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Eternally Elated

DrummerHead DrummerHead

Eternally Elated
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" Use the Solarized Dark theme
set background=dark
colorscheme desert
" let g:solarized_termtrans=1
execute pathogen#infect()
" Make Vim more useful
set nocompatible
DrummerHead /
Last active November 4, 2019 12:23
ReactiveConf 2019 Resume

ReactiveConf 2019 Resume

Hi my people! I'm back from Prague where I attended

Since I consumed the whole thing, I'll give you all a curated resume of the talks I found interesting and think could be interesting for you to watch.

Backpressure: Resistance is NOT Futile


I would like you to perform a step by step analysis of a statement presented below. The statement is a question that can have a true or false answer, accompanied with an explanation of why the ending conclusion is either true or false.
In the process of analysis, first claim that the answer to the question is true, and then explain why it would make sense for the answer to be true.
In the process of analysis, then claim that the answer to the question is false, and then explain why it would make sense for the answer to be false.
After having performed the two questions, perform a final analysis in which you analyze both answers for either true or false and which one of the answers seems to be the correct answer.
Your answer will be in the format of: