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Last active February 15, 2023 12:05
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  • Save Drup/8607ca590257d5a98277514cf40dcd6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Drup/8607ca590257d5a98277514cf40dcd6c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A simple package to make horizontal timeline. Taken and heavily modified from somewhere in the internet.
\ProvidesPackage{chronology}[2015/03/27 v1.1.1 Horizontal timeline]%
% Defining counters and lengths
% Defining TikZ styles for labels and events
,eventlabel/.style={chroneventlabel,anchor=south west,yshift=.2\unit,rotate=45}
,flippedeventlabel/.style={chroneventlabel,anchor=north west,yshift=-.2\unit,rotate=-45}
% For compatibity with babel. Handling of active characters in TikZ.
handle active characters in code,
handle active characters in nodes,
\draw [->] (0,0) -- (\thedeltayears*\unit+\unit, 0);%
\foreach \x in {\thestepstart,\thestep,...,\thestepstop}{%
\draw[xshift=\xstop] (0,-\ticklength) -- (0,\ticklength);%
\node[chrontickslabel,above,inner sep=0pt]
at (\xstop,\ticklength) {\x};%
\node[chrontickslabel,below,inner sep=0pt]
at (\xstop,-\ticklength) {\x};%
\DeclareDocumentCommand \event {s m m}{%
(\xstop, 0) -- (\xstop+\timelineheight/2,0)
arc(0:-180:\timelineheight/2) -- cycle
node[flippedeventlabel] {#3};%
(\xstop, 0) -- (\xstop+\timelineheight/2,0)
arc(0:180:\timelineheight/2) -- cycle
node[eventlabel] {#3};%
\DeclareDocumentCommand \period {s m m m}{%
\draw[chronperiod,rounded corners=\timelineheight/2]%
(\xstart,-\timelineheight) rectangle%
node[flippedeventlabel] {#4} (\xstop,0);%
\draw[chronperiod,rounded corners=\timelineheight/2]%
(\xstart,0) rectangle%
node[eventlabel] {#4} (\xstop,\timelineheight);%
[2] % Granularity of the scale
{2014} % Start
{2020} % Stop
{\textwidth} % External Width
[10cm] % Internal Width, Allow to adjust the scale
% Let's use horizontal labels at the top
\tikzset{eventlabel/.style={chroneventlabel,text depth=0pt,yshift=.2\unit}}
% A simple period
% A Flipped period
\period*{2017}{2017.3}{Period Under}
% We can redefine the style locally
\tikzset{chronperiod/.style={fill=RoyalBlue,fill opacity=0.8}}
\period{2014.7}{2017.7}{\color{RoyalBlue}Blue Period}
% An individual event
% An event with custom filling, smaller label, and on the other side
chroneventlabel,anchor=north west,yshift=-.2\unit,rotate=-45,scale=0.7
\event*{2019}{Event Under}
% We can also use overlays
\tikzset{chronperiod/.style={fill=Red,fill opacity=0.8}}
\visible<2>{\period{2018.7}{2019.7}{\color{Red}Period later}}
%%% Local Variables:
%%% mode: latex
%%% TeX-master: t
%%% End:
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Drup commented Feb 15, 2023

Is there a way to specify the size of the event point on the line? I want it to be a little smaller if possible. I guess its "chronevent". But which property do I need to set in style to which value?

You can try to play around with \timelineheight for that. I didn't really make that more customizable.

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