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Last active August 29, 2015 14:12
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  • Save Drugoy/7905a4c8fc4167098bf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Drugoy/7905a4c8fc4167098bf2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A small script to save describe networking stands
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, Force
If %0% ; The script was called with at least 1 argument, expectedly the user drag'n'dropped something onto the script.
Loop, %0%
input := %A_Index%
If FileExist(input) ; Not sure if this needed, since user can't drag'n'drop an unexisting file.
FileRead, input, %input%
; Loop, %inputFileName%
; inputFileName := A_LoopFileName
; input = [{"defroute":"","ifaces":[{"addrs":[{"IP":"","mask":"24"},{"IP":"321.123.123.123","mask":"23"}],"name":"em0","descr":"external","Net":"vnet2"},{"addrs":[{"IP":"","mask":"24"},{"IP":"","mask":"23"}],"name":"em1","descr":"internal","Net":"vnet3"}],"name":"NCC"},{"defroute":"","ifaces":[{"addrs":[{"IP":"","mask":"24"}],"name":"em0","descr":"external","Net":"vnet4"},{"addrs":[{"IP":"","mask":"22"},{"IP":"","mask":"24"}],"name":"em1","descr":"external","Net":"vnet5"}],"name":"ПУ ЦУС"}]
If input
machines := JSON.parse(input)
Catch E
MsgBox, % e
machines := [{"Name": "", "DefRoute": "", "ifaces":[ {"Name": "em0", "Descr": "external", "Net": "vnet1", "Addrs":[ {"IP": "", "Mask": "24"} ] }] }]
; Menu, menuToolbar, Add, Add node, AddNode
Menu, menuToolbar, Add, Open, Open
Menu, menuToolbar, Add, Save, Save
Menu, menuToolbar, Add, Parse JSON, ParseTextJSON
Gui, Menu, menuToolbar
GoSub, ParseJSON
Gui, Show
For node In machines
margin := 10 + (node-1) * 190
Gui, Add, Text, x%margin% y0, Name:
Gui, Add, Edit, x+0 w120 h16 vn%node%Name, % machines[node].Name
If !(node = 1 && machines.MaxIndex() = 1) ; Forbid to remove the last existing node.
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 w16 h16 vdelN%node% gDeleteNode, -
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 w16 h16 vaddN%node% gAddNode, +
Gui, Add, Text, x%margin% y+0, Default route:
Gui, Add, Edit, x+0 w87 h16 vn%node%DefRoute, % machines[node].defRoute
For iface In machines[node].ifaces
Gui, Add, Text, x%margin% y+0, If %iface%:
Gui, Add, Edit, x+0 w29 h16 vn%node%If%iface%Name, % machines[node].ifaces[iface].Name
Gui, Add, Text, x+0, Type:
Gui, Add, Edit, x+0 w77 h16 vn%node%If%iface%Descr, % machines[node].ifaces[iface].Descr
If !(iface = 1 && machines[node].ifaces.MaxIndex() = 1) ; Forbid to remove the last existing iface.
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 w16 h16 vn%node%DelIf%iface% gDeleteIf, -
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 w16 h16 vn%node%AddIf%iface% gAddIf, +
Gui, Add, Text, x%margin% y+0, Net:
Gui, Add, Edit, x+0 w131 h16 vn%node%If%iface%Net, % machines[node].ifaces[iface].Net
For addr In machines[node].ifaces[iface].addrs
Gui, Add, Text, x%margin% y+0, Addr%addr%:
Gui, Add, Edit, x+5 w89 h16 vn%node%If%iface%a%addr%addr, % machines[node].ifaces[iface].addrs[addr].IP
Gui, Add, Text, x+0, /
Gui, Add, Edit, x+0 w21 h16 vn%node%if%iface%a%addr%mask, % machines[node].ifaces[iface].addrs[addr].mask
If !(addr = 1 && machines[node].ifaces[iface].addrs.MaxIndex() = 1) ; Forbid to remove the last existing addr.
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 w16 h16 vn%node%If%iface%DelA%addr% gDeleteAddr, -
Gui, Add, Button, x+0 w16 h16 vn%node%If%iface%AddA%addr% gAddAddr, +
FileSelectFile, input,,, Select a file with your saved stand, Stand (*.json)
If (!ErrorLevel && input)
FileRead, input, %input%
If input
machines := JSON.parse(input)
Catch E
MsgBox, % e
GoSub, Repaint
FileSelectFile, output, S, % (output ? output : A_WorkingDir) "\" A_Now ".json", Where to save this stand to?
If (!ErrorLevel && output)
jsoned := JSON.stringify(machines)
If FileExist(output)
FileDelete, %output%
FileAppend, %jsoned%, %output%, UTF-8
; GoSub, Repaint
Gui, InputJSON: New
Gui, Add, Text,, Paste your JSON'ified stand:
Gui, Add, Edit, w300 h250 vinputJSON
Gui, Add, Button, x250, Parse
Gui, InputJSON: Show
Gui, 1: Default
Gui, Destroy
GoSub, DrawGUI
machines.Remove(SubStr(A_GuiControl, 5))
GoSub, Repaint
RegExMatch(A_GuiControl, "Si)^addN(\d+)$", this)
; machines.Insert(this1+1, machines[machines.MaxIndex()]) ; Duplicate
machines.Insert(this1+1, {"name": "", "defroute": "", "ifaces":[ {"name":"","type":"","addrs":[ {"IP": "", "mask": ""} ] } ] })
GoSub, Repaint
RegExMatch(A_GuiControl, "Si)^n(\d+)DelIf(\d+)$", this)
GoSub, Repaint
RegExMatch(A_GuiControl, "Si)^n(\d+)AddIf(\d+)$", this)
; machines[this1].ifaces.Insert(this2+1, machines[this1].ifaces[machines[this1].ifaces.MaxIndex()]) ; Duplicate
machines[this1].ifaces.Insert(this2+1, {"name":"","type":"","addrs":[ {"IP": "", "mask": ""} ] })
GoSub, Repaint
RegExMatch(A_GuiControl, "Si)^n(\d+)If(\d+)DelA(\d+)$", this)
GoSub, Repaint
RegExMatch(A_GuiControl, "Si)^n(\d+)If(\d+)AddA(\d+)$", this)
; machines[this1].ifaces[this2].addrs.Insert(this3+1, machines[this1].ifaces[this2].addrs[machines[this1].ifaces[this2].addrs.MaxIndex()]) ; Duplicate
machines[this1].ifaces[this2].addrs.Insert(this3+1, {"IP": "", "mask": ""})
GoSub, Repaint
;{ JSON lib
class JSON
/* Function: parse
* Deserialize a string containing a JSON document to an AHK object.
* Syntax:
* json_obj := JSON.parse( src [, jsonize:=false ] )
* Parameter(s):
* src [in] - String containing a JSON document
* jsonize [in] - If true, objects {} and arrays [] are wrapped as
* JSON.object and JSON.array instances respectively.
