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Created January 16, 2016 17:35
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Test shuffling for Sequence.shuffle_buffer
open Sequence.Infix
let px = 1000
let l = px/5
let buf_l = l/2
let s = 0 -- (l-1)
let m = Array.make_matrix l l 0
let fill_array =
Sequence.iteri @@ fun i j -> m.(i).(j) <- m.(i).(j) + 1
let color samples c =
let exp = float samples /. float l in
let x = truncate @@ (exp -. float c) /. exp *. 150. in
if x > 0 then
Graphics.rgb (50+x) 50 50
Graphics.rgb 50 (-x+50) 50
let show samples px m =
let l = Array.length m - 1 in
let ratio = px / l in
for i = 0 to l do
for j = 0 to l do
Graphics.set_color @@ color samples m.(i).(j) ;
Graphics.fill_rect (i*ratio) (j*ratio) ratio ratio ;
let () =
Random.self_init () ;
Graphics.open_graph "" ;
Graphics.(set_color @@ rgb 0 0 0) ;
Graphics.resize_window px px;
Graphics.auto_synchronize false;
let samples = ref 0 in
while true do
incr samples ;
fill_array @@ Sequence.shuffle_buffer buf_l s ;
if !samples mod 1000 = 0 then begin
Graphics.set_window_title @@ Printf.sprintf "Samples: %i" !samples ;
show !samples px m ;
Graphics.synchronize () ;
Local Variables:
compile-command: "ocamlfind ocamlopt -package sequence,graphics -linkpkg -o shuffle"
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Drup commented Jan 16, 2016

Sequence.shuffle_buffer is designed to be able to shuffle infinite (or just very big) lazy streams while consuming a limited amount of memory. It's not perfect shuffle at all.

In the following picture, origin bottom left. x is shuffled position, y is original position. deviation from gray is bias. As you can see, no elements at the end can end up in the beginning.

Bad shuffle

Here is the picture for Fisher–Yates shuffle

Good shuffle

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