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Last active September 5, 2023 01:39
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  • Save Drofseh/c2ab2fca8c545105d055422d35c64c6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Add action to check remaining ammunition in vehicle
Function is listed first here, adding the action to all vehicles is at the bottom.
This can all just go in init.sqf
* Author: Drofseh
* Description:
* Add an ACE action to check the amount of ammo in a vehicle's magazines.
* Parameter(s):
* 0: OBJECT - vehicle
* Returns:
* Examples:
* [this] call dro_FNC_checkVehicleAmmo;
dro_FNC_checkVehicleAmmo = {
private _vehicle = vehicle player;
private _magListAll = magazinesAllTurrets _vehicle;
private _turrets = allTurrets _vehicle;
private _turretNames = [];
private _pylonConfigPath = configOf _vehicle >> "Components" >> "TransportPylonsComponent" >> "pylons";
private _pylonMagazines = getPylonMagazines _vehicle;
private _pylonCount = count _pylonConfigPath;
private _pylonMagazinesCount = count _pylonMagazines;
// diag_log "_magListAll";
// diag_log _magListAll;
if (_magListAll isEqualTo [] && {_pylonMagazinesCount < 1}) exitWith {
[["This vehicle is unarmed"], true] call CBA_fnc_notify;
if (_pylonCount > 0 && {_pylonMagazinesCount > 0}) then {
_turretNames pushBack ["Pylons","Pylons"];
private _name = getText ([_vehicle, _x] call BIS_fnc_turretConfig >> "gunnerName");
_turretNames pushBack [_name,_x];
} forEach _turrets;
// diag_log "_turretNames";
// diag_log _turretNames;
private _magListFinal = [];
private _currentTurrentIndex = _x select 1;
private _currentTurrentName = _x select 0;
// diag_log "_currentTurrentIndex";
// diag_log _currentTurrentIndex;
// diag_log "_currentTurrentName";
// diag_log _currentTurrentName;
if (_currentTurrentIndex isEqualType []) then {
private _magListTurret = [];
private _magCurrentTurret = _x select 1;
if (_magCurrentTurret isEqualTo _currentTurrentIndex) then {
private _magCurrentRoundCount = _x select 2;
//sort through magazines that have ammo, create an array with the number of mags and a formated string with display name and ammo count, add them to the list
if !(_magCurrentRoundCount isEqualTo 0) then {
private _magClass = _x select 0;
private _magName = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magClass >> "DisplayName");
if (_magName isEqualTo "") exitWith {};
private _magCapacity = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magClass >> "count");
private _outputString = "%1 (%2/%3) x ";
if (_magCapacity < 2) then {
_outputString = "%1 x ";
/* //revisit this when cannon magazines are 1 round each
if (_magCapacity isNotEqualTo _magCurrentRoundCount) then {
_outputString = "(Partial) x ";
private _currentOutput = [(format [_outputString, _magName, _magCurrentRoundCount, _magCapacity])]; //remove capacity and just show current ammo count?