parse(src, jsonize:=false) {
;// Pre-validate JSON source before parsing
if ((src := Trim(src, " `t`n`r")) == "") ;// trim whitespace(s)
throw "Empty JSON source"
first := SubStr(src, 1, 1), last := SubStr(src, 0)
if !InStr("{[""tfn0123456789-", first) ;// valid beginning chars
|| !InStr("}]""el0123456789", last) ;// valid ending chars
|| (first == "{" && last != "}") ;// if starts w/ '{' must end w/ '}'
|| (first == "[" && last != "]") ;// if starts w/ '[' must end w/ ']'
|| (first == """" && last != """") ;// if starts w/ '"' must end w/ '"'
|| (first == "n" && last != "l") ;// assume 'null'
|| (InStr("tf", first) && last != "e") ;// assume 'true' OR 'false'
|| (InStr("-0123456789", first) && !InStr("0123456789", last)) ;// number
throw "Invalid JSON format"
esc_seq := {
"""": """",
"/": "/",
"b": "`b",
"f": "`f",
"n": "`n",
"r": "`r",
"t": "`t"
i := 0, strings := []
while (i := InStr(src, """",, i+1)) {
j := i
while (j := InStr(src, """",, j+1)) {
str := SubStr(src, i+1, j-i-1)
StringReplace, str, str, \\, \u005C, A
if (SubStr(str, 0) != "\")
if !j
throw "Missing close quote(s)"
src := SubStr(src, 1, i) . SubStr(src, j+1)
k := 0
while (k := InStr(str, "\",, k+1)) {
ch := SubStr(str, k+1, 1)
if InStr("""btnfr/", ch, 1)
str := SubStr(str, 1, k-1) . esc_seq[ch] . SubStr(str, k+2)
else if (ch == "u") {
hex := "0x" . SubStr(str, k+2, 4)
if !(A_IsUnicode || (Abs(hex) < 0x100))
continue ;// throw Exception() ???
str := SubStr(str, 1, k-1) . Chr(hex) . SubStr(str, k+6)
} else throw "Invalid escape sequence: '\" ch "'"
;// Check for missing opening/closing brace(s)
if InStr(src, "{") || InStr(src, "}") {
StringReplace, dummy, src, {, {, UseErrorLevel
c1 := ErrorLevel
StringReplace, dummy, src, }, }, UseErrorLevel
c2 := ErrorLevel
if (c1 != c2)
throw "Missing " . Abs(c1-c2) . (c1 > c2 ? "clos" : "open") . "ing brace(s)"
;// Check for missing opening/closing bracket(s)
if InStr(src, "[") || InStr(src, "]") {
StringReplace, dummy, src, [, [, UseErrorLevel
c1 := ErrorLevel
StringReplace, dummy, src, ], ], UseErrorLevel
c2 := ErrorLevel
if (c1 != c2)
throw "Missing " . Abs(c1-c2) . (c1 > c2 ? "clos" : "open") . "ing bracket(s)"
t := "true", f := "false", n := "null", null := ""
jbase := jsonize ? {"{":JSON.object, "[":JSON.array} : {"{":0, "[":0}
, pos := 0
, key := "", is_key := false
, stack := [tree := []]
, is_arr := Object(tree, 1)
, next := first ;// """{[01234567890-tfn"
while ((ch := SubStr(src, ++pos, 1)) != "") {
if InStr(" `t`n`r", ch)
if !InStr(next, ch)
throw "Unexpected char: '" ch "'"
is_array := is_arr[obj := stack[1]]
if InStr("{[", ch) {
val := (proto := jbase[ch]) ? new proto : {}
, obj[is_array? NumGet(&obj+4*A_PtrSize)+1 : key] := val
, ObjInsert(stack, 1, val)
, is_arr[val] := !(is_key := ch == "{")
, next := is_key ? """}" : """{[]0123456789-tfn"
else if InStr("}]", ch) {
ObjRemove(stack, 1)
, next := is_arr[stack[1]] ? "]," : "},"
else if InStr(",:", ch) {
if (obj == tree)
throw "Unexpected char: '" ch "' -> there is no container object."
next := """{[0123456789-tfn", is_key := (!is_array && ch == ",")
else {
if (ch == """") {
val := ObjRemove(strings, 1)
if is_key {
key := val, next := ":"
} else {
val := SubStr(src, pos, (SubStr(src, pos) ~= "[\]\},\s]|$")-1)
, pos += StrLen(val)-1
if InStr("tfn", ch, 1) {
if !(val == %ch%)
throw "Expected '" %ch% "' instead of '" val "'"
val := %val%
} else if (Abs(val) == "") {
throw "Invalid number: " val
val += 0
obj[is_array? NumGet(&obj+4*A_PtrSize)+1 : key] := val
, next := is_array ? "]," : "},"
return tree[1]
/* Function: stringify
* Serialize an object to a JSON formatted string.
