ATL the vehicle should respawn at
* 3: BOOL - true to respawn the vehicle with AI crew
* 4: NUMBER - number of times the vehicle can be respawned (default is -1, which is unlimited)
* 5: CODE or ARRAY - code executed upon respawn. Passed arguments are [<newVehicle>,<oldVehicle>]. If array use this format [CODE,ARRAY], where ARRAY is parameters.
* CODE - code
* ARRAY - array of additional input parameters
* Returns:
* Examples:
* [this, 10, getPosATL this, true, -1, {}] call dro_FNC_respawnVehicle;
dro_FNC_respawnVehicle = {
// diag_log "dro_FNC_respawnVehicle start";
params [
["_respawnDelay", 0],
["_respawnPosition", getPosATL _vehicle],
["_respawnWithCrew", false],
["_respawnCountMax", -1],
["_respawnCode", {}],
["_respawnCount", 0],
["_respawnType", typeOf _vehicle],
["_respawnVariables", []],
["_init", true]
// diag_log (_this);
if (!isServer) exitWith {
if (_init) then {
// diag_log ("init");
private _startingVariable = [];
_startingVariable pushBack [_x, _vehicle getVariable _x];
} forEach (allVariables _vehicle);
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnDelay", _respawnDelay];
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnPosition", _respawnPosition];
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnWithCrew", _respawnWithCrew];
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnCountMax", _respawnCountMax];
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnCode", _respawnCode];
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnCount", _respawnCount];
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnType", _respawnType];
_vehicle setVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnVariables", _startingVariable];
_vehicle addMPEventHandler ["MPKilled", {
params ["_vehicle"];
// diag_log ("killed");
private _respawnDelay = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnDelay", 0];
private _respawnPosition = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnPosition", getPosATL _vehicle];
private _respawnWithCrew = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnWithCrew", {}];
private _respawnCountMax = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnCountMax", 0];
private _respawnCode = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnCode", {}];
private _respawnCount = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnCount", 0];
private _respawnType = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnType", typeOf _vehicle];
private _respawnVariables = _vehicle getVariable ["Dro_FW_RespawnVehicle_respawnVariables", []];
// diag_log ([_vehicle, _respawnDelay, _respawnPosition, _respawnCode, _respawnWithCrew, _respawnCountMax, _respawnCount, _respawnType]);
[_vehicle, _respawnDelay, _respawnPosition, _respawnWithCrew, _respawnCountMax, _respawnCode, _respawnCount, _respawnType, _respawnVariables, false] call dro_FNC_respawnVehicle;
} else {
if (_respawnCountMax == _respawnCount) exitWith {
// diag_log ("Max Respawns Reached");
// diag_log ("Respawn");
_respawnCount = _respawnCount + 1;
params ["_vehicle", "_respawnDelay", "_respawnPosition", "_respawnWithCrew","_respawnCountMax", "_respawnCode", "_respawnCount", "_respawnType", "_respawnVariables"];
// diag_log ([_vehicle, _respawnDelay, _respawnPosition, _respawnWithCrew, _respawnCountMax, _respawnCode, _respawnCount, _respawnType]);
// diag_log _respawnVariables;
private _special = "NONE";
if ((_respawnPosition select 2) > 2) then {_special == "FLY"};
// diag_log [_respawnType, _respawnPosition, [], 0, _special];
private _newVehicle = createVehicle [_respawnType, _respawnPosition, [], 0, _special];
_newVehicle setVectorDirAndUp [vectorDir _vehicle, vectorUp _vehicle];
// diag_log "_newVehicle";
// diag_log _newVehicle;
// diag_log (typeName _newVehicle);
_newVehicle setVariable [_x select 0, _x select 1];
} forEach _respawnVariables;
[_newVehicle, _respawnDelay, _respawnPosition, _respawnWithCrew, _respawnCountMax, _respawnCode, _respawnCount, _respawnType, _respawnVariables, true] call dro_FNC_respawnVehicle;
private _curatorAddCrew = false;
if (_respawnWithCrew || {count crew _vehicle > 0 && {getNumber (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> _vehicleType >> "isUAV") > 0}}) then {
createVehicleCrew _newVehicle;
_curatorAddCrew = true;
_x addCuratorEditableObjects [[_newVehicle], _curatorAddCrew];
} foreach objectCurators _vehicle;
if (_special isEqualTo "FLY" && {_simulation in ["airplane", "airplanex"]}) then {
_newVehicle setVelocity ((vectorDirVisual _newVehicle) vectorMultiply 69);
if (_respawnCode isEqualType []) then {
([_newVehicle, _vehicle] + (_respawnCode select 1)) call (_respawnCode select 0);
} else {
[_newVehicle, _vehicle] call _respawnCode;
[_vehicle, _respawnDelay, _respawnPosition, _respawnWithCrew, _respawnCountMax, _respawnCode, _respawnCount, _respawnType, _respawnVariables],
] call CBA_fnc_waitAndExecute;
// diag_log "dro_FNC_respawnVehicle end";
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