private _existingIndex = _magListTurret find _currentOutput;
// diag_log "_currentOutput";
// diag_log _currentOutput;
if (_existingIndex > -1) then {
private _previousNumber = (_magListTurret select (_existingIndex + 1) select 0);
_magListTurret set [_existingIndex + 1, [(_previousNumber + 1)]];
} else {
_magListTurret = _magListTurret + [_currentOutput] + [[1]];
} forEach _magListAll;
// diag_log "_magListTurret";
// diag_log _magListTurret;
// format the data for output hint
private _magListTurretFinal = [];
private _magCount = _magListTurret select _forEachIndex select 0;
if (_magCount isEqualType 0) then {
private _magString = [(format ["%1%2", (_magListTurret select (_forEachIndex - 1) select 0), _magCount])];
// diag_log "_magString";
// diag_log _magString;
_magListTurretFinal pushBack _magString;
// diag_log "_magListTurretFinal";
// diag_log _magListTurretFinal;
} forEach _magListTurret;
if !(_magListTurretFinal isEqualTo []) then {
_magListTurretFinal sort false;
// diag_log "_magListTurretFinalSorted";
// diag_log _magListTurretFinal;
//insert turret name to front of list
_magListTurretFinal append [[(_currentTurrentName + ":"),1.1]];
_magListTurretFinal append [""];
reverse _magListTurretFinal;
// diag_log "_magListTurretFinalReversed";
// diag_log _magListTurretFinal;
_magListFinal append _magListTurretFinal;
} else {
if (_currentTurrentIndex isEqualType "" && {_currentTurrentIndex isEqualTo "Pylons"}) then {
private _pylons = "true" configClasses (_pylonConfigPath);
private _magListTurret = [];
// diag_log "_pylonConfigPath";
// diag_log _pylonConfigPath;
// diag_log "_pylonCount";
// diag_log _pylonCount;
// diag_log "_pylons";
// diag_log _pylons;
// diag_log "_pylonMagazines";
// diag_log _pylonMagazines;
for "_i" from 0 to (_pylonCount - 1) do {
private _pylon = configName (_pylons select _i);
private _magClass = (_pylonMagazines select _i);
private _magName = getText (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magClass >> "DisplayName");
private _magCapacity = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgMagazines" >> _magClass >> "count");
private _magCurrentRoundCount = _vehicle ammoOnPylon _pylon;
private _outputString = "%1 (%2/%3) x ";
if (_magCapacity < 2) then {
_outputString = "%1 x ";
private _currentOutput = [(format [_outputString, _magName, _magCurrentRoundCount, _magCapacity])];
private _existingIndex = _magListTurret find _currentOutput;
// diag_log "_pylonMagazines";
// diag_log _pylonMagazines;
// diag_log "_pylon";
// diag_log _pylon;
// diag_log "_i";
// diag_log _i;
// diag_log "_magClass";
// diag_log _magClass;
// diag_log "_magName";
// diag_log _magName;
// diag_log "_magCapacity";
// diag_log _magCapacity;
// diag_log "_magCurrentRoundCount";
// diag_log _magCurrentRoundCount;
// diag_log "_currentOutput";
// diag_log _currentOutput;
if (_existingIndex > -1) then {
private _previousNumber = (_magListTurret select (_existingIndex + 1) select 0);
_magListTurret set [_existingIndex + 1, [(_previousNumber + 1)]];
} else {
_magListTurret = _magListTurret + [_currentOutput] + [[1]];
// diag_log "_magListTurret";
// diag_log _magListTurret;
// format the data for output hint
private _magListTurretFinal = [];
private _magCount = _magListTurret select _forEachIndex select 0;
if (_magCount isEqualType 0) then {
private _magString = [(format ["%1%2", (_magListTurret select (_forEachIndex - 1) select 0), _magCount])];
// diag_log "_magString";
// diag_log _magString;
_magListTurretFinal pushBack _magString;
// diag_log "_magListTurretFinal";
// diag_log _magListTurretFinal;
} forEach _magListTurret;
if !(_magListTurretFinal isEqualTo []) then {
_magListTurretFinal sort false;
// diag_log "_magListTurretFinalSorted";
// diag_log _magListTurretFinal;
//insert turret name to front of list
_magListTurretFinal append [[("Pylons:"),1.1]];
_magListTurretFinal append [""];
reverse _magListTurretFinal;
// diag_log "_magListTurretFinalReversed";
// diag_log _magListTurretFinal;
_magListFinal append _magListTurretFinal;
} forEach _turretNames;
private _hint = [["Vehicle Ammuntion Remaining:",1.3]];
_hint append _magListFinal;
_hint set [count _hint, true];
_hint call CBA_fnc_notify;
// diag_log _hint;
//Add the action to all vehicles.
private _conditionCheck = {True};
private _statementCheck = {
[this] call dro_FNC_checkVehicleAmmo;
private _actionCheck = ["Check Vehicle Ammunition","Check Vehicle Ammunition","",_statementCheck,_conditionCheck] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;
["LandVehicle", 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], _actionCheck,true] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;
["Air", 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], _actionCheck,true] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;
["Ship", 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"], _actionCheck,true] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToClass;
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