* Syntax:
* json_str := JSON.stringify( obj [, indent:="" ] )
* Parameter(s):
* obj [in] - The object to stringify.
* indent [in] - Specify string(s) to use as indentation per level.
stringify(obj:="", indent:="", lvl:=1) {
if IsObject(obj) {
if (ObjGetCapacity(obj) == "") ;// COM,Func,RegExMatch,File object
throw "Unsupported object type"
is_array := 0
for k in obj
is_array := (k == A_Index)
until !is_array
if (Abs(indent) != "") {
if (indent < 0)
throw "Indent parameter must be a postive integer"
spaces := indent, indent := ""
Loop % spaces
indent .= " "
indt := ""
Loop, % indent ? lvl : 0
indt .= indent
lvl += 1, out := "" ;// make #Warn happy
for k, v in obj {
if IsObject(k) || (k == "")
throw "Invalid JSON key"
if !is_array
out .= ( ObjGetCapacity([k], 1) ? JSON.stringify(k) : q . k . q ) ;// key
. ( indent ? ": " : ":" ) ;// token + padding
out .= JSON.stringify(v, indent, lvl) ;// value
. ( indent ? ",`n" . indt : "," ) ;// token + indent
if (out != "") {
out := Trim(out, ",`n" indent)
if (indent != "")
out := "`n" . indt . out . "`n" . SubStr(indt, StrLen(indent)+1)
return is_array ? "[" out "]" : "{" out "}"
;// Not a string - assume number -> integer or float
if (ObjGetCapacity([obj], 1) == "") ;// returns an integer if 'obj' is string
return InStr("01", obj) ? (obj ? "true" : "false") : obj
;// null
else if (obj == "")
return "null"
;// String
; if obj is float
; return obj
esc_seq := {
"""": "\""",
"/": "\/",
"`b": "\b",
"`f": "\f",
"`n": "\n",
"`r": "\r",
"`t": "\t"
StringReplace, obj, obj, \, \\, A
for k, v in esc_seq
StringReplace, obj, obj, %k%, %v%, A
while RegExMatch(obj, "[^\x20-\x7e]", wstr) {
ucp := Asc(wstr), hex := "\u", n := 16
while ((n-=4) >= 0)
hex .= Chr( (x := (ucp >> n) & 15) + (x < 10 ? 48 : 55) )
StringReplace, obj, obj, %wstr%, %hex%, A
return """" . obj . """"
class object
__New(args*) {
ObjInsert(this, "_", [])
if ((count := NumGet(&args+4*A_PtrSize)) & 1)
throw "Invalid number of parameters"
Loop, % count//2
this[args[A_Index*2-1]] := args[A_Index*2]
__Set(key, val, args*) {
ObjInsert(this._, key)
Insert(key, val) {
return this[key] := val
/* Buggy - remaining integer keys are not adjusted
Remove(args*) {
ret := ObjRemove(this, args*), i := -1
for index, key in ObjClone(this._) {
if ObjHasKey(this, key)
ObjRemove(this._, index-(i+=1))
return ret
Count() {
return NumGet(&(this._)+4*A_PtrSize) ;// Round(this._.MaxIndex())
stringify(indent:="") {
return JSON.stringify(this, indent)
_NewEnum() {
static proto := {"Next":JSON.object.Next}
return {
(LTrim Join
"base": proto,
"enum": this._._NewEnum(),
"obj": this
Next(ByRef key, ByRef val:="") {
if (ret := this.enum.Next(i, key))
val := this.obj[key]
return ret
class array
__New(args*) {
args.base := this.base
return args
stringify(indent:="") {
return JSON.stringify(this, indent)
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