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Last active September 17, 2016 19:56
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Convert Go http routes to express-js fashion
package main
import "os"
import "text/tabwriter"
import "regexp"
import "fmt"
func main(){
// silent the groups to eliminate redundant data in match
var r = compileRegex("/:name/:service/:id(?:[0-9]{0,3})")
var regex = r.FindStringSubmatch("/api/buy/123")
var params = make(map[string]string)
// to print beautifully
var writer = tabwriter.NewWriter(os.Stdout, 0, 0, 1, ' ', tabwriter.AlignRight|tabwriter.Debug)
for i, name := range r.SubexpNames() {
if i == 0 {
// first value is matched string itself
params[name] = regex[i]
fmt.Fprintln(writer, "param: \t"+ string(name)+"\tvalue:\t" + string(regex[i]))
func compileRegex(url string) *regexp.Regexp {
var i = 0
var buffer = "/"
var regexStr = "^"
var endVariable = ">(?:[A-Za-z0-9\\-\\_\\$\\.\\+\\!\\*\\'\\(\\)\\,]+))"
if url[0] == '/' {
for i < len(url) {
if url[i] == '/' {
// attach the last parsed part and then move ahead
regexStr += buffer + "/"
buffer = ""
} else {
if url[i] == ':' && ( (i-1 >=0 && url[i-1] == '/') || (i-1 == -1)) {
// a variable found, lets read it
var tempbuffer = "(?P<"
var variableName = ""
var variableNameDone = false
var done = false
var hasRegex = false
var innerGroup = 0
// lets branch in to look deeper
for done != true && i < len(url) {
if url[i] == '/' {
// are we done yet? have the name?
if variableName != "" {
// are all brackets closed?
if innerGroup == 0 {
if hasRegex == false {
// attach the constant endVariable for URL param
tempbuffer += endVariable
done = true
// something went wrong in during parsing. panic.
tempbuffer = ""
} else if url[i] == '(' {
// group begin, have we saved the variable name?
if variableNameDone == false {
variableNameDone = true
tempbuffer += ">" // close variable name tag
hasRegex = true // this group has regex
tempbuffer += string(url[i])
if url[i - 1] != '\\' {
} else if url[i] == ')' {
tempbuffer += string(url[i])
if url[i - 1] != '\\' {
} else {
if variableNameDone == false {
variableName += string(url[i])
tempbuffer += string(url[i])
if tempbuffer != "" {
if hasRegex == false && done == false {
tempbuffer += endVariable
} else if hasRegex {
tempbuffer += ")"
buffer += tempbuffer
} else {
panic("Invalid Route regex")
} else {
buffer += string(url[i])
if buffer != "" {
regexStr += buffer
return regexp.MustCompile(regexStr + "(?:[\\/]{0,1})$")
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