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Last active June 12, 2023 17:26
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Difference lists and Miniformat
type ('ty,'v) t =
| Nil : ('v, 'v) t
| Cons : 'a * ('ty, 'v) t -> ('a -> 'ty, 'v) t
let cons x l = Cons (x,l)
let plus1 l = Cons ((),l)
let one x = Cons (x,Nil)
let l1 = Cons (1, Cons ("bla", Nil))
let l2 = Cons ((), Cons (2., Nil))
let l3 = Cons (1, Cons ("bla", Cons ((), Cons(2.,Nil))))
let rec append
: type a b c.
(a, b) t ->
(b, c) t ->
(a, c) t
= fun l1 l2 -> match l1 with
| Nil -> l2
| Cons (h, t) -> Cons (h, append t l2)
type ('ty,'v) t =
| End : ('v,'v) t
| Constant : string * ('ty,'v) t -> ('ty,'v) t
| Hole : ('ty, 'v) t -> (string -> 'ty, 'v) t ;;
let rec kprintf
: type ty res. (string -> res) -> (ty,res) t -> ty
= fun k -> function
| End -> k ""
| Constant (const, fmt) ->
kprintf (fun str -> k @@ const ^ str) fmt
| Hole fmt ->
let f s = kprintf (fun str -> k @@ s ^ str) fmt
in f ;;
let printf fmt = kprintf (fun x -> x) fmt ;;
(* "%s | %s" *)
let ex = Hole (Constant (" | ", Hole End)) ;;
printf ex "foo" "zoo" ;;
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