#encore.rxSortableColumn Members
##encore.rxSortableColumn.initialize(rxSortableColumnElement, [repeaterString]) Params
- rxSortableColumnElement
- WebElement to be transformed into an rxSortableColumn object. - [repeaterString]
- Repeater string from the table. Required for data
Returns: Page
- Page object representing the rxSortableColumn object.
- tableElement
- Web element of the entire<table>
Returns: Page
- rxSortableColumns Page object representing the rxSortableColumns object.
##const: encore.rxSortableColumn.sortDirections
Returns: Object
- sortDirections Lookup of integer codes for sort directions from human-readable ones.
var sorts = encore.rxSortableColumn.sorts;
// ...
it('should sort the column ascending by default', function () {
#encore.rxStatusColumn Members
##encore.rxStatusColumn.initialize(rxStatusCellElement) Params
- rxStatusCellElement
- Status cell element from a table row.
Returns: Page
- Page object representing an rxStatusColumn.
##const: encore.rxStatusColumn.statuses
Returns: Object
- Lookup of status strings from human-readable statuses.
##const: encore.rxStatusColumn.icons
Returns: Object
- Lookup of icon class names from a human-readable version.
##const: encore.rxStatusColumn.colors
Returns: Object
- Lookup of color class names from a human-readable class name.
##rxSortableColumn.sort Prefer using sortAscending and sortDescending over this.
Returns: Array
- A list of all cell text in this column.
Return a list of all cell contents in this column.
Passes all cell elements to customFn
, or if undefined, will return just the text of each cell.
The second argument, allByCssSelectorString
is used when your column's binding
(which is used by by.repeater().column
) is for some reason unreachable by protractor.
A common reason why this wouldn't be the case is because the binding is not used as text
within a web element, but instead used within the tag's attrs. An example of this is illustrated here:
Binding inside of a tag's attributes.
In these cases, you should specify a css selector that will select each element in the column you
care about, since by.binding
is not an option.
- [customFn]
- Specific work that must occur to all column cell elements. - [allByCssSelectorString]
- Fallback$$('.all-by-css')
-style call to select column cells.
Returns: Array
- Dependent on the return value of customFn
var sumCurrency = function (columnElements) {
return columnElements.reduce(function (acc, columnElement) {
return columnElement.getText().then(function (text) {
return acc + encore.rxForm.currencyToPennies(text);
}, 0);
charges.column('Usage Charges').getDataUsing(sumCurrency).then(function (sum) {
##rxSortableColumn.currentSortDirection The current sort direction of the column.
- Ascending sort: (1) means the arrow is pointed down. [0-9, a-z]
- Descending sort: (0) means the arrow is pointed up. [z-a, 9-0]
- Not sorted: (-1) means there is no arrow for this column.
Returns: Integer
- : 1, 0, or -1 based on direction.
Use sortDirections when testing your columns.
Will repeatedly click the sort button until the column is sorted ascending.
Returns: undefined
Will repeatedly click the sort button until the column is sorted descending.
Returns: undefined
Return all column names in tableElement
If any special work needs to be done, pass in a custom mapFn
to getNamesUsing
Returns: Array
- : An array of strings representing text in each column in the table.
##rxStatusColumn.byType Represents the custom defined status type. This has no relation to the tooltip text, the icon chosen, or the color used to represent it.
Returns: String
- Status cell's custom defined status type.
Represents the status as summarized by the icon selection alone. Extracted from the font-awesome icon used.
Returns: String
- Status cell's font-awesome icon name.
Represents the status as summarized by the color selection alone. Extracted from the class name.
Returns: String
- Status cell's color class name.
Will appear on hover.
###tooltip.exists Hovers over the current row's status column and returns whether or not a tooltip appears.
Returns: Boolean
- Whether or not a tooltip is present.
Returns: String
- Tooltip text.