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Last active February 19, 2021 12:42
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Save Drup/bf58ebb4045270238695b9e492168f2d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
OCaml typechecker AVL Log postprocessing
(public_name tarbre_log)
(name main)
(libraries angstrom containers fmt unix))
(lang dune 2.8)
(name tarbre_log)
type id = int
type op =
| Read of {
op : string;
input : id;
args : string;
| Write of {
op : string;
input : id;
args : string;
output : id;
size : int;
| Free of id
let pp oc (op:op) = match op with
| Free id ->
Printf.fprintf oc "free(%i)\n" id
| Read { op; input; args } ->
Printf.fprintf oc "%s(%i,%s)\n" op input args
| Write { op; input; args; output; size } ->
Printf.fprintf oc "%s(%i,%s) = %i[%i]\n" op input args output size
let pp_file oc (filename, l) =
Printf.fprintf oc "New file %s\n" filename;
List.iter (pp oc) l
let instru_fail =
let open Angstrom in
let* id = pos in
let* peek = peek_string 30 in
fail @@ Fmt.str "Failed at pos %i with lookahead %S" id peek
let parse_line =
let open Angstrom in
let well_paren =
fix @@ fun well_paren ->
char '(' *>
(consumed @@ many
(take_while1 (function '('|')' -> false | _ -> true) <|> well_paren))
<* char ')'
let+ op = take_till (Char.equal '(') <?> "op"
and+ all_args = well_paren <?> "args"
and+ out =
let int_parser =
int_of_string <$>
take_while1 (function '0'..'9' -> true | _ -> false)
let parser =
let+ _ = string " = "
and+ id = int_parser <?> "output id"
and+ size = char '[' *> int_parser <* char ']' <?> "size"
Some (id, size)
option None parser <?> "output"
and+ () = end_of_line
match String.split_on_char ',' all_args with
| [] -> failwith "Wrong number of args"
| input::args ->
let input = try int_of_string input with _ -> failwith input in
let args = String.concat "," args in
match out with
| None ->
Read {op;input;args}
| Some (output,size) ->
Write {op;input;args;output;size}
let parse_log_one_file =
let open Angstrom in
let+ _ = string_ci "New File" <* end_of_line <?> "New file"
and+ lines =
many_till (parse_line <|> instru_fail)
(string_ci "Closing File ")
<?> "Ops"
and+ file_name =
take_while (function 'a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'.'|'_'|'0'..'9' -> true | _ -> false)
<* end_of_line
file_name, lines
let parse = Angstrom.(many1 parse_log_one_file <* (end_of_input <|> instru_fail) )
module IS = Set.Make(Int)
let fuse_writes l =
let rec aux acc live = function
| Write ({ op = "add"|"addl" ; _ } as w2) ::
Write ({ op = "add"|"addl" ; _ } as w1) ::
when w1.output = w2.input && not (IS.mem w1.output live)
aux acc live @@ Write {
op = "addl"; args = w2.args ^ "," ^ w1.args;
input=w1.input; output=w2.output;size=w2.size;
} :: rest
| (Free input | Read {input;_} as op) :: rest ->
aux (op :: acc) (IS.add input live) rest
| Write {input;output;_} as op :: rest ->
aux (op :: acc) (IS.remove output @@ IS.add input live) rest
| [] -> List.rev acc
aux [] IS.empty l
let insert_free l =
let aux live op =
let fixup_live input =
if not @@ IS.mem input live then
IS.add input live, [Free input; op]
live, [op]
match op with
| Read {input;_} -> fixup_live input
| Write {input;output;_} ->
let live, op = fixup_live input in
(IS.remove output live), op
| Free _ -> live, [op]
snd @@ CCList.fold_flat_map aux IS.empty l
let postprocess ops =
List.rev ops
|> fuse_writes
|> insert_free
|> List.rev
let () =
let input = Sys.argv.(1) in "Input %s@." input;
let output = Sys.argv.(2) in "Output %s@." output;
let oc = open_out output in
let b =
Bigarray.array1_of_genarray @@
(Unix.openfile input [O_RDONLY] 0o777)
false (*not shared*)
let l =
Angstrom.parse_bigstring ~consume:All parse b
match l with
| Error s -> Fmt.epr "Failed parsing %s with@,%s@." input s
| Ok l ->
List.iter (fun (file, ops) -> "File %s@." file;
let ops = postprocess ops in
let reads, writes =
(function Read _ | Free _ -> true | Write _ -> false) ops
in "Reads %i, Writes %i@." reads writes;
pp_file oc (file, ops)
opam-version: "2.0"
name: "tarbre_log"
maintainer: "Gabriel Radanne <>"
synopsis: "Plouf."
build: [
["dune" "subst"]{pinned}
["dune" "build" "-p" name "-j" jobs]
["dune" "runtest" "-p" name "-j" jobs] {with-test}
depends: [
"ocaml" { >= "4.03.0" }
"dune" {build & >= "1.0"}
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